293 resultados para flame soot


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The standard design process for the Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery, Lincoln, Dry Low Emissions combustion systems has adopted the Eddy Dissipation Model with Finite Rate Chemistry for reacting computational fluid dynamics simulations. The major drawbacks of this model have been the over-prediction of temperature and lack of species data limiting the applicability of the model. A novel combustion model referred to as the Scalar Dissipation Rate Model has been developed recently based on a flamelet type assumption. Previous attempts to adopt the flamelet philosophy with alternative closure models have failed, with the prediction of unphysical phenomenon. The Scalar Dissipation Rate Model (SDRM) was developed from a physical understanding of scalar dissipation rate, signifying the rate of mixing of hot and cold fluids at scales relevant to sustain combustion, in flames and was validated using direct numerical simulations data and experimental measurements. This paper reports on the first industrial application of the SDRM to SITL DLE combustion system. Previous applications have considered ideally premixed laboratory scale flames. The industrial application differs significantly in the complexity of the geometry, unmixedness and operating pressures. The model was implemented into ANSYS-CFX using their inbuilt command language. Simulations were run transiently using Scale Adaptive Simulation turbulence model, which switches between Large Eddy Simulation and Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes using a blending function. The model was validated in a research SITL DLE combustion system prior to being applied to the actual industrial geometry at real operating conditions. This system consists of the SGT-100 burner with a glass square-sectioned combustor allowing for detailed diagnostics. This paper shows the successful validation of the SDRM against time averaged temperature and velocity within measurement errors. The successful validation allowed application of the SDRM to the SGT-100 twin shaft at the relevant full load conditions. Limited validation data was available due to the complexity of measurement in the real geometry. Comparison of surface temperatures and combustor exit temperature profiles showed an improvement compared to EDM/FRC model. Furthermore, no unphysical phenomena were predicted. This paper presents the successful application of the SDRM to the industrial combustion system. The model shows a marked improvement in the prediction of temperature over the EDM/FRC model previously used. This is of significant importance in the future applications of combustion CFD for understanding of hardware mechanical integrity, combustion emissions and dynamics of the flame. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.


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This paper presents flow field measurements for the turbulent stratified burner introduced in two previous publications in which high resolution scalar measurements were made by Sweeney et al. [1,2] for model validation. The flow fields of the series of premixed and stratified methane/air flames are investigated under turbulent, globally lean conditions (φg=0.75). Velocity data acquired with laser Doppler anemometry (LDA) and particle image velocimetry (PIV) are presented and discussed. Pairwise 2-component LDA measurements provide profiles of axial velocity, radial velocity, tangential velocity and corresponding fluctuating velocities. The LDA measurements of axial and tangential velocities enable the swirl number to be evaluated and the degree of swirl characterized. Power spectral density and autocorrelation functions derived from the LDA data acquired at 10kHz are optimized to calculate the integral time scales. Flow patterns are obtained using a 2-component PIV system operated at 7Hz. Velocity profiles and spatial correlations derived from the PIV and LDA measurements are shown to be in very good agreement, thus offering 3D mapping of the velocities. A strong correlation was observed between the shape of the recirculation zones above the central bluff body and the effects of heat release, stoichiometry and swirl. Detailed analyses of the LDA data further demonstrate that the flow behavior changes significantly with the levels of swirl and stratification, which combines the contributions of dilatation, recirculation and swirl. Key turbulence parameters are derived from the total velocity components, combining axial, radial and tangential velocities. © 2013 The Combustion Institute.


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An increasin g interest in biofuel applications in modern engines requires a better understanding of biodiesel combustion behaviour. Many numerical studies have been carried out on unsteady combustion of biodiesel in situations similar to diesel engines, but very few studies have been done on the steady combustion of biodiesel in situations similar to a gas turbine combustor environment. The study of biodiesel spray combustion in gas turbine applications is of special interest due to the possible use of biodiesel in the power generation and aviation industries. In modelling spray combustion, an accurate representation of the physical properties of the fuel is a first important step, since spray formation is largely influenced by fuel properties such as viscosity, density, surface tension and vapour pressure. In the present work, a calculated biodiesel properties database based on the measured composition of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) has been implemented in a multi-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) spray simulation code. Simulations of non-reacting and reacting atmospheric-pressure sprays of both diesel and biodiesel have been carried out using a spray burner configuration for which experimental data is available. A pre-defined droplet size probability density function (pdf) has been implemented together with droplet dynamics based on phase Doppler anemometry (PDA) measurements in the near-nozzle region. The gas phase boundary condition for the reacting spray cases is similar to that of the experiment which employs a plain air-blast atomiser and a straight-vane axial swirler for flame stabilisation. A reaction mechanism for heptane has been used to represent the chemistry for both diesel and biodiesel. Simulated flame heights, spray characteristics and gas phase velocities have been found to compare well with the experimental results. In the reacting spray cases, biodiesel shows a smaller mean droplet size compared to that of diesel at a constant fuel mass flow rate. A lack of sensitivity towards different fuel properties has been observed based on the non-reacting spray simulations, which indicates a need for improved models of secondary breakup. By comparing the results of the non-reacting and reacting spray simulations, an improvement in the complexity of the physical modelling is achieved which is necessary in the understanding of the complex physical processes involved in spray combustion simulation. Copyright © 2012 SAE International.


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Statistically planar turbulent partially premixed flames for different initial intensities of decaying turbulence have been simulated for global equivalence ratios = 0.7 and 1.0 using three-dimensional, simplified chemistry-based direct numerical simulations (DNS). The simulation parameters are chosen such that the flames represent the thin reaction zones regime combustion. A random bimodal distribution of equivalence ratio is introduced in the unburned gas ahead of the flame to account for the mixture inhomogeneity. The results suggest that the probability density functions (PDFs) of the mixture fraction gradient magnitude |Δξ| (i.e., P(|Δξ|)) can be reasonably approximated using a log-normal distribution. However, this presumed PDF distribution captures only the qualitative nature of the PDF of the reaction progress variable gradient magnitude |Δc| (i.e., P(|Δc|)). It has been found that a bivariate log-normal distribution does not sufficiently capture the quantitative behavior of the joint PDF of |Δξ| and |Δc| (i.e., P(|Δξ|, |Δc|)), and the agreement with the DNS data has been found to be poor in certain regions of the flame brush, particularly toward the burned gas side of the flame brush. Moreover, the variables |Δξ| and |Δc| show appreciable correlation toward the burned gas side of the flame brush. These findings are corroborated further using a DNS data of a lifted jet flame to study the flame geometry dependence of these statistics. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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In this paper we describe the time-varying amplitude and its relation to the global heat release rate of self-excited azimuthal instabilities in a simple annular combustor operating under atmospheric conditions. The combustor was modular in construction consisting of either 12, 15 or 18 equally spaced premixed bluff-body flames around a fixed circumference, enabling the effect of large-scale interactions between adjacent flames to be investigated. High-speed OH* chemiluminescence imaged from above the annulus and pressure measurements obtained at multiple locations around the annulus revealed that the limit cycles of the modes are degenerate in so much as they undergo continuous transitions between standing and spinning modes in both clockwise (CW) and anti-clockwise (ACW) directions but with the same resonant frequency. Similar behaviour has been observed in LES simulations which suggests that degenerate modes may be a characteristic feature of self-excited azimuthal instabilities in annular combustion chambers. By modelling the instabilities as two acoustic waves of time-varying amplitude travelling in opposite directions we demonstrate that there is a statistical prevalence for either standing m=1 or spinning m=±1 modes depending on flame spacing, equivalence ratio, and swirl configuration. Phase-averaged OH* chemiluminescence revealed a possible mechanism that drives the direction of the spinning modes under limit-cycle conditions for configurations with uniform swirl. By dividing the annulus into inner and outer annular regions it was found that the spin direction coincided with changes in the spatial distribution of the peak heat release rate relative to the direction of the bulk swirl induced along the annular walls. For standing wave modes it is shown that the globally integrated fluctuations in heat release rate vary in magnitude along the acoustic mode shape with negligible contributions at the pressure nodes and maximum contributions at the pressure anti-nodes. © 2013.


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This theoretical study investigates spinning and standing modes in azimuthally symmetric annular combustion chambers. Both modes are observed in experiments and simulations, and an existing model predicts that spinning modes are the only stable state of the system. We extend this model to take into account the effect that the acoustic azimuthal velocity, u, has on the flames, and propose a phenomenological model based on experiments performed on transversely forced flames. This model contains a parameter, ä, that quantifies the influence that the transversal excitation has on the fluctuating heat release. For small values of ä, spinning modes are the only stable state of the system. In an intermediate range of ä, both spinning and standing modes are stable states. For large values of ä, standing modes are the only stable state. This study shows that a flame's response to azimuthal velocity fluctuations plays an important role in determining the type of thermoacoustic oscillations found in annular combustors. © 2013 The Authors.


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When a premixed flame is placed within a duct, acoustic waves induce velocity perturbations at the flame's base. These travel down the flame, distorting its surface and modulating its heat release. This can induce self-sustained thermoacoustic oscillations. Although the phase speed of these perturbations is often assumed to equal the mean flow speed, experiments conducted in other studies and Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) conducted in this study show that it varies with the acoustic frequency. In this paper, we examine how these variations affect the nonlinear thermoacoustic behaviour. We model the heat release with a nonlinear kinematic G-equation, in which the velocity perturbation is modelled on DNS results. The acoustics are governed by linearised momentum and energy equations. We calculate the flame describing function (FDF) using harmonic forcing at several frequencies and amplitudes. Then we calculate thermoacoustic limit cycles and explain their existence and stability by examining the amplitude-dependence of the gain and phase of the FDF. We find that, when the phase speed equals the mean flow speed, the system has only one stable state. When the phase speed does not equal the mean flow speed, however, the system supports multiple limit cycles because the phase of the FDF changes significantly with oscillation amplitude. This shows that the phase speed of velocity perturbations has a strong influence on the nonlinear thermoacoustic behaviour of ducted premixed flames. © 2013 The Combustion Institute.


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In this paper, we develop a linear technique that predicts how the stability of a thermo-acoustic system changes due to the action of a generic passive feedback device or a generic change in the base state. From this, one can calculate the passive device or base state change that most stabilizes the system. This theoretical framework, based on adjoint equations, is applied to two types of Rijke tube. The first contains an electrically-heated hot wire and the second contains a diffusion flame. Both heat sources are assumed to be compact so that the acoustic and heat release models can be decoupled. We find that the most effective passive control device is an adiabatic mesh placed at the downstream end of the Rijke tube. We also investigate the effects of a second hot wire and a local variation of the cross-sectional area but find that both affect the frequency more than the growth rate. This application of adjoint sensitivity analysis opens up new possibilities for the passive control of thermo-acoustic oscillations. For example, the influence of base state changes can be combined with other constraints, such as that the total heat release rate remains constant, in order to show how an unstable thermo-acoustic system should be changed in order to make it stable. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.


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Conditional Moment Closure (CMC) is a suitable method for predicting scalars such as carbon monoxide with slow chemical time scales in turbulent combustion. Although this method has been successfully applied to non-premixed combustion, its application to lean premixed combustion is rare. In this study the CMC method is used to compute piloted lean premixed combustion in a distributed combustion regime. The conditional scalar dissipation rate of the conditioning scalar, the progress variable, is closed using an algebraic model and turbulence is modelled using the standard k-e{open} model. The conditional mean reaction rate is closed using a first order CMC closure with the GRI-3.0 chemical mechanism to represent the chemical kinetics of methane oxidation. The PDF of the progress variable is obtained using a presumed shape with the Beta function. The computed results are compared with the experimental measurements and earlier computations using the transported PDF approach. The results show reasonable agreement with the experimental measurements and are consistent with the transported PDF computations. When the compounded effects of shear-turbulence and flame are strong, second order closures may be required for the CMC. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Combustion in stratified mixtures is envisaged in practical energy systems such as direct-injection spark-ignited (DISI) car engines, gas turbines, for reducing CO2 and pollutant emissions while protecting their efficiency. The mixture gradients change the fundamental properties of the flame, especially by a difference in temperature and composition between the burnt gases and those of a flame consuming a homogeneous mixture. This paper presents an investigation of the properties of the flame propagating in a lean homogeneous mixture after ignition in a richer mixture according to the magnitude of the stratification. Three magnitudes of stratification are investigated. The local flame burning velocity is determined by an original PIV algorithm developed previously. The local equivalence ratio in the fresh gases is measured from anisole PLIF. From the simultaneous PIV-PLIF measurements, the flame burning velocities conditioned on the local stretch rate and equivalence ratio in fresh gases are measured. The flame propagating through the homogeneous lean mixture has properties depending on the ignition conditions in the stratified layer. The flame propagating in the lean mixture is back-supported longer for ignition under the richer condition. The change of stretch sensitivity and burning velocity of the flame in the lean mixture is measured over time for the three magnitudes of mixture stratification investigated. The ignition in richer mixtures compensates for the nonequidiffusion effect of lean propane flame and sustains its robustness to stretch. The flame propagation in the lean homogeneous mixture is enhanced by ignition in a richer stratified layer, as much by their robustness to stretch as by an increase in the flame speed or the burning velocity. The decay time of this influence of the stratification, called memory effect, is determined. © 2013 The Combustion Institute.


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The results of three-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of Moderate, Intense Low-oxygen Dilution (MILD) and conventional premixed turbulent combustion conducted using a skeletal mechanism including the effects of non-unity Lewis numbers and temperature dependent transport properties are analysed to investigate combustion characteristics using scalar gradient information. The DNS data is also used to synthesise laser induced fluorescence (LIF) signals of OH, CH2O, and CHO. These signals are analysed to verify if they can be used to study turbulent MILD combustion and it has been observed that at least two (OH and CH2O) LIF signals are required since the OH increase across the reaction zone is smaller in MILD combustion compared to premixed combustion. The scalar gradient PDFs conditioned on the reaction rate obtained from the DNS data and synthesised LIF signals suggests a strong gradient in the direction normal to the MILD reaction zone with moderate reaction rate implying flamelet combustion. However, the PDF of the normal gradient is as broad as for the tangential gradient when the reaction rate is high. This suggests a non-flamelet behaviour, which is due to interaction of reaction zones. The analysis of the conditional PDFs for the premixed case confirms the expected behaviour of scalar gradient in flamelet combustion. It has been shown that the LIF signals synthesised using 2D slices of DNS data also provide very similar insights. These results demonstrate that the so-called flameless combustion is not an idealised homogeneous reactive mixture but has common features of conventional combustion while containing distinctive characteristics. © 2013 The Combustion Institute.


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The control of a class of combustion systems, suceptible to damage from self-excited combustion oscillations, is considered. An adaptive stable controller, called Self-Tuning Regulator (STR), has recently been developed, which meets the apparently contradictory challenge of relying as little as possible on a particular combustion model while providing some guarantee that the controller will cause no harm. The controller injects some fuel unsteadily into the burning region, thereby altering the heat release, in response to an input signal detecting the oscillation. This paper focuses on an extension of the STR design, when, due to stringent emission requirements and to the danger of flame extension, the amount of fuel used for control is limited in amplitude. A Lyapunov stability analysis is used to prove the stability of the modified STR when the saturation constraint is imposed. The practical implementation of the modified STR remains straightforward, and simulation results, based on the nonlinear premixed flame model developed by Dowling, show that in the presence of a saturation constraint, the self-excited oscillations are damped more rapidly with the modified STR than with the original STR. © 2001 by S. Evesque. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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Understanding combustion instabilities requires accurate measurements of the acoustic velocity perturbation into injectors. This is often accomplished via the use of the two microphone technique, as this only requires two pressure transducers. However, measurements of the actual velocities emerging from the injectors are not often taken, leaving questions regarding the assumptions about the acoustic velocity. A comparison of velocity measured at downstream of the injector with that of two-microphone technique can show the accuracy and limitations of two-microphone technique. In this paper, velocity measurements are taken using both particle image velocimetry (PIV) and the two-microphone technique in a high pressure facility designed for aeroengine injector measurements. The flow is excited using an area modulation device installed on the choked end of the combustion chamber, with PIV measurements enabled by optical access downstream of the injector through a quartz tube and windows. Acoustic velocity perturbations at the injector are determined by considering the Fourier transformed pressure fluctuations for two microphones installed at a known distance upstream of the injector. PIV measurements are realized by seeding the air flow with micrometric water particles under 2.5 bar pressure at ambient temperature. Phase locked velocity fields are realized by synchronizing the acquisition of PIV images with the revolution of the acoustic modulator using the pressure signal measured at the face of injector. The mean velocity fluctuation is calculated as the difference between maximum and minimum velocities, normalized by the mean velocity of the unforced case. Those values are compared with the peak-to-peak velocity fluctuation amplitude calculated by the two-microphone technique. Although the ranges of velocity fluctuations for both techniques are similar, the variation of fluctuation with forcing frequencies diverges significantly with frequency. The differences can be attributed to several limitations associated with of both techniques, such as the quality of the signal, the signal/noise ratio, the accuracy of PIV measurements and the assumption of isentropic flow of the particle velocity from the plenum through the injector. We conclude that two-microphone methods can be used as a reference value for the velocity fluctuation in low order applications such as flame transfer functions, but not for drawing conclusions regarding the absolute velocity fluctuations in the injector. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.


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This paper presents new experimental results on cryogenic jet flames formed by a coaxial injector at a pressure of 70 bar, which approaches the pressures found in rocket engines. This element, fed with liquid oxygen and gaseous hydrogen, is placed in a square combustion chamber equipped with quartz windows. The flame is examined via spectroscopy, OH* emission, and backlighting, the aim being to provide basic information on the flame structure. It is found that some of the OH* emission is absorbed by the OH radicals present in the flame. A detailed examination of this effect is presented, in which it is shown that, for this turbulent flame, the Abel transform gives the position of the intense reaction region, whether or not absorption is signficant. The flame is attached to the oxygen injector, as at low pressure. At high pressure, flame expansion is reduced compared with low pressure and is also less dependent on the momentum flux ratio between the hydrogen and the oxygen streams. An analysis of the relevant Damköhler numbers suggests that this is because the rate of combustion is mainly controlled by large-scale turbulent mixing at high pressure, and it is dominated by jet break-up, atomization, and vaporization at low pressures. Jet break-up is particularly dependent on the momentum flux ratio. Finally, the mean volumetric heat release rates and flame surface density in the experimental facility are estimated.


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Magnetic nanoparticles are frequently coated with SiO2to improve their functionality and bio-compatibility in a range of biomedical and polymer nanocomposile applications. In this paper, a scalable flame aerosol technology is used to produce highly dispersible, superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles hermetically coaled with silica to retain full magnetization performance. Iron oxide particles were produced by flame spray pyrolysis (FSP) of iron acelylacetonale in xylene/acetonitrile solutions, and the resulting aerosol was in situ coaled with SiO2 by oxidation of swirling hexamethlydisiloxane vapor. The process allows independent control of the core Fe2O3, particle properties and the thickness of their silica coaling film. This ensures that the non-magnetic SiO2 layer can be closely controlled and minimized. The optimal SiO2 content for complete (hermetic) encapsulation of the magnetic core particles was determined by isopropanol chemisorption. The magnetization of Fe2O3 coated with about 2 nm thin SiO2 layers was nearly identical lo that of uncoated, pure Fe2O3 nanoparlicles.