168 resultados para Road tests


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Accurate simulation of rolling-tyre vibrations, and the associated noise, requires knowledge of road-surface topology. Full scans of the surface types in common use are, however, not widely available, and are likely to remain so. Ways of producing simulated surfaces from incomplete starting information are thus needed. In this paper, a simulation methodology based solely on line measurements is developed, and validated against a full two-dimensional height map of a real asphalt surface. First the tribological characteristics-asperity height, curvature and nearest-neighbour distributions-of the real surface are analysed. It is then shown that a standard simulation technique, which matches the (isotropic) spectrum and the probability distribution of the height measurements, is unable to reproduce these characteristics satisfactorily. A modification, whereby the inherent granularity of the surface is enforced at the initialisation stage, is introduced, and found to produce simulations whose tribological characteristics are in excellent agreement with the measurements. This method will thus make high-fidelity tyre-vibration calculations feasible for researchers with access to line-scan data only. In addition, the approach to surface tribological characterisation set out here provides a template for efficient cataloguing of road textures, as long as the resulting information can subsequently be used to produce sample realisations. A third simulation algorithm, which successfully addresses this requirement, is therefore also presented. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


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A two-step viscoelastic spherical indentation method is proposed to compensate for 1) material relaxation and 2) sample thickness. In the first step, the indenter is moved at a constant speed and the reaction force is measured. In the second step, the indenter is held at a constant position and the relaxation response of the material is measured. Then the relaxation response is fit with a multi-exponential function which corresponds to a three-branch general Maxwell model. The relaxation modulus is derived by correcting the finite ramp time introduced in the first step. The proposed model takes into account the sample thickness, which is important for applications in which the sample thickness is less than ten times the indenter radius. The model is validated numerically by finite element simulations. Experiments are carried out on a 10% gelatin phantom and a chicken breast sample with the proposed method. The results for both the gelatin phantom and the chicken breast sample agree with the results obtained from a surface wave method. Both the finite element simulations and experimental results show improved elasticity estimations by incorporating the sample thickness into the model. The measured shear elasticities of the 10% gelatin sample are 6.79 and 6.93 kPa by the proposed finite indentation method at sample thickness of 40 and 20 mm, respectively. The elasticity of the same sample is estimated to be 6.53 kPa by the surface wave method. For the chicken breast sample, the shear elasticity is measured to be 4.51 and 5.17 kPa by the proposed indentation method at sample thickness of 40 and 20 mm, respectively. Its elasticity is measured by the surface wave method to be 4.14 kPa. © 2011 IEEE.


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The horizontal arching mechanism transfers horizontal earth pressures acting on flexible retaining wall panels to stiffer neighbouring elements via soil shear stresses. In this research, the horizontal arching mechanism and lateral displacements of fixed cantilever walls in a model basement are investigated using centrifuge tests. A series of six tests was carried out at 45 gravities where the panel widths and thicknesses around the model basement were varied, so that the effects of panel geometry and stiffness on horizontal arching could be studied. It is shown that panel crest displacements and base bending moments of the most flexible, narrow panels can be an order of magnitude smaller than conventional active earth pressure calculations would allow. It is suggested that the reduction of earth pressure acting on a panel is directly correlated to the mobilized soil shear strength and hence, soil shear strain. Earth pressure coefficients K are plotted against panel displacements normalized by the panel width, u/B, to simulate the reduction of K with increasing soil strain.An idealized K-u/B curve is introduced, characterised by a reference distortion (u/B) ref beyond which fully plastic soil arching can be inferred, and which is related to the corresponding reference shear strain γ ref at which soil strength is fully mobilized in element tests. © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, London.


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This paper provides a case study on the deepest excavation carried out so far in the construction of the metro network in Shanghai, which typically features soft ground. The excavation is 38 m deep with retaining walls 65 m deep braced by 9 levels of concrete props. To obtain a quick and rough prediction, two centrifuge model tests were conducted, in which one is for the 'standard' section with green field surrounding and the other with an adjacent piled building. The tests were carried out in a run-stop-excavation-run style, in which excavation was conducted manually. By analyzing the lateral wall displacement, ground deformation, bending moment and earth pressure, the test results are shown to be reasonably convincing and the design and construction were validated. Such industry orientated centrifuge modeling was shown to be useful in understanding the performance of geotechnical processes, especially when engineers lack relevant field experience. © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London.


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In the framework of the Italian research project ReLUIS-DPC, a set of centrifuge tests were carried out at the Schofield Centre in Cambridge (UK) to investigate the seismic behaviour of tunnels. Four samples of dry sand were prepared at different densities, in which a small scale model of circular tunnel was inserted, instrumented with gauges measuring hoop and bending strains. Arrays of accelerometers in the soil and on the box allowed the amplification of ground motion to be evaluated; LVDTs measured the soil surface settlement. This paper describes the main results of this research, showing among others the evolution of the internal forces during the model earthquakes at significant locations along the tunnel lining. © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London.


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The Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique is an image processing tool to obtain instantaneous velocity measurements during an experiment. The basic principle of PIV analysis is to divide the image into small patches and calculate the locations of the individual patches in consecutive images with the help of cross correlation functions. This paper focuses on the application of the PIV analysis in dynamic centrifuge tests on small scale tunnels in loose, dry sand. Digital images were captured during the application of the earthquake loading on tunnel models using a fast digital camera capable of taking digital images at 1000 frames per second at 1 Megapixel resolution. This paper discusses the effectiveness of the existing methods used to conduct PIV analyses on dynamic centrifuge tests. Results indicate that PIV analysis in dynamic testing requires special measures in order to obtain reasonable deformation data. Nevertheless, it was possible to obtain interesting mechanisms regarding the behaviour of the tunnels from PIV analyses. © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London.


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This paper discusses a laboratory study used to characterize bituminous binders based on their dynamic creep resistance. Laboratory testing using four different loading regimes on asphalt mixes with six different bituminous binders was undertaken. Creep cycles to 2% accumulated strain were used to define the creep resistance of the asphalt mixes with the various binders. Underlying viscosities of the bitumens were derived using the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) Elastometer. Marshall stability was measured on the specimens that were prepared using gyratory compaction. Regression plots were prepared that link creep resistance, underlying viscosity, and Marshall stability. It was found that the ARRB Elastometer is able to measure underlying viscosity, which is a reasonable predictor of dynamic creep resistance. Marshall stability was also shown to be a good indicator of dynamic creep resistance. Therefore, simpler tests such as Marshall stability and Elastometer can be used to rank bituminous materials for asphalt mix design purposes in the laboratory. © 2010 ASCE.


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The analysis of scientific data is integral to materials engineering and science. The correlation between measured variables is often quantified by estimating the coefficient of determination or the r2 value. This is the recognised procedure for determining linear relationships. The authors review the derivation of the r2 value and derive an associated quantity, termed the relative deviation (RD), which is the ratio of the root mean square of the deviations about the fitted line to the root mean square of the deviations about the y bar line expressed as a percentage. The relative deviation has an advantage over the coefficient of determination in that it has greater numerical sensitivity to changes in the spread of data about the fitted line, especially when the scatter is small. In addition, the relative deviation is able to define, in percentage terms, the reduction in scatter when different independent variables are correlated with a common dependent variable. Four case studies in the materials field (aggregate crushing value, Atterberg limits, permeability and creep of asphalt) from work carried out at the Queensland Main Roads Department are presented to show the use of the new parameter RD.


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This paper describes a new approach to model the forces on a tread block for a free-rolling tyre in contact with a rough road. A theoretical analysis based on realistic tread mechanical properties and road roughness is presented, indicating partial contact between a tread block and a rough road. Hence an asperity-scale indentation model is developed using a semi-empirical formulation, taking into account both the rubber viscoelasticity and the tread block geometry. The model aims to capture the essential details of the contact at the simplest level, to make it suitable as part of a time-domain dynamic analysis of the coupled tyre-road system. The indentation model is found to have a good correlation with the finite element (FE) predictions and is validated against experimental results using a rolling contact rig. When coupled to a deformed tyre belt profile, the indentation model predicts normal and tangential force histories inside the tyre contact patch that show good agreement with FE predictions. © 2012 Elsevier B.V..


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A superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) for 6.6 kV and 400 A installed in a cubicle for a distribution network substation was conceptually designed. The SFCL consists of parallel- and series-connected superconducting YBCO elements and a limiting resistor. Before designing the SFCL, some tests were carried out. The width and length of each element used in the tests are 30 mm and 210 mm, respectively. The element consists of YBCO thin film of about 200 nm in thickness on cerium dioxide (CeO2) as a cap-layer on a sapphire substrate by metal-organic deposition with a protective metal coat. In the tests, characteristics of each element, such as over-current, withstand-voltage, and so on, were obtained. From these characteristics, series and parallel connections of the elements, called units, were considered. The characteristics of the units were obtained by tests. From the test results, a single phase prototype SFCL was manufactured and tested. Thus, an SFCL rated at 6.6 kV and 400 A can be designed. © 2009 IEEE.