271 resultados para investigation of accidents


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The mismatch in thermal response between a High Pressure Compressor (HPC) drum and casing is a limiting factor in the reduction of compressor clearance. An experimental test rig has been used to demonstrate the concept of radial inflow to reduce the thermal time constant of HPC discs. The testing uses a simulated idle - Maximum Take Off (MTO) - idle transient in order to measure the thermal response directly. The testing is fully scaled in the dimensionless sense to engine conditions. A simple closure model based on lumped capacitance is used to illustrate the scope of potential benefits. The proof-of-concept testing shows that HPC disc time constant reductions of the order 2 are feasible with a radial-inflow bleed of only 4% of bore flow at scaled MTO conditions. Using the experimental results, the simple closure modelling suggests that for a stage with a significant mismatch in thermal response, reductions in 2D axis-symmetric clearance of as much as 50% at MTO conditions may be possible along with significant scope for improvements at cruise conditions. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.


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Screech is a high frequency oscillation that is usually characterized by instabilities caused by large-scale coherent flow structures in the wake of bluff-body flameholders and shear layers. Such oscillations can lead to changes in flame surface area which can cause the flame to burn unsteadily, but also couple with the acoustic modes and inherent fluid-mechanical instabilities that are present in the system. In this study, the flame response to hydrodynamic oscillations is analyzed in a controlled manner using high-fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with an unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes approach. The response of a premixed flame with and without transverse velocity forcing is analyzed. When unforced, the flame is shown to exhibit a self-excitation that is attributed to the anti-symmetric shedding of vortices in the wake of the flameholder. The flame is also forced using two different kinds of low-amplitude out-of-phase inlet velocity forcing signals. The first forcing method is harmonic forcing with a single characteristic frequency, while the second forcing method involves a broadband forcing signal with frequencies in the range of 500 - 1000 Hz. For the harmonic forcing method, the flame is perturbed only lightly about its mean position and exhibits a limit cycle oscillation that is characteristic of the forcing frequency. For the broadband forcing method, larger changes in the flame surface area and detachment of the flame sheet can be seen. Transition to a complicated trajectory in the phase space is observed. When analyzed systematically with system identification methods, the CFD results, expressed in the form of the Flame Transfer Function (FTF) are capable of elucidating the flame response to the imposed perturbation. The FTF also serves to identify, both spatially and temporally, regions where the flame responds linearly and nonlinearly. Locking-in between the flame's natural self-excited frequency and the subharmonic frequencies of the broadband forcing signal is found to alter the dynamical behaviour of the flame. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.


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The current generation of advanced gravitational wave detectors utilize titania-doped tantala/silica multilayer stacks for their mirror coatings. The properties of the low-refractive-index silica are well known; however, in the absence of detailed direct measurements, the material parameters of Young's modulus and coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of the high refractive index material, titania-doped tantala, have been assumed to be equal to values measured for pure tantala coatings. In order to ascertain the true values necessary for thermal noise calculations, we have undertaken measurements of Young's modulus and CTE through the use of nanoindentation and thermal-bending measurements. The measurements were designed to assess the effects of titania doping concentration and post-deposition heat-treatment on the measured values in order to evaluate the possibility of optimizing material parameters to further improve thermal noise in the detector. Young's modulus measurements on pure tantala and 25% and 55% titania-doped tantala show a wide range of values, from 132 to 177 GPa, dependent on both titania concentration and heat-treatment. Measurements of CTE give values of (3.9 +/- 0.1) x 10^-6 K^-1 and (4.9 +/- 0.3) x 10^-6 K^-1 for 25% and 55% titania-doped tantala, respectively, without dependence on post-deposition heat-treatment.


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This paper studies the effects of magnetic wedges on the equivalent circuit parameters of the Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine (BDFM). Magnetic wedges are used in slot openings of large electrical machines to reduce magnetizing currents, but the study of their effects on the BDFM performance is not straightforward due to the complex magnetic fields in the BDFM. Equivalent circuit and FE models have been developed for a 250 kW BDFM taking into account the effects of wedges and verified experimentally.


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The performance of a 3×3 MIMO system using RoF-enabled DAS technology is experimentally investigated in a Non-Line-Of-Sight environment. Reduced spatial correlation and improved SNR are achieved due to the larger antenna separatio © OSA/ CLEO 2011.


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The development of high-performance speech processing systems for low-resource languages is a challenging area. One approach to address the lack of resources is to make use of data from multiple languages. A popular direction in recent years is to use bottleneck features, or hybrid systems, trained on multilingual data for speech-to-text (STT) systems. This paper presents an investigation into the application of these multilingual approaches to spoken term detection. Experiments were run using the IARPA Babel limited language pack corpora (∼10 hours/language) with 4 languages for initial multilingual system development and an additional held-out target language. STT gains achieved through using multilingual bottleneck features in a Tandem configuration are shown to also apply to keyword search (KWS). Further improvements in both STT and KWS were observed by incorporating language questions into the Tandem GMM-HMM decision trees for the training set languages. Adapted hybrid systems performed slightly worse on average than the adapted Tandem systems. A language independent acoustic model test on the target language showed that retraining or adapting of the acoustic models to the target language is currently minimally needed to achieve reasonable performance. © 2013 IEEE.


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This paper examines the impact of two simple precoding schemes on the capacity of 3 × 3 MIMO-enabled radio-over-fiber (RoF) distributed antenna systems (DAS) with excess transmit antennas. Specifically, phase-shift-only transmit beamforming and antenna selection are compared. It is found that for two typical indoor propagation scenarios, both strategies offer double the capacity gain that non-precoding MIMO DAS offers over traditional MIMO collocated antenna systems (CAS), with capacity improvements of 3.2-4.2 bit/s/Hz. Further, antenna selection shows similar performance to phase-only beamforming, differing by <0.5% and offering median capacities of 94 bit/s/Hz and 82 bit/s/Hz in the two propagation scenarios respectively. Because optical DASs enable precise, centralized control of remote antennas, they are well suited for implementing these beamforming schemes. Antenna selection, in particular, is a simple and effective means of increasing MIMO DAS capacity. © 2013 IEEE.


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DNS data of a laboratory-scale turbulent lifted hydrogen jet flame has been analyzed to show that this flame has mixed mode combustion not only at the flame base but also in downstream locations. The mixed mode combustion is observed in instantaneous structures as in earlier studies and in averaged structure, in which the predominant mode is found to be premixed combustion with varying equivalence ratio. The non-premixed combustion in the averaged structure is observed only in a narrow region at the edge of the jet shear layer. The analyzes of flame stretch show large probability for negative flame stretch leading to negative surface averaged flame stretch. The displacement speed-curvature correlation is observed to be negative contributing to the negative flame stretch and partial premixing resulting from jet entrainment acts to reduce the negative correlation. The contribution of turbulent straining to the flame stretch is observed to be negative when the scalar gradient aligns with the most extensive principal strain rate. The physics behind the negative flame stretch resulting from turbulent straining is discussed and elucidated through a simple analysis of the flame surface density transport equation. © 2014 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Numerous experimental studies have established that cells can sense the stiffness of underlying substrates and have quantified the effect of substrate stiffness on stress fibre formation, focal adhesion area, cell traction, and cell shape. In order to capture such behaviour, the current study couples a mixed mode thermodynamic and mechanical framework that predicts focal adhesion formation and growth with a material model that predicts stress fibre formation, contractility, and dissociation in a fully 3D implementation. Simulations reveal that SF contractility plays a critical role in the substrate-dependent response of cells. Compliant substrates do not provide sufficient tension for stress fibre persistence, causing dissociation of stress fibres and lower focal adhesion formation. In contrast, cells on stiffer substrates are predicted to contain large amounts of dominant stress fibres. Different levels of cellular contractility representative of different cell phenotypes are found to alter the range of substrate stiffness that cause the most significant changes in stress fibre and focal adhesion formation. Furthermore, stress fibre and focal adhesion formation evolve as a cell spreads on a substrate and leading to the formation of bands of fibres leading from the cell periphery over the nucleus. Inhibiting the formation of FAs during cell spreading is found to limit stress fibre formation. The predictions of this mutually dependent material-interface framework are strongly supported by experimental observations of cells adhered to elastic substrates and offer insight into the inter-dependent biomechanical processes regulating stress fibre and focal adhesion formation. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Underground structures constitute crucial components of the transportation networks. Considering their significance for modern societies, their proper seismic design is of great importance. However, this design may become very tricky, accounting of the lack of knowledge regarding their seismic behavior. Several issues that are significantly affecting this behavior (i.e. earth pressures on the structure, seismic shear stresses around the structure, complex deformation modes for rectangular structures during shaking etc.) are still open. The problem is wider for the non-circular (i.e. rectangular) structures, were the soilstructure interaction effects are expected to be maximized. The paper presents representative experimental results from a test case of a series of dynamic centrifuge tests that were performed on rectangular tunnels embedded in dry sand. The tests were carried out at the centrifuge facility of the University of Cambridge, within the Transnational Task of the SERIES EU research program. The presented test case is also numerically simulated and studied. Preliminary full dynamic time history analyses of the coupled soil-tunnel system are performed, using ABAQUS. Soil non-linearity and soil-structure interaction are modeled, following relevant specifications for underground structures and tunnels. Numerical predictions are compared to experimental results and discussed. Based on this comprehensive experimental and numerical study, the seismic behavior of rectangular embedded structures is better understood and modeled, consisting an important step in the development of appropriate specifications for the seismic design of rectangular shallow tunnels.


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Rigorous statistical analysis is applied for the first time to identify optimal launch conditions and carrier frequencies for SCM transmission over worst-case MMF. The feasibility of multichannel schemes for 10 Gb/s over 300 m is demonstrated. © 2005 Optical Society of America.