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A design methodology is presented for turbines in an annulus with high end wall angles. Such stages occur where large radial offsets between the stage inlet and stage outlet are required, for example in the first stage of modern low pressure turbines, and are becoming more prevalent as bypass ratios increase. The turbine vanes operate within s-shaped ducts which result in meridional curvature being of a similar magnitude to the bladeto-blade curvature. Through a systematic series of idealized computational cases, the importance of two aspects of vane design are shown. First, the region of peak end wall meridional curvature is best located within the vane row. Second, the vane should be leant so as to minimize spanwise variations in surface pressure-this condition is termed "ideal lean." This design philosophy is applied to the first stage of a low pressure turbine with high end wall angles. © 2014 by ASME.


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An experimental investigation of a turbine stage featuring very high end wall angles is presented. The initial turbine design did not achieve a satisfactory performance and the difference between the design predictions and the test results was traced to a large separated region on the rear suction-surface. To improve the agreement between computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and experiment, it was found necessary to modify the turbulence modeling employed. The modified CFD code was then used to redesign the vane, and the changes made are described. When tested, the performance of the redesigned vane was found to have much closer agreement with the predictions than the initial vane. Finally, the flowfield and performance of the redesigned stage are compared to a similar turbine, designed to perform the same duty, which lies in an annulus of moderate end wall angles. A reduction in stage efficiency of at least 2.4% was estimated for the very high end wall angle design. © 2014 by ASME.


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We analyze the relationship between the average wall number (N) and the diameter (d) for carbon nanotubes (CNTs) grown by chemical vapour deposition. It is found that N depends linearly on d for diameters in the range of 2.5-10 nm, while single wall nanotubes predominate for diameters under about 2.1 nm. The linear relationship is found to depend somewhat on the growth conditions. It is also verified that the mean diameter depends on the diameter of the originating catalyst nanoparticle, and thus on the initial catalyst thickness where a thin film catalyst is used. This simplifies the characterisation of CNTs by electron microscopy. We also find a linear relationship between nanotube diameter and initial catalyst film thickness. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The concept of co-catalytic layer structures for controlled laser-induced chemical vapor deposition of carbon nanotubes is established, in which a thin Ta support layer chemically aids the initial Fe catalyst reduction. This enables a significant reduction in laser power, preventing detrimental positive optical feedback and allowing improved growth control. Systematic study of experimental parameters combined with simple thermostatic modeling establishes general guidelines for the effective design of such catalyst/absorption layer combinations. Local growth of vertically aligned carbon nanotube forests directly on flexible polyimide substrates is demonstrated, opening up new routes for nanodevice design and fabrication.


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In the first part of the paper steady two-phase flow predictions have been performed for the last stage of a model steam turbine to examine the influence of drag between condensed fog droplets and the continuous vapour phase. In general, droplets due to homogeneous condensation are small and thus kinematic relaxation provides only a minor contribution to the wetness losses. Different droplet size distributions have been investigated to estimate at which size inter-phase friction becomes more important. The second part of the paper deals with the deposition of fog droplets on stator blades. Results from several references are repeated to introduce the two main deposition mechanisms which are inertia and turbulent diffusion. Extensive postprocessing routines have been programmed to calculate droplet deposition due to these effects for a last stage stator blade in three-dimensions. In principle the method to determine droplet deposition by turbulent diffusion equates to that of Yau and Young [1] and the advantages and disadvantages of this relatively simple method are discussed. The investigation includes the influence of different droplet sizes on droplet deposition rates and shows that for small fog droplets turbulent diffusion is the main deposition mechanism. If the droplets size is increased inertial effects become more and more important and for droplets around 1 μm inertial deposition dominates. Assuming realistic droplet sizes the overall deposition equates to about 1% to 3% of the incoming wetness for the investigated guide vane at normal operating conditions. Copyright © 2013 by Solar Turbines Incorporated.


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The complex three-dimensional two-phase flow in a low pressure steam turbine is investigated with comprehensive numerical flow simulations. In addition to the condensation process, which already takes place in the last stages of steam turbines, the numerical flow model is enhanced to consider the drag forces between the droplets and the vapour phase. The present paper shows the differences in the flow path of the phases and investigates the effect of an increasing droplet diameter. For the flow simulations a performance cluster is used because of the high effort for such multi-momentum two-phase flow calculations. In steam turbines the deposition of small water droplets on the stator blades or on parts of the casing is responsible for the formation of large coarse water droplets and these may cause additional dissipation as well as damage due to blade erosion. A method is presented that uses detailed CFD data to predict droplet deposition on turbine stator blades. This simulation method to detect regions of droplet deposition can help to improve the design of water removal devices. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013.


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We have grown carbon nanotubes using Fe and Ni catalyst films deposited by atomic layer deposition. Both metals lead to catalytically active nanoparticles for growing vertically aligned nanotube forests or carbon fibres, depending on the growth conditions and whether the substrate is alumina or silica. The resulting nanotubes have narrow diameter and wall number distributions that are as narrow as those grown from sputtered catalysts. The state of the catalyst is studied by in-situ and ex-situ X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. We demonstrate multi-directional nanotube growth on a porous alumina foam coated with Fe prepared by atomic layer deposition. This deposition technique can be useful for nanotube applications in microelectronics, filter technology, and energy storage. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.