203 resultados para Nanoparticles dispersion


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Various packed beds of copper-based oxygen carriers (CuO on Al2O3) were tested over 100 cycles of low temperature (673K) Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) with H2 as the fuel gas. The oxygen carriers were uniformly mixed with alumina (Al2O3) in order to investigate the level of separation necessary to prevent agglomeration. It was found that a mass ratio of 1:6 oxygen carrier to alumina gave the best performance in terms of stable, repeating hydrogen breakthrough curves over 100 cycles. In order to quantify the average separation achieved in the mixed packed beds, two sphere-packing models were developed. The hexagonal close-packing model assumed a uniform spherical packing structure, and based the separation calculations on a hypergeometric probability distribution. The more computationally intensive full-scale model used discrete element modelling to simulate random packing arrangements governed by gravity and contact dynamics. Both models predicted that average 'nearest neighbour' particle separation drops to near zero for oxygen carrier mass fractions of x≥0.25. For the packed bed systems studied, agglomeration was observed when the mass fraction of oxygen carrier was above this threshold. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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The effect of third-order dispersion in a Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer is investigated using a ZnSe crystal as a dispersive medium. A value for the TOD coefficient of ZnSe is extracted which is consistent with literature values. © OSA 2013.


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Each mode of a multimode fibre is excited using binary phase patterns on a Spatial Light Modulator and verified by observation of the near-field leaving the fibre and analysis of the step response. © 2011 OSA.


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In the present work we compare the performance of organic solar cells, based on the bulk heterojunction system of P3HT:PCBM when adequate silver nanoparticles (NPs) are incorporated in two distinct places among the device structure. Introduction of NPs on top of the transparent anode revealed better overall performance with an increased efficiency of 17%. Alternatively, placing the NPs on top of the active photovoltaic layer resulted to 25% higher photo-current generation albeit with inferior electrical characteristics (i.e series and shunt resistance). Our findings suggest that enhanced scattering to non-specular directions from NPs site is maximized when penetrating light meets the particles after the polymer blend, but even this mechanism is not sufficient enough to explain the enhanced short circuit current observed. A second mechanism should be feasible; that is plasmon enhancement which is more efficient in the case where NPs are in direct contact with the polymer blend. J-V characteristics measured in the dark showed that NPs placed on top of the ITO film act as enhanced hole conducting sites, as evident by the lower series resistance values in these cells, suggesting this mechanism as more significant in this case. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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© 2014 AIP Publishing LLC. Superparamagnetic nanoparticles are employed in a broad range of applications that demand detailed magnetic characterization for superior performance, e.g., in drug delivery or cancer treatment. Magnetic hysteresis measurements provide information on saturation magnetization and coercive force for bulk material but can be equivocal for particles having a broad size distribution. Here, first-order reversal curves (FORCs) are used to evaluate the effective magnetic particle size and interaction between equally sized magnetic iron oxide (Fe2O3) nanoparticles with three different morphologies: (i) pure Fe2O3, (ii) Janus-like, and (iii) core/shell Fe2O3/SiO2synthesized using flame technology. By characterizing the distribution in coercive force and interaction field from the FORC diagrams, we find that the presence of SiO2in the core/shell structures significantly reduces the average coercive force in comparison to the Janus-like Fe2O3/SiO2and pure Fe2O3particles. This is attributed to the reduction in the dipolar interaction between particles, which in turn reduces the effective magnetic particle size. Hence, FORC analysis allows for a finer distinction between equally sized Fe2O3particles with similar magnetic hysteresis curves that can significantly influence the final nanoparticle performance.


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Classic flutter analysis models an aerofoil as a two degree-of-freedom rigid body supported by linear and torsional springs, which represent the bending and torsional stiffness of the aerofoil section. In this classic flutter model, no energy transfer or dissipation can occur in the span-wise direction of the aerofoil section. However, as the aspect ratio of an aerofoil section increases, this span-wise energy transfer - in the form of travelling waves - becomes important to the overall system dynamics. This paper extends the classic flutter model to include travelling waves in the span-wise direction. Namely, wave dispersion and power flow analysis of an infinite, aerofoil-shaped beam, subject to bending, torsion, tension and a constant wind excitation, is used to investigate the overall system stability. Examples of potential applications for these high aspect ratio aerofoil sections include high-altitude balloon tethers, towed cables, offshore risers and mooring lines.


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We report the fabrication and characterization of hybrids of vertically-aligned carbon nanotube forests and gold nanoparticles for improved manipulation of their plasmonic properties. Raman spectroscopy of nanotube forests performed at the separation area of nanotube-nanoparticles shows a scattering enhancement factor of the order of 1 × 10(6). The enhancement is related to the plasmonic coupling of the nanoparticles and is potentially applicable in high-resolution scanning near-field optical microscopy, plasmonics, and photovoltaics.


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We compare the performance of a typical hole transport layer for organic photovoltaics (OPVs), Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) thin film with a series of PEDOT:PSS layers doped with silver (Ag) nanoparticles (NPs) of various size distributions. These hybrid layers have attracted great attention as buffer layers in plasmonic OPVs, although there is no report up to date on their isolated performance. In the present study we prepared a series of PEDOT:PSS layers sandwiched between indium tin oxide (ITO) and gold (Au) electrodes. Ag NPs were deposited on top of the ITO by electron beam evaporation followed by spin coating of PEDOT:PSS. Electrical characterization performed in the dark showed linear resistive behavior for all the samples; lower resistance was observed for the hybrid ones. It was found that the resistivity of the samples decreases with increasing the particle's size. A substantial increase of the electric field between the ITO and the Au electrodes was seen through the formation of current paths through the Ag NPs. A striking observation is the slight increase in the slope of the current density versus voltage curves when measured under illumination for the case of the plasmonic layers, indicating that changes in the electric field in the vicinity of the NP due to plasmonic excitation is a non-vanishing factor. © 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.