254 resultados para Shock Tunnel


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This work concerns the prediction of the response of an uncertain structure to a load of short duration. Assuming an ensemble of structures with small random variations about a nominal form, a mean impulse response can be found using only the modal density of the structure. The mean impulse response turns out to be the same as the response of an infinite structure: the response is calculated by taking into account the direct field only, without reflections. Considering the short duration of an impulsive loading, the approach is reasonable before the effect of the reverberant field becomes important. The convolution between the mean impulse response and the shock loading is solved in discrete time to calculate the response at the driving point and at remote points. Experimental and numerical examples are presented to validate the theory presented for simple structures such as beams, plates, and cylinders.


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The circumstances are investigated under which high peak acceleration can occur in the internal parts of a system when subjected to impulsive driving on the outside. Previous work using a coupled beam model has highlighted the importance of veering pairs of modes. Such a veering pair can be approximated by a lumped system with two degrees of freedom. The worst case of acceleration amplification is shown to occur when the two oscillators are tuned to the same frequency, and for this case closed-form expressions are derived to show the parameter dependence of the acceleration ratio on the mass ratio and coupling strength. Sensitivity analysis of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors indicates that mass ratio is the most sensitive parameter for altering the veering behaviour in an undamped system. Non-proportional damping is also shown to have a strong influence on the veering behaviour. The study gives design guidelines to allow permissible acceleration levels to be achieved by the choice of the effective mass and damping of the indirectly driven subsystem relative to the directly driven subsystem. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The behaviour of cast-iron tunnel segments used in London Underground tunnels was investigated using the 3-D finite element (FE) method. A numerical model of the structural details of cast-iron segmental joints such as bolts, panel and flanges was developed and its performance was validated against a set of full-scale tests. Using the verified model, the influence of structural features such as caulking groove and bolt pretension was examined for both rotational and shear loading conditions. Since such detailed modelling of bolts increases the computational time when a full scale segmental tunnel is analysed, it is proposed to replace the bolt model to a set of spring models. The parameters for the bolt-spring models, which consider the geometry and material properties of the bolt, are proposed. The performance of the combined bolt-spring and solid segmental models are evaluated against a more conventional shell-spring model. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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This paper presents a three-dimensional comprehensive model for the calculation of vibration in a building based on pile-foundation due to moving trains in a nearby underground tunnel. The model calculates the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the building's responses due to trains moving on floating-slab tracks with random roughness. The tunnel and its surrounding soil are modelled as a cylindrical shell embedded in half-space using the well-known PiP model. The building and its piles are modelled as a 2D frame using the dynamic stiffness matrix. Coupling between the foundation and the ground is performed using the theory of joining subsystems in the frequency domain. The latter requires calculations of transfer functions of a half-space model. A convenient choice based on the thin-layer method is selected in this work for the calculations of responses in a half-space due to circular strip loadings. The coupling considers the influence of the building's dynamics on the incident wave field from the tunnel, but ignores any reflections of building's waves from the tunnel. The derivation made in the paper shows that the incident vibration field at the building's foundation gets modified by a term reflecting the coupling and the dynamics of the building and its foundation. The comparisons presented in the paper show that the dynamics of the building and its foundation significantly change the incident vibration field from the tunnel and they can lead to loss of accuracy of predictions if not considered in the calculation.


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This paper looks at active control of the normal shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interaction (SBLI) using smart flap actuators. The actuators are manufactured by bonding piezoelectric material to an inert substrate to control the bleed/suction rate through a plenum chamber. The cavity provides communication of signals across the shock, allowing rapid thickening of the boundary layer approaching the shock, which splits into a series of weaker shocks forming a lambda shock foot, reducing wave drag. Active control allows optimum control of the interaction, as it would be capable of positioning the control region around the original shock position and control the rate of mass transfer. © 2004 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.


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The effect of streamwise slots on the interaction of a normal shock wave / turbulent boundary layer has been investigated experimentally at a Mach number of 1.3. The surface pressure distribution for the controlled interaction was found to be significantly smeared, featuring a distinct plateau. This was due to a change in shock structure from a typical unseparated normal shock wave boundary layer interaction to a large bifurcated Lambda type shock pattern. Boundary layer velocity measurements downstream of the slots revealed a strong spanwise variation of boundary layer properties whereas the modified shock structure was relatively twodimensional. Oil flow visualisation indicated that in the presence of slots the boundary layer surface flow was highly three dimensional and confirmed that the effect of slots was mainly due to suction and blowing similar to that for passive control with uniform surface ventilation. Three hole probe measurements confirmed that the boundary layer was three dimensional and that the slots introduced vortical motion into the flowfield. Results indicate that when applied to an aerofoil, the control device has the potential to reduce wave drag while incurring only small viscous penalties. The introduction of streamwise vorticity may also be beneficial to delay trailing edge separation and the device is thought to be capable of postponing buffet onset. © 2001 by A N Smith.


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The development of infrastructure in major cities often involves tunnelling, which can cause damage to existing structures. Therefore, these projects require a careful prediction of the risk of settlement induced damage. The simplified approach of current methods cannot account for three-dimensional structural aspects of buildings, which can result in an inaccurate evaluation of damage. This paper investigates the effect of the building alignment with the tunnel axis on structural damage. A three-dimensional, phased, fully coupled finite element model with non-linear material properties is used as a tool to perform a parametric study. The model includes the simulation of the tunnel construction process, with the tunnel located adjacent to a masonry building. Three different type of settlements are included (sagging, hogging and a combination of them), with seven different increasing angles of the building with respect to the tunnel axis. The alignment parameter is assessed, based on the maximum occurring crack width, measured in the building. Results show a significant dependency of the final damage on the building and tunnel alignment.


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The assessment of settlement induced damage on buildings during the preliminary phase of tunnel excavation projects, is nowadays receiving greater attention. Analyses at different levels of detail are performed on the surface building in proximity to the tunnel, to evaluate the risk of structural damage and the need of mitigation measures. In this paper, the possibility to define a correlation between the main parameters that influence the structural response to settlement and the potential damage is investigated through numerical analysis. The adopted 3D finite element model allows to take into account important features that are neglected in more simplified approaches, like the soil-structure interaction, the nonlinear behaviour of the building, the three dimensional effect of the tunnelling induced settlement trough and the influence of openings in the structure. Aim of this approach is the development of an improved classification system taking into account the intrinsic vulnerability of the structure, which could have a relevant effect on the final damage assessment. Parametric analyses are performed, focusing on the effect of the orientation and the position of the structure with respect to the tunnel. The obtained results in terms of damage are compared with the Building Risk Assessment (BRA) procedure. This method was developed by Geodata Engineering (GDE) on the basis of empirical observations and building monitoring and applied during the construction of different metro lines in urban environment. The comparison shows a substantial agreement between the two procedures on the influence of the analysed parameters. The finite element analyses suggest a refinement of the BRA procedure for pure sagging conditions.


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The spallation resistance of an air plasma sprayed (APS) thermal barrier coating (TBC) to cool-down/reheat is evaluated for a pre-existing delamination crack. The delamination emanates from a vertical crack through the coating and resides at the interface between coating and underlying thermally grown oxide layer (TGO). The coating progressively sinters during engine operation, and this leads to a depth-dependent increase in modulus. Following high temperature exposure, the coating is subjected to a cooling/reheating cycle representative of engine shut-down and start-up. The interfacial stress intensity factors are calculated for the delamination crack over this thermal cycle and are compared with the mode-dependent fracture toughness of the interface between sintered APS and TGO. The study reveals the role played by microstructural evolution during sintering in dictating the spallation life of the thermal barrier coating, and also describes a test method for the measurement of delamination toughness of a thin coating. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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Settlements due to underground construction represent a risk for the architectural heritage, especially in The Netherlands, because of the combination of soft soil, fragile pile foundation and brittle, un-reinforced masonry façade. Modelling of soil-structure interaction is fundamental to assess the risk of building damage due to tunnelling. This paper presents results of finite element analyses carried out with different models for a simple masonry wall. Focus is paid on the comparison between coupled, uncoupled and semi-coupled analyses, in which the soil-structure interaction is represented in different ways. In particular, the implementation of a soil-structure interface model in the numerical analyses is analysed, in order to asses its validity. The aim of the research project is the development of a damage classification system for different building typologies.