Power Law Dependence of Field-Effect Mobility in Amorphous Oxide Semiconductor Thin Film Transistors
Current-voltage behaviour of oxide TFTs is modeled based on trap-limited conduction and percolation theories. The mobility has a power-law dependence, in which percolation controls the exponent while trap states determine constant term in the power law. The proposed model, which is fully physically-based, provides a good agreement with measured transistor characteristics as well as transient operations of fabricated pixel test circuits for oxide-based OLED displays. © 2013 Society for Information Display.
A model of the negative bias illumination stress instability in InGaZn oxide is presented, based on the photo-excitation of electrons from oxygen interstitials. The O interstitials are present to compensate hydrogen donors. The O interstitials are found to spontaneously form in O-rich conditions for Fermi energies at the conduction band edge, much more easily that in related oxides. The excited electrons give rise to a persistent photoconductivity due to an energy barrier to recombination. The formation energy of the O interstitials varies with their separation from the H donors, which leads to a voltage stress dependence on the compensation. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.
Segregating the dynamics of gate bias induced threshold voltage shift, and in particular, charge trapping in thin film transistors (TFTs) based on time constants provides insight into the different mechanisms underlying TFTs instability. In this Letter we develop a representation of the time constants and model the magnitude of charge trapped in the form of an equivalent density of created trap states. This representation is extracted from the Fourier spectrum of the dynamics of charge trapping. Using amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O TFTs as an example, the charge trapping was modeled within an energy range of ΔEt 0.3 eV and with a density of state distribution as Dt(Et-j)=Dt0exp(-ΔEt/ kT)with Dt0 = 5.02 × 1011 cm-2 eV-1. Such a model is useful for developing simulation tools for circuit design. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.