168 resultados para wavelength multiplexing


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The design of an SLM-based mode demultiplexer is discussed and mode division multiplexing is performed using the LP0,1 and LP 0,2 modes, representing the first demonstration to propagate channels on modes with the same azimuthal index. Mode multiplexed transmission over 2 km of 50-μm OM2 fiber demonstrates a modal selectivity of 16 dB and an OSNR penalty of 1.5 dB for the transmission of 2×56 Gb/s QPSK signals. © 2012 IEEE.


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We report the operation of a gigahertz clocked quantum key distribution system, with two classical data communication channels using coarse wavelength division multiplexing over a record fibre distance of 80km. © 2012 OSA.


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Employing a nanotube-based saturable absorber, we demonstrate a continuously tunable (1533-1563nm) ultrafast fiber laser, with output pulsewidth switchable between picosecond (1.2 ps) and femtosecond (610 fs) regimes. © 2012 IEEE.


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We demonstrate a dual-wavelength, carbon nanotube mode-locked Er fiber laser. The laser outputs two wavelengths at 1549nm and 1562nm, and each wavelength corresponds to pulse duration of ∼1.3ps and repetition rate of ∼11.27MHz. © 2012 IEEE.


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The wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) has been proposed as a promising technology to efficiently use the available bandwidth of a single optical fibre. This can be achieved by transmitting different channels on the optical fibre with each channel modulating a different wavelength. The aim of this paper is to propose a compact design (35 mm×65 mm) of a reconfigurable holographic optical switch in order to access and manipulate 4 channels at a node of a fibre-optic communication network. A vital component of such a switch is a nematic liquid crystal spatial light modulator offering control and flexibility at the channel manipulation stage and providing the ability to redirect light into the desired output fibre. This is achieved by the use of a 2-D analogue phase computer generated hologram (CGH) based on liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) technology. © 2012 SPIE.


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A novel and simple non-return-to-zero differential phase shift keying (NRZ-DPSK) wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) system, which can simultaneously demultiplex and demodulate multiple wavelengths, is proposed and investigated in this paper. The phase-to-intensity demodulation principle is based on detuned filtering, which is achieved by using a single commercial array waveguide grating (AWG) in our scheme. By properly choosing appropriate AWG channels at the transmitter, the AWG at the receiver can act as both the demultiplexer and the demodulator of the DPSK signals. Simulations at 10, 20, and 40 Gbit/s show good flexibility and performance for the proposed system. © 2009 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH.


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Abstract (40-Word Limit): A novel method for sending MIMO wireless signals to remote antenna units over a single multimode fibre is proposed. MIMO streams are sent via different fibre modes using mode division multiplexing. Combined channel measurements of 2km MMF and a typical indoor radio environment show in principle a 2x2 MIMO link at carrier frequencies up to 6GHz.


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We discuss the development of amorphous oxide semiconductor technology for optical sensor applications. In particular, we discuss the challenges of detecting visible wavelengths using this family of materials, which are known to be optically transparent due to their relatively large bandgap energy. One of the main issues with amorphous oxide semiconductors (AOS) is the ionization of the oxygen vacancies (VO) under illumination. While this can be beneficial in terms of optical absorption and high photoconductive gain, it can give rise to persistent photoconductivity (PPC). We will present techniques to overcome the PPC, and discuss how to achieve the high photoconductive gain for image sensor applications. © 2012 IEEE.


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Mode Division Multiplexing is performed over 2km and 8km of 50μm graded-index multimode fibre using (de)multiplex phase masks based around optical vortex modes to transmit 2×56Gbps QPSK signals without MIMO equalization. © 2013 OSA.


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We review our recent exploratory investigations on mode division multiplexing using hollow-core photonic bandgap fibers (HC-PBGFs). Compared with traditional multimode fibers, HC-PBGFs have several attractive features such as ultra-low nonlinearities, low-loss transmission window around 2 μm etc. After having discussed the potential and challenges of using HC-PBGFs as transmission fibers for mode multiplexing applications, we will report a number of recent proof-of-concept results obtained in our group using direct detection receivers. The first one is the transmission of two 10.7 Gbit/s non-return to zero (NRZ) data signals over a 30 m 7-cell HC-PBGF using the offset mode launching method. In another experiment, a short piece of 19-cell HC-PBGF was used to transmit two 20 Gbit/s NRZ channels using a spatial light modulator for precise mode excitation. Bit-error-ratio (BER) performances below the forward-error-correction (FEC) threshold limit (3.3×10-3) are confirmed for both data channels when they propagate simultaneously. © 2013 IEEE.


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Mode Division Multiplexing is performed over 2km and 8km of 50μm graded-index multimode fibre using (de)multiplex phase masks based around optical vortex modes to transmit 2x56Gbps QPSK signals without MIMO equalization. © 2013 OSA.


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MIMO DSP is employed to improve the performance of degenerate mode-group division multiplexing in 8 km of conventional GI-MMF. Compensation of the mode coupling, induced by the launch and propagation, between and inside each degenerate mode-group is investigated in order to reduce the DSP complexity. © 2013 IEEE.


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We passively modelock an optically pumped VECSEL by using a single-layer graphene saturable absorber mirror, resulting in pulses as short as 473 fs. A broad wavelength tuning range of 46 nm is achieved with three different VECSEL chips, with a single chip 21 nm are covered. © OSA 2013.


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The transient crosstalk in a phase-only liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) based wavelength selective switch using a Fourier transform setup was investigated. Its origin was identified using an in situ test procedure and found to be related to the transient phase patterns displayed by the LCOS device during the switching. Two different methods were proposed to reduce the transient crosstalk without the need to modify the optics or electronics in use. Experimental results show both methods are able to reduce the worst-case transient crosstalk by at least 5 dB. © 1983-2013 IEEE.