217 resultados para Affinely Connected Space


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In this paper, we report on the realisation of a free space deposition process (FSD). For the first time the use of a moving support structure to deposit tracks of metal starting from a substrate and extending into free space is characterised. The ability to write metal shapes in free space has wide ranging applications in additive manufacturing and rapid prototyping where the tracks can be layered to build overhanging features without the use of fixed support structures (such as is used in selective laser melting (SLM) and stereo lithography (SLA)). We demonstrate and perform a preliminary characterisation of the process in which a soldering iron was used to deposit lead free solder tracks. The factors affecting the stability of tracks and the effect of operating parameters, temperature, velocity, initial track starting diameter and starting volume were measured. A series of 10 tracks at each setting were compared with a control group of tracks; the track width, taper and variation between tracks were compared. Notable results in free space track deposition were that the initial track diameter and volume affected the repeatability and quality of tracks. The standard deviation of mean track width of tracks from the constrained initial diameter group were half that of the unconstrained group. The amount of material fed to the soldering iron before commencing deposition affected the taper of tracks. At an initial volume of 7 mm3 and an initial track diameter of 0.8 mm, none of the ten tracks deposited broke or showed taper > ∼1°. The maximum deposition velocity for free space track deposition using lead-free solder was limited to 1.5 mm s-1. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A systematic study of the parameter space of graphene chemical vapor deposition (CVD) on polycrystalline Cu foils is presented, aiming at a more fundamental process rationale in particular regarding the choice of carbon precursor and mitigation of Cu sublimation. CH 4 as precursor requires H 2 dilution and temperatures ≥1000 °C to keep the Cu surface reduced and yield a high-quality, complete monolayer graphene coverage. The H 2 atmosphere etches as-grown graphene; hence, maintaining a balanced CH 4/H 2 ratio is critical. Such balance is more easily achieved at low-pressure conditions, at which however Cu sublimation reaches deleterious levels. In contrast, C 6H 6 as precursor requires no reactive diluent and consistently gives similar graphene quality at 100-150 °C lower temperatures. The lower process temperature and more robust processing conditions allow the problem of Cu sublimation to be effectively addressed. Graphene formation is not inherently self-limited to a monolayer for any of the precursors. Rather, the higher the supplied carbon chemical potential, the higher the likelihood of film inhomogeneity and primary and secondary multilayer graphene nucleation. For the latter, domain boundaries of the inherently polycrystalline CVD graphene offer pathways for a continued carbon supply to the catalyst. Graphene formation is significantly affected by the Cu crystallography; i.e., the evolution of microstructure and texture of the catalyst template form an integral part of the CVD process. © 2012 American Chemical Society.


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With series insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) operation, well-matched gate drives will not ensure balanced dynamic voltage sharing between the switching devices. Rather, it is IGBT parasitic capacitances, mainly gate-to-collector capacitance Cgc, that dominate transient voltage sharing. As Cgc is collector voltage dependant and is significantly larger during the initial turn-off transition, it dominates IGBT dynamic voltage sharing. This paper presents an active control technique for series-connected IGBTs that allows their dynamic voltage transition dV\ce/dt to adaptively vary. Both switch ON and OFF transitions are controlled to follow a predefined dVce/dt. Switching losses associated with this technique are minimized by the adaptive dv /dt control technique incorporated into the design. A detailed description of the control circuits is presented in this paper. Experimental results with up to three series devices in a single-ended dc chopper circuit, operating at various low voltage and current levels, are used to illustrate the performance of the proposed technique. © 2012 IEEE.


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The partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) has been proposed as a dialogue model that enables automatic improvement of the dialogue policy and robustness to speech understanding errors. It requires, however, a large number of dialogues to train the dialogue policy. Gaussian processes (GP) have recently been applied to POMDP dialogue management optimisation showing an ability to substantially increase the speed of learning. Here, we investigate this further using the Bayesian Update of Dialogue State dialogue manager. We show that it is possible to apply Gaussian processes directly to the belief state, removing the need for a parametric policy representation. In addition, the resulting policy learns significantly faster while maintaining operational performance. © 2012 IEEE.


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The paper investigates the synchronization of a network of identical linear state-space models under a possibly time-varying and directed interconnection structure. The main result is the construction of a dynamic output feedback coupling that achieves synchronization if the decoupled systems have no exponentially unstable mode and if the communication graph is uniformly connected. The result can be interpreted as a generalization of classical consensus algorithms. Stronger conditions are shown to be sufficient-but to some extent, also necessary-to ensure synchronization with the diffusive static output coupling often considered in the literature. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The paper investigates the synchronization of a network of identical linear time-invariant state-space models under a possibly time-varying and directed interconnection structure. The main result is the construction of a dynamic output feedback coupling that achieves synchronization if the decoupled systems have no exponentially unstable mode and if the communication graph is uniformly connected. Stronger conditions are shown to be sufficient - but to some extent, also necessary - to ensure synchronization with the diffusive static output coupling often considered in the literature. © 2008 IEEE.


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This work presents simplified 242mAm-fueled nuclear battery concept design featuring direct fission products energy conversion and passive heat rejection. Optimization of the battery operating characteristics and dimensions was performed. The calculations of power conversion efficiency under thermal and nuclear design constraints showed that 5.6 W e/kg power density can be achieved, which corresponds to conversion efficiency of about 4%. A system with about 190 cm outer radius translates into 17.8 MT mass per 100 kW e. Total power scales linearly with the outer surface area of the battery through which the residual heat is rejected. Tradeoffs between the battery lifetime, mass, dimensions, power rating, and conversion efficiency are presented and discussed. The battery can be used in a wide variety of interplanetary missions with power requirements in the kW to MW range. Copyright © 2007 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.


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The work presents simplified242mAm fueled nuclear battery concept design featuring direct fission products energy conversion and passive heat rejection. The performed calculations of power conversion efficiency under thermal and nuclear design constraints showed that 14 W/kg power density can be achieved, which corresponds to conversion efficiency of about 6%. Total power of the battery scales linearly with its surface area. 144 kW of electric power can be produced by a nuclear battery with an external radius of about 174 cm and total mass of less than 10300 kg. The mass of242m Am fuel for such a system is 3200 gram.


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A free space optical wireless communication system with 3 degree angular coverage and 1.25 GHz modulation bandwidth is reported, in which relatively narrow laser beam of a simultaneous high power, high modulation speed and ultra high modulation efficiency directly modulated two-electrode tapered laser diode is steered using a nematic phase-only Liquid-Crystal On Silicon Spatial Light Modulator (LCOS SLM) by displaying reconfigurable 256 phase level gratings. © 1983-2012 IEEE.


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The most common approach to decision making in multi-objective optimisation with metaheuristics is a posteriori preference articulation. Increased model complexity and a gradual increase of optimisation problems with three or more objectives have revived an interest in progressively interactive decision making, where a human decision maker interacts with the algorithm at regular intervals. This paper presents an interactive approach to multi-objective particle swarm optimisation (MOPSO) using a novel technique to preference articulation based on decision space interaction and visual preference articulation. The approach is tested on a 2D aerofoil design case study and comparisons are drawn to non-interactive MOPSO. © 2013 IEEE.


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A critical element for the successful growth of GaN device layers on Si is accurate control of the AlGaN buffer layers used to manage strain. Here we present a method for measuring the composition of the AlGaN buffer layers in device structures which makes use of a one-dimensional x-ray detector to provide efficient measurement of a reciprocal space map which covers the full compositional range from AlN to GaN. Combining this with a suitable x-ray reflection with low strain sensitivity it is possible to accurately determine the Al fraction of the buffer layers independent of their relaxation state. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.