258 resultados para Premixed
This paper presents flow field measurements for the turbulent stratified burner introduced in two previous publications in which high resolution scalar measurements were made by Sweeney et al. [1,2] for model validation. The flow fields of the series of premixed and stratified methane/air flames are investigated under turbulent, globally lean conditions (φg=0.75). Velocity data acquired with laser Doppler anemometry (LDA) and particle image velocimetry (PIV) are presented and discussed. Pairwise 2-component LDA measurements provide profiles of axial velocity, radial velocity, tangential velocity and corresponding fluctuating velocities. The LDA measurements of axial and tangential velocities enable the swirl number to be evaluated and the degree of swirl characterized. Power spectral density and autocorrelation functions derived from the LDA data acquired at 10kHz are optimized to calculate the integral time scales. Flow patterns are obtained using a 2-component PIV system operated at 7Hz. Velocity profiles and spatial correlations derived from the PIV and LDA measurements are shown to be in very good agreement, thus offering 3D mapping of the velocities. A strong correlation was observed between the shape of the recirculation zones above the central bluff body and the effects of heat release, stoichiometry and swirl. Detailed analyses of the LDA data further demonstrate that the flow behavior changes significantly with the levels of swirl and stratification, which combines the contributions of dilatation, recirculation and swirl. Key turbulence parameters are derived from the total velocity components, combining axial, radial and tangential velocities. © 2013 The Combustion Institute.
Statistically planar turbulent partially premixed flames for different initial intensities of decaying turbulence have been simulated for global equivalence ratios = 0.7 and 1.0 using three-dimensional, simplified chemistry-based direct numerical simulations (DNS). The simulation parameters are chosen such that the flames represent the thin reaction zones regime combustion. A random bimodal distribution of equivalence ratio is introduced in the unburned gas ahead of the flame to account for the mixture inhomogeneity. The results suggest that the probability density functions (PDFs) of the mixture fraction gradient magnitude |Δξ| (i.e., P(|Δξ|)) can be reasonably approximated using a log-normal distribution. However, this presumed PDF distribution captures only the qualitative nature of the PDF of the reaction progress variable gradient magnitude |Δc| (i.e., P(|Δc|)). It has been found that a bivariate log-normal distribution does not sufficiently capture the quantitative behavior of the joint PDF of |Δξ| and |Δc| (i.e., P(|Δξ|, |Δc|)), and the agreement with the DNS data has been found to be poor in certain regions of the flame brush, particularly toward the burned gas side of the flame brush. Moreover, the variables |Δξ| and |Δc| show appreciable correlation toward the burned gas side of the flame brush. These findings are corroborated further using a DNS data of a lifted jet flame to study the flame geometry dependence of these statistics. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
When a premixed flame is placed within a duct, acoustic waves induce velocity perturbations at the flame's base. These travel down the flame, distorting its surface and modulating its heat release. This can induce self-sustained thermoacoustic oscillations. Although the phase speed of these perturbations is often assumed to equal the mean flow speed, experiments conducted in other studies and Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) conducted in this study show that it varies with the acoustic frequency. In this paper, we examine how these variations affect the nonlinear thermoacoustic behaviour. We model the heat release with a nonlinear kinematic G-equation, in which the velocity perturbation is modelled on DNS results. The acoustics are governed by linearised momentum and energy equations. We calculate the flame describing function (FDF) using harmonic forcing at several frequencies and amplitudes. Then we calculate thermoacoustic limit cycles and explain their existence and stability by examining the amplitude-dependence of the gain and phase of the FDF. We find that, when the phase speed equals the mean flow speed, the system has only one stable state. When the phase speed does not equal the mean flow speed, however, the system supports multiple limit cycles because the phase of the FDF changes significantly with oscillation amplitude. This shows that the phase speed of velocity perturbations has a strong influence on the nonlinear thermoacoustic behaviour of ducted premixed flames. © 2013 The Combustion Institute.
Self-excited oscillation is becoming a major issue in low-emission, lean partially premixed combustion systems, and active control has been shown to be a feasible method to suppress such instabilities. A number of robust control methods are employed to obtain a feedback controller and it is observed that the robustness to system uncertainty is significantly better for a low complexity controller in spite of the norms being similar. Moreover, we demonstrate that closed-loop stability for such a complex system can be proved via use of the integral quadratic constraint method. Open- and closed-loop nonlinear simulations are provided. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Screech is a high frequency oscillation that is usually characterized by instabilities caused by large-scale coherent flow structures in the wake of bluff-body flameholders and shear layers. Such oscillations can lead to changes in flame surface area which can cause the flame to burn unsteadily, but also couple with the acoustic modes and inherent fluid-mechanical instabilities that are present in the system. In this study, the flame response to hydrodynamic oscillations is analyzed in a controlled manner using high-fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with an unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes approach. The response of a premixed flame with and without transverse velocity forcing is analyzed. When unforced, the flame is shown to exhibit a self-excitation that is attributed to the anti-symmetric shedding of vortices in the wake of the flameholder. The flame is also forced using two different kinds of low-amplitude out-of-phase inlet velocity forcing signals. The first forcing method is harmonic forcing with a single characteristic frequency, while the second forcing method involves a broadband forcing signal with frequencies in the range of 500 - 1000 Hz. For the harmonic forcing method, the flame is perturbed only lightly about its mean position and exhibits a limit cycle oscillation that is characteristic of the forcing frequency. For the broadband forcing method, larger changes in the flame surface area and detachment of the flame sheet can be seen. Transition to a complicated trajectory in the phase space is observed. When analyzed systematically with system identification methods, the CFD results, expressed in the form of the Flame Transfer Function (FTF) are capable of elucidating the flame response to the imposed perturbation. The FTF also serves to identify, both spatially and temporally, regions where the flame responds linearly and nonlinearly. Locking-in between the flame's natural self-excited frequency and the subharmonic frequencies of the broadband forcing signal is found to alter the dynamical behaviour of the flame. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.
Conditional Moment Closure (CMC) is a suitable method for predicting scalars such as carbon monoxide with slow chemical time scales in turbulent combustion. Although this method has been successfully applied to non-premixed combustion, its application to lean premixed combustion is rare. In this study the CMC method is used to compute piloted lean premixed combustion in a distributed combustion regime. The conditional scalar dissipation rate of the conditioning scalar, the progress variable, is closed using an algebraic model and turbulence is modelled using the standard k-e{open} model. The conditional mean reaction rate is closed using a first order CMC closure with the GRI-3.0 chemical mechanism to represent the chemical kinetics of methane oxidation. The PDF of the progress variable is obtained using a presumed shape with the Beta function. The computed results are compared with the experimental measurements and earlier computations using the transported PDF approach. The results show reasonable agreement with the experimental measurements and are consistent with the transported PDF computations. When the compounded effects of shear-turbulence and flame are strong, second order closures may be required for the CMC. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Combustion in stratified mixtures is envisaged in practical energy systems such as direct-injection spark-ignited (DISI) car engines, gas turbines, for reducing CO2 and pollutant emissions while protecting their efficiency. The mixture gradients change the fundamental properties of the flame, especially by a difference in temperature and composition between the burnt gases and those of a flame consuming a homogeneous mixture. This paper presents an investigation of the properties of the flame propagating in a lean homogeneous mixture after ignition in a richer mixture according to the magnitude of the stratification. Three magnitudes of stratification are investigated. The local flame burning velocity is determined by an original PIV algorithm developed previously. The local equivalence ratio in the fresh gases is measured from anisole PLIF. From the simultaneous PIV-PLIF measurements, the flame burning velocities conditioned on the local stretch rate and equivalence ratio in fresh gases are measured. The flame propagating through the homogeneous lean mixture has properties depending on the ignition conditions in the stratified layer. The flame propagating in the lean mixture is back-supported longer for ignition under the richer condition. The change of stretch sensitivity and burning velocity of the flame in the lean mixture is measured over time for the three magnitudes of mixture stratification investigated. The ignition in richer mixtures compensates for the nonequidiffusion effect of lean propane flame and sustains its robustness to stretch. The flame propagation in the lean homogeneous mixture is enhanced by ignition in a richer stratified layer, as much by their robustness to stretch as by an increase in the flame speed or the burning velocity. The decay time of this influence of the stratification, called memory effect, is determined. © 2013 The Combustion Institute.
The flame surface density approach to the modeling of premixed turbulent combustion is well established in the context of Reynolds-averaged simulations. For the future, it is necessary to consider large-eddy simulation (LES), which is likely to offer major advantages in terms of physical accuracy, particularly for unsteady combustion problems. LES relies on spatial filtering for the removal of unresolved phenomena whose characteristic length scales are smaller than the computational grid scale. Thus, there is a need for soundly based physical modeling at the subgrid scales. The aim of this paper is to explore the usefulness of the flame surface density concept as a basis for LES modeling of premixed turbulent combustion. A transport equation for the filtered flame surface density is presented, and models are proposed for unclosed terms. Comparison with Reynolds-averaged modeling is shown to reveal some interesting similarities and differences. These were exploited together with known physics and statistical results from experiment and from direct numerical stimulation in order to gain insight and refine the modeling. The model has been implemented in a combustion LES code together with standard models for scalar and momentum transport. Computational results were obtained for a simple three-dimensional flame propagation test problem, and the relative importance of contributing terms in the modeled equation for flame surface density was assessed. Straining and curvature are shown to have a major influence at both the resolved and subgrid levels.
© 2004 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. In piston engines and in gas turbines, the injection of liquid fuel often leads to the formation of a liquid film on the combustor wall. If a flame reaches this zone, undesired phenomena such as coking may occur and diminish the lifetime of the engine. Moreover, the effect of such an interaction on maximum wall heat fluxes, flame quenching, and pollutant formation is largely unknown. This paper presents a numerical study of the interaction of a premixed flame with a cold wall covered with a film of liquid fuel. Simulations show that the presence of the film leads to a very rich zone at the wall in which the flame cannot propagate. As a result, the flame wall distance remains larger with liquid fuel than it is for a dry wall, and maximum heat fluxes are smaller. The nature of the interaction of flame wall interaction with a liquid fuel is also different from the classical flame/dry wall interaction: it is controlled mainly by chemical mechanisms and not by the thermal quenching effect observed for flames interacting with dry walls: the existence of a very rich zone created above the liquid film is the main mechanism controlling quenching.
The statistical behaviours of the instantaneous scalar dissipation rate Nc of reaction progress variable c in turbulent premixed flames have been analysed based on three-dimensional direct numerical simulation data of freely propagating statistically planar flame and V-flame configurations with different turbulent Reynolds number Ret. The statistical behaviours of N c and different terms of its transport equation for planar and V-flames are found to be qualitatively similar. The mean contribution of the density-variation term T1 is positive, whereas the molecular dissipation term (-D2) acts as a leading order sink. The mean contribution of the strain rate term T2 is predominantly negative for the cases considered here. The mean reaction rate contribution T3 is positive (negative) towards the unburned (burned) gas side of the flame, whereas the mean contribution of the diffusivity gradient term (D) assumes negative (positive) values towards the unburned (burned) gas side. The local statistical behaviours of Nc, T1, T2, T 3, (-D2), and f(D) have been analysed in terms of their marginal probability density functions (pdfs) and their joint pdfs with local tangential strain rate aT and curvature km. Detailed physical explanations have been provided for the observed behaviour. © 2014 Y. Gao et al.
This article considers constant-pressure autoignition and freely propagating premixed flames of cold methane/air mixtures mixed with equilibrium hot products at high enough dilution levels to burn within the moderate to intense low oxygen dilution (MILD) combustion regime. The analysis is meant to provide further insight on MILD regime boundaries and to identify the effect of hot products speciation. As the mass fraction of hot products in the reactants mixture increases, autoignition occurs earlier. Species profiles show that the products/reactants mixture approximately equilibrates to a new state over a quick transient well before the main autoignition event, but as dilution becomes very high, this equilibration transient becomes more prominent and eventually merges with the primary ignition event. The dilution level at which these two reactive zones merge corresponds well with that marking the transition into the MILD regime, as defined according to conventional criteria. Similarly, premixed flame simulations at high dilutions show evidence of significant reactions involving intermediate species prior to the flame front. Since the premixed flame governing equations system demands that the species and temperature gradients be zero at the "cold" boundary, flame speed cannot be calculated above a certain dilution level. Up to this point, which again agrees reasonably well with the transition into the MILD regime according to convention, the laminar burning velocity was found to increase with hot product dilution while flame thickness remained largely unchanged. Some comments on the MILD combustion regime boundary definition for gas turbine applications are included. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
The dominant industrial approach for the reduction of NO x emissions in industrial gas turbines is the lean pre-mixed prevaporized concept. The main advantage of this concept is the lean operation of the combustion process; this decreases the heat release rate from the flame and results in a reduction in operating temperature. The direct measurement of heat release rates via simultaneous laser induced fluorescence of OH and CH 2O radicals using planar laser induced fluorescence. The product of the two images correlated with the forward production rate of the HCO radical, which in turn has correlated well with heat release rates from premixed hydrocarbon flames. The experimental methodology of the measurement of heat release rate and applications in different turbulent premixed flames were presented. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (Glasgow, Scotland 7/10-14/2005).
The interaction between vortices, sound and combustion can lead to self-excited oscillations of such large amplitudes that structural damage is done. These occur because any small unsteadiness in the rate of combustion is a source of sound, generating pressure and velocity fluctuations. However, the velocity fluctuations perturb the flame, thereby altering the instantaneous rate of heat release. Instability is then possible because while acoustic waves perturb the combustion, the unsteady combustion generates yet more sound! Combustion oscillations can occur in afterburners and at idle in conventional aeroengine combustors. Lean premixed, prevapourized technology has tremendous potential to reduce NOx emissions, but is proving highly susceptible to self-excited oscillations. An overview of the physics of the interaction between vortices, sound and flames is presented, and illustrated by examples of instability in generic premixed ducted flames and in aeroengine combustors. The potential for both passive and active control is discussed.