303 resultados para Jet fuel


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Ink-jet printing of nano-metallic colloidal fluids on to porous media such as coated papers has become a viable method to produce conductive tracks for low-cost, disposable printed electronic devices. However, the formation of well-defined and functional tracks on an absorbing surface is controlled by the drop imbibition dynamics in addition to the well-studied post-impact drop spreading behavior. This study represents the first investigation of the real-time imbibition of ink-jet deposited nano-Cu colloid drops on to coated paper substrates. In addition, the same ink was deposited on to a non-porous polymer surface as a control substrate. By using high-speed video imaging to capture the deposition of ink-jet drops, the time-scales of drop spreading and imbibition were quantified and compared with model predictions. The influences of the coating pore size on the bulk absorption rate and nano-Cu particle distribution have also been studied.


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This paper presents the results of a project aimed at minimising fuel usage while maximising steam availability in the power and steam plant of a large newsprint mill. The approach taken was to utilise the better regulation and plant wide optimisation capabilities of Advanced Process Control, especially Model Predictive Control (MPC) techniques. These have recently made their appearance in the pulp and paper industry but are better known in the oil and petrochemical industry where they have been used for nearly 30 years. The issue in the power and steam plant is to ensure that sufficient steam is available when the paper machines require it and yet not to have to waste too much steam when one or more of the machines suffers an outage. This is a problem for which MPC is well suited. It allows variables to be kept within declared constraint ranges, a feature which has been used, effectively, to increase the steam storage capacity of the existing plant. This has resulted in less steam being condensed when it is not required and in significant reductions in the need for supplementary firing. The incidence of steam being dump-condensed while also supplementary firing the Combined Heat & Power (CHP) plant has been reduced by 95% and the overall use of supplementary firing is less than 30% of what it was. In addition the plant runs more smoothly and requires less operator time. The yearly benefit provided by the control system is greater than £200,000, measured in terms of 2005 gas prices.


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In this study various scalar dissipation rates and their modelling in the context of partially premixed flame are investigated. A DNS dataset of the near field of a turbulent hydrogen lifted jet flame is processed to analyse the mixture fraction and progress variable dissipation rates and their cross dissipation rate at several axial positions. It is found that the classical model for the passive scalar dissipation rate ε{lunate}̃ZZ gives good agreement with the DNS, while models developed based on premixed flames for the reactive scalar dissipation rate ε{lunate}̃cc only qualitatively capture the correct trend. The cross dissipation rate ε{lunate}̃cZ is mostly negative and can be reasonably approximated at downstream positions once ε{lunate}̃ZZ and ε{lunate}̃cc are known, although the sign cannot be determined. This approach gives better results than one employing a constant ratio of turbulent timescale and the scalar covariance c'Z'̃. The statistics of scalar gradients are further examined and lognormal distributions are shown to be very good approximations for the passive scalar and acceptable for the reactive scalar. The correlation between the two gradients increases downstream as the partially premixed flame in the near field evolves ultimately to a diffusion flame in the far field. A bivariate lognormal distribution is tested and found to be a reasonable approximation for the joint PDF of the two scalar gradients. © 2011 The Combustion Institute.


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One of the greatest obstacles facing the nuclear industry is that of sustainability, both in terms of the finite reserves of uranium ore and the production of highly radiotoxic spent fuel which presents proliferation and environmental hazards. Alternative nuclear technologies have been suggested as a means of delivering enhanced sustainability with proposals including fast reactors, the use of thorium fuel and tiered fuel cycles. The debate as to which is the most appropriate technology continues, with each fuel system and reactor type delivering specific advantages and disadvantages which can be difficult to compare fairly. This paper demonstrates a framework of performance metrics which, coupled with a first-order lumped reactor model to determine nuclide population balances, can be used to quantify the aforementioned pros and cons for a range of different fuel and reactor combinations. The framework includes metrics such as fuel efficiency, spent fuel toxicity and proliferation resistance, and relative cycle performance is analysed through parallel coordinate plots, yielding a quantitative comparison of disparate cycles. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactor (ADSR) is one of the reactor designs proposed for future nuclear energy production. Interest in the ADSR arises from its enhanced and intrinsic safety characteristics, as well as its potential ability to utilize the large global reserves of thorium and to burn legacy actinide waste from other reactors and decommissioned nuclear weapons. The ADSR concept is based on the coupling of a particle accelerator and a subcritical core by means of a neutron spallation target interface. One of the candidate accelerator technologies receiving increasing attention, the Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) accelerator, generates a pulsed proton beam. This paper investigates the impact of pulsed proton beam operation on the mechanical integrity of the fuel pin cladding. A pulsed beam induces repetitive temperature changes in the reactor core which lead to cyclic thermal stresses in the cladding. To perform the thermal analysis aspects of this study a code that couples the neutron kinetics of a subcritical core to a cylindrical geometry heat transfer model was developed. This code, named PTS-ADS, enables temperature variations in the cladding to be calculated. These results are then used to perform thermal fatigue analysis and to predict the stress-life behaviour of the cladding. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An experimental setup and a simple reconstruction method are presented to measure velocity fields inside slightly tapering cylindrical liquid jets traveling through still air. Particle image velocimetry algorithms are used to calculate velocity fields from high speed images of jets of transparent liquid containing seed particles. An inner central plane is illuminated by a laser sheet pointed at the center of the jet and visualized through the jet by a high speed camera. Optical distortions produced by the shape of the jet and the difference between the refractive index of the fluid and the surrounding air are corrected by using a ray tracing method. The effect of the jet speed on the velocity fields is investigated at four jet speeds. The relaxation rate for the velocity profile downstream of the nozzle exit is reasonably consistent with theoretical expectations for the low Reynolds numbers and the fluid used, although the velocity profiles are considerably flatter than expected. © 2012 American Society of Mechanical Engineers.


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An algorithm to compute the silent base flow sources of sound in a jet is introduced. The algorithm is based on spatiotemporal filtering of the flow field and is applicable to multifrequency sources. It is applied to an axisymmetric laminar jet and the resulting sources are validated successfully. The sources are compared to those obtained from two classical acoustic analogies, based on quiescent and time-averaged base flows. The comparison demonstrates how the silent base flow sources shed light on the sound generation process. It is shown that the dominant source mechanism in the axisymmetric laminar jet is "shear-noise," which is a linear mechanism. The algorithm presented here could be applied to fully turbulent flows to understand the aerodynamic noise-generation mechanism.


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During its lifetime in the core, the cladding of an Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactor (ADSR) fuel pin is expected to experience variable stresses due to frequent interruptions in the accelerator proton beam. This paper investigates the thermal fatigue damage in the cladding due to repetitive and unplanned beam interruptions under certain operational conditions. Beam trip data was obtained for four operating high power proton accelerators, among which the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) superconducting accelerator was selected for further analysis. 9Cr-1Mo-Nb-V (T91) steel was selected as the cladding material because of its proven compatibility with proposed ADSR design concepts. The neutronic, thermal and stress analyses were performed using the PTS-ADS, a code that has been specifically developed for studying the dynamic response to beam-induced transients in accelerator driven subcritical systems. The lifetime of the fuel cladding in the core was estimated for three levels of allowed pin power and specific operating conditions. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.