26 resultados para ANNULUS


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In this paper the global flame dynamics of a model annular gas turbine combustor undergoing strong self-excited circumferential instabilities is presented. The combustor consisted of either 12, 15 or 18 turbulent premixed bluff-body flames arranged around an annulus of fixed circumference so that the effect of flame separation distance, S, on the global heat release dynamics could be investigated. Reducing S was found to produce both an increase in the resonant frequency and the limit-cycle amplitudes of pressure and heat release for the same equivalence ratio. The phase-averaged global heat release, obtained from high-speed OH- chemiluminescence imaging from above, showed that these changes are caused by large-scale modifications to the flame structure around the annulus. For the largest S studied (12 flame configuration) the azimuthal instability produced a helical-like global heat release structure for each flame. When S was decreased, large-scale merging or linking between adjacent flames occurred spanning approximately half of the annulus with the peak heat release concentrated at the outer annular wall. The circumferential nature of the instability was evident from both the pressure measurements and the phase-averaged OH- chemiluminescence showing the phase of the heat release on either side of the annulus to be ≈180°apart and spinning in the counter clockwise direction. Both spinning and standing modes were found but only spinning modes are considered in this paper. To the best of the authors knowledge, these are the first experiments to provide a phase-averaged picture of self-excited azimuthal instabilities in a laboratory-scale annular combustor relevant to gas turbines. © 2012 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Semi-implicit, second order temporal and spatial finite volume computations of the flow in a differentially heated rotating annulus are presented. For the regime considered, three cyclones and anticyclones separated by a relatively fast moving jet of fluid or "jet stream" are predicted. Two second order methods are compared with, first order spatial predictions, and experimental measurements. Velocity vector plots are used to illustrate the predicted flow structure. Computations made using second order central differences are shown to agree best with experimental measurements, and to be stable for integrations over long time periods (> 1000s). No periodic smoothing is required to prevent divergence.


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Due to their potential for significant fuel consumption savings, Counter-Rotating Open Rotors (CRORs) are currently being considered as an alternative to high-bypass turbofans. When CRORs are mounted on an aircraft, several 'installation effects' arise which are not present when the engine is operated in isolation. This paper investigates how flow features arising from one such effect - The angle-of-attack of the engine centre-line relative to the oncoming flow - can influence the design of CROR engines. Three-dimensional full-annulus unsteady CFD simulations are used to predict the time-varying flow field experienced by each rotor and emphasis is put on the interaction of the frontrotor wake and tip vortex with the rear-rotor. A parametric study is presented that quantifies the rotorrotor interaction as a function of the angle-of-attack. It is shown that angle-of-attack operation significantly changes the flow field and the unsteady lift on both rotors. In particular, a frequency analysis shows that the unsteady lift exhibits sidebands around the rotor-rotor interaction frequencies. Further, a non-linear increase in the total rear-rotor tip unsteadiness is observed for moderate and high angles-of-attack. The results presented in this paper demonstrate that common techniques used to mitigate CROR noise, such as modifying the rotor-rotor axial spacing and rear-rotor crop, can not be applied correctly unless angle-of-attack effects are taken into account. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.


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The viability of Boundary Layer Ingesting (BLI) engines for future aircraft propulsion is dependent on the ability to design robust, efficient engine fan systems for operation with continuously distorted inlet flow. A key step in this process is to develop an understanding of the specific mechanisms by which an inlet distortion affects the performance of a fan stage. In this paper, detailed full-annulus experimental measurements of the flow field within a low-speed fan stage operating with a continuous 60-degree inlet stagnation pressure distortion are presented. These results are used to describe the three-dimensional fluid mechanics governing the interaction between the fan and the distortion and to make a quantitative assessment of the impact on loss generation within the fan. A 5.3 percentage point reduction in stage total-to-total efficiency is observed as a result of the inlet distortion. The reduction in performance is shown to be dominated by increased loss generation in the rotor due to off-design incidence values at its leading edge, an effect which occurs throughout the annulus despite the localised nature of the inlet distortion. Increased loss generation in the stator row is also observed due to flow separations that are shown to be caused by whirl angle distortion at rotor exit. By addressing these losses, it should be possible to achieve improved efficiency in BLI fan systems. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.


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Reliable means of predicting ingestion in cavities adjacent to the main gas path are increasingly being sought by engineers involved in the design of gas turbines. In this paper, analysis is to be presented that results from an extended research programme, MAGPI, sponsored by the EU and several leading gas turbine manufactures and universities. Extensive use is made of CFD modelling techniques to understand the aerodynamic behaviour of a turbine stator well cavity, focusing on the interaction of cooling air supply with the main annulus gas. The objective of the study has been to benchmark a number of CFD codes and numerical techniques covering RANS and URANS calculations with different turbulence models in order to assess the suitability of the standard settings used in the industry for calculating the mechanics of the flow travelling between cavities in a turbine through the main gas path. The modelling methods employed have been compared making use of experimental data gathered from a dedicated two-stage turbine rig, running at engine representative conditions. Extensive measurements are available for a range of flow conditions and alternative cooling arrangements. The limitations of the numerical methods in calculating the interaction of the cooling flow egress and the main stream gas, and subsequent ingestion into downstream cavities in the engine (i.e. re-ingestion), have been exposed. This has been done without losing sight of the validation of the CFD for its use for predicting heat transfer, which was the main objective of the partners of the MAGPI Work- Package 1 consortium. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.


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In this paper we describe the time-varying amplitude and its relation to the global heat release rate of self-excited azimuthal instabilities in a simple annular combustor operating under atmospheric conditions. The combustor was modular in construction consisting of either 12, 15 or 18 equally spaced premixed bluff-body flames around a fixed circumference, enabling the effect of large-scale interactions between adjacent flames to be investigated. High-speed OH* chemiluminescence imaged from above the annulus and pressure measurements obtained at multiple locations around the annulus revealed that the limit cycles of the modes are degenerate in so much as they undergo continuous transitions between standing and spinning modes in both clockwise (CW) and anti-clockwise (ACW) directions but with the same resonant frequency. Similar behaviour has been observed in LES simulations which suggests that degenerate modes may be a characteristic feature of self-excited azimuthal instabilities in annular combustion chambers. By modelling the instabilities as two acoustic waves of time-varying amplitude travelling in opposite directions we demonstrate that there is a statistical prevalence for either standing m=1 or spinning m=±1 modes depending on flame spacing, equivalence ratio, and swirl configuration. Phase-averaged OH* chemiluminescence revealed a possible mechanism that drives the direction of the spinning modes under limit-cycle conditions for configurations with uniform swirl. By dividing the annulus into inner and outer annular regions it was found that the spin direction coincided with changes in the spatial distribution of the peak heat release rate relative to the direction of the bulk swirl induced along the annular walls. For standing wave modes it is shown that the globally integrated fluctuations in heat release rate vary in magnitude along the acoustic mode shape with negligible contributions at the pressure nodes and maximum contributions at the pressure anti-nodes. © 2013.


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This paper presents new experimental measurements of spike-type stall inception. The measurements were carried out in the single stage Deverson compressor at the Whittle Laboratory. The primary objective was to characterize the flow field in the tip clearance gap during stall inception using sufficient instrumentation to give high spatial and temporal resolution. Measurements were recorded using arrays of unsteady pressure transducers over the rotor tips and hot-wires in the tip gap. Pre-stall ensemble averaged velocity and pressure maps were obtained as well as pressure contours of the stall event. In order to study the transient inception process in greater detail, vector maps were built up from hundreds of stalling events using a triggering system based on the stalling event itself. The results show an embryonic disturbance starting within the blade passage and leading to the formation of a clear spike. The origins of the spike and its relation to the tip leakage vortex are discussed. It has also been shown that before stall the flow in the blade passage which is most likely to stall is generally more unsteady, from revolution to revolution, than the other passages in the annulus. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.


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A design methodology is presented for turbines in an annulus with high end wall angles. Such stages occur where large radial offsets between the stage inlet and stage outlet are required, for example in the first stage of modern low pressure turbines, and are becoming more prevalent as bypass ratios increase. The turbine vanes operate within s-shaped ducts which result in meridional curvature being of a similar magnitude to the bladeto-blade curvature. Through a systematic series of idealized computational cases, the importance of two aspects of vane design are shown. First, the region of peak end wall meridional curvature is best located within the vane row. Second, the vane should be leant so as to minimize spanwise variations in surface pressure-this condition is termed "ideal lean." This design philosophy is applied to the first stage of a low pressure turbine with high end wall angles. © 2014 by ASME.


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An experimental investigation of a turbine stage featuring very high end wall angles is presented. The initial turbine design did not achieve a satisfactory performance and the difference between the design predictions and the test results was traced to a large separated region on the rear suction-surface. To improve the agreement between computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and experiment, it was found necessary to modify the turbulence modeling employed. The modified CFD code was then used to redesign the vane, and the changes made are described. When tested, the performance of the redesigned vane was found to have much closer agreement with the predictions than the initial vane. Finally, the flowfield and performance of the redesigned stage are compared to a similar turbine, designed to perform the same duty, which lies in an annulus of moderate end wall angles. A reduction in stage efficiency of at least 2.4% was estimated for the very high end wall angle design. © 2014 by ASME.


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The viability of boundary layer ingesting (BLI) engines for future aircraft propulsion is dependent on the ability to design robust, efficient engine fan systems for operation with continuously distorted inlet flow. A key step in this process is to develop an understanding of the specific mechanisms by which an inlet distortion affects the performance of a fan stage. In this paper, detailed full-annulus experimental measurements of the flow field within a low-speed fan stage operating with a continuous 60 deg inlet stagnation pressure distortion are presented. These results are used to describe the three-dimensional fluid mechanics governing the interaction between the fan and the distortion and to make a quantitative assessment of the impact on loss generation within the fan. A 5.3 percentage point reduction in stage total-to-total efficiency is observed as a result of the inlet distortion. The reduction in performance is shown to be dominated by increased loss generation in the rotor due to off-design incidence values at its leading edge, an effect that occurs throughout the annulus despite the localized nature of the inlet distortion. Increased loss in the stator row is also observed due to flow separations that are shown to be caused by whirl angle distortion at rotor exit. By addressing these losses, it should be possible to achieve improved efficiency in BLI fan systems. © 2013 by ASME.


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This paper presents new experimental measurements of spike-type stall inception. The measurements were carried out in the single stage Deverson compressor at the Whittle Laboratory. The primary objective was to characterize the flow field in the tip clearance gap during stall inception using sufficient instrumentation to give high spatial and temporal resolution. Measurements were recorded using arrays of unsteady pressure transducers over the rotor tips and hot-wires in the tip gap. Prestall ensemble averaged velocity and pressure maps were obtained as well as pressure contours of the stall event. In order to study the transient inception process in greater detail, vector maps were built up from hundreds of stalling events using a triggering system based on the stalling event itself. The results show an embryonic disturbance starting within the blade passage and leading to the formation of a clear spike. The origins of the spike and its relation to the tip leakage vortex are discussed. It has also been shown that before stall, the flow in the blade passage which is most likely to stall is generally more unsteady, from revolution to revolution, than the other passages in the annulus. © 2014 by ASME.