225 resultados para Fast Rayleigh Fading


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We study the information rates of non-coherent, stationary, Gaussian, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) flat-fading channels that are achievable with nearest neighbour decoding and pilot-aided channel estimation. In particular, we analyse the behaviour of these achievable rates in the limit as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) tends to infinity. We demonstrate that nearest neighbour decoding and pilot-aided channel estimation achieves the capacity pre-logwhich is defined as the limiting ratio of the capacity to the logarithm of SNR as the SNR tends to infinityof non-coherent multiple-input single-output (MISO) flat-fading channels, and it achieves the best so far known lower bound on the capacity pre-log of non-coherent MIMO flat-fading channels. © 2011 IEEE.


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The capacity of peak-power limited, single-antenna, noncoherent, flat-fading channels with memory is considered. The emphasis is on the capacity pre-log, i.e., on the limiting ratio of channel capacity to the logarithm of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), as the SNR tends to infinity. It is shown that, among all stationary and ergodic fading processes of a given spectral distribution function and whose law has no mass point at zero, the Gaussian process gives rise to the smallest pre-log. The assumption that the law of the fading process has no mass point at zero is essential in the sense that there exist stationary and ergodic fading processes whose law has a mass point at zero and that give rise to a smaller pre-log than the Gaussian process of equal spectral distribution function. An extension of these results to multiple-input single-output (MISO) fading channels with memory is also presented. © 2006 IEEE.


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Fading channels, which are used as a model for wireless communication, are often analyzed by assuming that the receiver is aware of the realization of the channel. This is commonly justified by saying that the channel varies typically slowly with time, and the receiver is thus able to estimate it. However, this assumption is optimistic, since it is prima facie not clear whether the channel can be estimated perfectly. This paper investigates the quality of this assumption by means of the channel capacity. In particular, results on the channel capacity of fading channels are presented, both when the receiver is aware of the realization of the channel and when it is aware only of its statistics. A comparison of these results demonstrates that information- theoretic analyses of fading channels that are based on the assumption that the receiver is aware of the channel's realization can yield helpful insights, but have to be taken with a pinch of salt. ©2009 IEEE.


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The capacity of peak-power limited, single-antenna, non-coherent, flat-fading channels with memory is considered. The emphasis is on the capacity pre-log, i.e., on the limiting ratio of channel capacity to the logarithm of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), as the SNR tends to infinity. It is shown that, among all stationary & ergodic fading processes of a given spectral distribution function whose law has no mass point at zero, the Gaussian process gives rise to the smallest pre-log. © 2006 IEEE.


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High-throughput DNA sequencing (HTS) instruments today are capable of generating millions of sequencing reads in a short period of time, and this represents a serious challenge to current bioinformatics pipeline in processing such an enormous amount of data in a fast and economical fashion. Modern graphics cards are powerful processing units that consist of hundreds of scalar processors in parallel in order to handle the rendering of high-definition graphics in real-time. It is this computational capability that we propose to harness in order to accelerate some of the time-consuming steps in analyzing data generated by the HTS instruments. We have developed BarraCUDA, a novel sequence mapping software that utilizes the parallelism of NVIDIA CUDA graphics cards to map sequencing reads to a particular location on a reference genome. While delivering a similar mapping fidelity as other mainstream programs , BarraCUDA is a magnitude faster in mapping throughput compared to its CPU counterparts. The software is also capable of supporting multiple CUDA devices in parallel to further accelerate the mapping throughput. BarraCUDA is designed to take advantage of the parallelism of GPU to accelerate the mapping of millions of sequencing reads generated by HTS instruments. By doing this, we could, at least in part streamline the current bioinformatics pipeline such that the wider scientific community could benefit from the sequencing technology. BarraCUDA is currently available at http://seqbarracuda.sf.net


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We demonstrate a fast-switching (sub-millisecond) phase grating based upon a polymer stabilized short-pitch chiral nematic liquid crystal that is electrically addressed using in-plane electric fields. The combination of the short-pitch and the polymer stabilization enables the diffraction pattern to be switched “on” and “off” reversibly in 600 µs. Results are presented on the far-field diffraction pattern along with the intensity of the diffraction orders as a function of the applied electric field and the response times.


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This paper develops an algorithm for finding sparse signals from limited observations of a linear system. We assume an adaptive Gaussian model for sparse signals. This model results in a least square problem with an iteratively reweighted L2 penalty that approximates the L0-norm. We propose a fast algorithm to solve the problem within a continuation framework. In our examples, we show that the correct sparsity map and sparsity level are gradually learnt during the iterations even when the number of observations is reduced, or when observation noise is present. In addition, with the help of sophisticated interscale signal models, the algorithm is able to recover signals to a better accuracy and with reduced number of observations than typical L1-norm and reweighted L1 norm methods. ©2010 IEEE.


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BACKGROUND: With the maturation of next-generation DNA sequencing (NGS) technologies, the throughput of DNA sequencing reads has soared to over 600 gigabases from a single instrument run. General purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU), extracts the computing power from hundreds of parallel stream processors within graphics processing cores and provides a cost-effective and energy efficient alternative to traditional high-performance computing (HPC) clusters. In this article, we describe the implementation of BarraCUDA, a GPGPU sequence alignment software that is based on BWA, to accelerate the alignment of sequencing reads generated by these instruments to a reference DNA sequence. FINDINGS: Using the NVIDIA Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) software development environment, we ported the most computational-intensive alignment component of BWA to GPU to take advantage of the massive parallelism. As a result, BarraCUDA offers a magnitude of performance boost in alignment throughput when compared to a CPU core while delivering the same level of alignment fidelity. The software is also capable of supporting multiple CUDA devices in parallel to further accelerate the alignment throughput. CONCLUSIONS: BarraCUDA is designed to take advantage of the parallelism of GPU to accelerate the alignment of millions of sequencing reads generated by NGS instruments. By doing this, we could, at least in part streamline the current bioinformatics pipeline such that the wider scientific community could benefit from the sequencing technology.BarraCUDA is currently available from http://seqbarracuda.sf.net.


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We demonstrate a fast-switching (sub-millisecond) phase grating based upon a polymer stabilized short-pitch chiral nematic liquid crystal that is electrically addressed using in-plane electric fields. The combination of the short-pitch and the polymer stabilization enables the diffraction pattern to be switched on and off reversibly in 600 μs. Results are presented on the far-field diffraction pattern along with the intensity of the diffraction orders as a function of the applied electric field and the response times. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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This paper studies a noncoherent multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) fading multiple-access channel (MAC). The rate region that is achievable with nearest neighbour decoding and pilot-assisted channel estimation is analysed and the corresponding pre-log region, defined as the limiting ratio of the rate region to the logarithm of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as the SNR tends to infinity, is determined. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper provides an overview of results on the capacity of noncoherent, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) flat-fading channels with a bandlimited power spectral density. The focus is on results that concern the capacity at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In particular, the capacity pre-log, defined as the limiting ratio of the capacity to the logarithm of the SNR as the SNR tends to infinity, is studied. It is observed that the capacity pre-log is a function of the number of antennas as well as of the bandwidth of the fading channel's power spectral density. It is further observed that the capacity pre-log can be achieved with a simple communication system where the data detection and the channel estimation are performed separately. © 2011 ACM.


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Modelling dialogue as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) enables a dialogue policy robust to speech understanding errors to be learnt. However, a major challenge in POMDP policy learning is to maintain tractability, so the use of approximation is inevitable. We propose applying Gaussian Processes in Reinforcement learning of optimal POMDP dialogue policies, in order (1) to make the learning process faster and (2) to obtain an estimate of the uncertainty of the approximation. We first demonstrate the idea on a simple voice mail dialogue task and then apply this method to a real-world tourist information dialogue task. © 2010 Association for Computational Linguistics.