284 resultados para transmission failure


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The compressive behaviour of finite unidirectional composites with a region of misaligned reinforcement is investigated via finite element analyses. Models with and without fibre bending stiffness are compared, confirming that compressive strength is accurately predicted without modelling fibre bending stiffness for real composite components which typically have waviness defects of several millimetres wavelength. Various defect parameters are investigated. Results confirm the well-known sensitivity of compressive strength to misalignment angle, and also show that compressive strength falls rapidly with the proportion of laminate width covered by the wavy region. A simple empirical equation is proposed to model the effect of a single patch of waviness in finite specimens. Other parameters such as length and position of the wavy region are found to have a smaller effect on compressive strength. The modelling approach is finally adapted to model distributed waviness and thus determine the compressive strength of composites with realistic waviness defects. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Soil liquefaction following strong earthquakes causes extensive damage to civil engineering structures. Foundations of buildings, bridges etc can suffer excessive rotation/settlement due to liquefaction. Many of the recent earthquakes bear testimony for such damage. In this article a hypothesis that "Superstructure stiffness can determine the type of liquefaction-induced failure mechanism suffered by the foundations" is proposed. As a rider to this hypothesis, it will be argued that liquefaction will cause failure of a foundation system in a mode of failure that offers least resistance. Evidence will be offered in terms of field observations during the 921 Ji-Ji earthquake in 1999 in Taiwan and Bhuj earthquake of 2001 in India. Dynamic centrifuge test data and finite element analyses results are presented to illustrate the traditional failure mechanisms. Copyright © 2010, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.


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Steady-state tunneling and plane-strain delamination of an H-shape crack are examined for elastic, isotropic multi layers. Both tunneling and delamination are analysed by employing linear elastic fracture mechanics within a 2D finite element framework. Failure maps are produced to reveal the sensitivity of cracking path to the relative toughness of layer and interface, and to the stiffness mismatch of layers.


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We report the operation of a gigahertz clocked quantum key distribution system, with two classical data communication channels using coarse wavelength division multiplexing over a record fibre distance of 80km. © 2012 OSA.


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Polymeric fibrous scaffolds have been considered as replacements for load-bearing soft tissues, because of their ability to mimic the microstructure of natural tissues. Poor toughness of fibrous materials results in failure, which is an issue of importance to both engineering and medical practice. The toughness of fibrous materials depends on the ability of the microstructure to develop toughening mechanisms. However, such toughening mechanisms are still not well understood, because the detailed evolution at the microscopic level is difficult to visualize. A novel and simple method was developed, namely, a sample-taping technique, to examine the detailed failure mechanisms of fibrous microstructures. This technique was compared with in situ fracture testing by scanning electron microscopy. Examination of three types of fibrous networks showed that two different failure modes occurred in fibrous scaffolds. For brittle cracking in gelatin electrospun scaffolds, the random network morphology around the crack tip remained during crack propagation. For ductile failure in polycaprolactone electrospun scaffolds and nonwoven fabrics, the random network deformed via fiber rearrangement, and a large number of fiber bundles formed across the region in front of the notch tip. These fiber bundles not only accommodated mechanical strain, but also resisted crack propagation and thus toughened the fibrous scaffolds. Such understanding provides insight for the production of fibrous materials with enhanced toughness.


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Genetic variation at the serotonin transporter-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) is associated with altered amygdala reactivity and lack of prefrontal regulatory control. Similar regions mediate decision-making biases driven by contextual cues and ambiguity, for example the "framing effect." We hypothesized that individuals hemozygous for the short (s) allele at the 5-HTTLPR would be more susceptible to framing. Participants, selected as homozygous for either the long (la) or s allele, performed a decision-making task where they made choices between receiving an amount of money for certain and taking a gamble. A strong bias was evident toward choosing the certain option when the option was phrased in terms of gains and toward gambling when the decision was phrased in terms of losses (the frame effect). Critically, this bias was significantly greater in the ss group compared with the lala group. In simultaneously acquired functional magnetic resonance imaging data, the ss group showed greater amygdala during choices made in accord, compared with those made counter to the frame, an effect not seen in the lala group. These differences were also mirrored by differences in anterior cingulate-amygdala coupling between the genotype groups during decision making. Specifically, lala participants showed increased coupling during choices made counter to, relative to those made in accord with, the frame, with no such effect evident in ss participants. These data suggest that genetically mediated differences in prefrontal-amygdala interactions underpin interindividual differences in economic decision making.


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Abstract (40-Word Limit): A novel method for sending MIMO wireless signals to remote antenna units over a single multimode fibre is proposed. MIMO streams are sent via different fibre modes using mode division multiplexing. Combined channel measurements of 2km MMF and a typical indoor radio environment show in principle a 2x2 MIMO link at carrier frequencies up to 6GHz.


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Composite structures exhibit many different failure mechanisms, but attempts to model composite failure frequently make a priori assumptions about the mechanism by which failure will occur. Wang et al. [1] conducted compressive tests on four configurations of composite specimen manufactured with out-of-plane waviness created by ply-drop defects. There were significantly different failures for each case. Detailed finite element models of these experiments were developed which include competing failure mechanisms. The model predictions correlate well with experimental results-both qualitatively (location of failure and shape of failed specimen) and quantitatively (failure load). The models are used to identify the progression of failure during the compressive tests, determine the critical failure mechanism for each configuration, and investigate the effect of cohesive parameters upon specimen strength. This modelling approach which includes multiple competing failure mechanisms can be applied to predict failure in situations where the failure mechanism is not known in advance. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper investigates the circumstances under which high peak acceleration can occur in the internal parts of a system when subjected to impulsive driving on the outside. Motivating examples include the design of packaging for transportation of fragile items. The system is modelled in an idealised form using two beams coupled with point connections. A Rayleigh-Ritz model of such coupled beams was validated against measurements on a particular beam system, then the model was used to explore the acceleration response to impulsive driving in the time, frequency and spatial domains. This study is restricted to linear vibration response and additional mechanisms for high internal acceleration due to nonlinear effects such as internal impacts are not considered. Using Monte Carlo simulation in which the indirectly driven beam was perturbed by randomly placed point masses a wide range of system behaviour was explored. This facilitates identification of vulnerable configurations that can lead to high internal acceleration. The results from the study indicate the possibility of curve veering influencing the peak acceleration amplification. The possibility of veering within an ensemble was found to be dependent on the relative coupling strength of the modes. Understanding of the mechanism may help to avoid vulnerable cases, either by design or by preparatory vibration testing. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Polymeric fibrous scaffolds have been considered as replacements for load-bearing soft tissues, because of their ability to mimic the microstructure of natural tissues. Poor toughness of fibrous materials results in failure, which is an issue of importance to both engineering and medical practice. The toughness of fibrous materials depends on the ability of the microstructure to develop toughening mechanisms. However, such toughening mechanisms are still not well understood, because the detailed evolution at the microscopic level is difficult to visualize. A novel and simple method was developed, namely, a sample-taping technique, to examine the detailed failure mechanisms of fibrous microstructures. This technique was compared with in situ fracture testing by scanning electron microscopy. Examination of three types of fibrous networks showed that two different failure modes occurred in fibrous scaffolds. For brittle cracking in gelatin electrospun scaffolds, the random network morphology around the crack tip remained during crack propagation. For ductile failure in polycaprolactone electrospun scaffolds and nonwoven fabrics, the random network deformed via fiber rearrangement, and a large number of fiber bundles formed across the region in front of the notch tip. These fiber bundles not only accommodated mechanical strain, but also resisted crack propagation and thus toughened the fibrous scaffolds. Such understanding provides insight for the production of fibrous materials with enhanced toughness. © 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A technique using spectrum-shaping codes to create nulls in the baseband spectrum of an Ethernet signal, so that several RF signals can be inserted in-band, is demonstrated by simultaneous transmission of 10GbE and WCDMA signals. © 2013 OSA.


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Simulations have investigated single laser 100G Ethernet links enabled by CAP-16 using QAM receivers that not only lower significantly system timing jitter sensitivity but also outperform PAM and standard CAP in terms of power margin. © 2013 OSA.