186 resultados para Lea, Langdon "Biff"


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This paper presents the results of a study that specifically looks at the relationships between measured user capabilities and product demands in a sample of older and disabled users. An empirical study was conducted with 19 users performing tasks with four consumer products (a clock-radio, a mobile phone, a blender and a vacuum cleaner). The sensory, cognitive and motor capabilities of each user were measured using objective capability tests. The study yielded a rich dataset comprising capability measures, product demands, outcome measures (task times and errors), and subjective ratings of difficulty. Scatter plots were produced showing quantified product demands on user capabilities, together with subjective ratings of difficulty. The results are analysed in terms of the strength of correlations observed taking into account the limitations of the study sample. Directions for future research are also outlined. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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The purpose of this study is to develop a model of cognitive impairment to help designers consider the range of issues which affect the lives of people living with such impairment. A series of interviews with experts of cognitive impairment was conducted to describe and assess the links between specific medical conditions, including learning disability, specific learning difficulties, autistic spectrum disorders, traumatic brain injury and schizophrenia, and the types of cognitive impairment associated with them. The results reveal some of the most prevalent and serious types of impairment, which - when transformed into design guidance - will help designers make mainstream products more inclusive also for people with cognitive impairment. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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Designers are typically male, under 35 years old and unimpaired. Users can be of any age and currently over 15% will have some form of impairment. As a result a vast array of consumer products suit youthful males and in many cases exclude other demographics (e.g. Keates and Clarkson, 2004). In studying the way a range of users learn how to use new products, key cognitive difficulties are revealed and linked back to the areas of the product causing the problems. The trials were structured so each user had to complete a specific set of tasks and were consistent across the user spectrum. The tasks set aimed to represent both everyday usage and less familiar functions. Whilst the knowledge gained could provide designers with valuable guidelines for the specific products examined, a more general abstraction provides knowledge of the pitfalls to avoid in the design of other product families.


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Elderly and disabled people can be hugely benefited through the advancement of modern electronic devices, as those can help them to engage more fully with the world. However, existing design practices often isolate elderly or disabled users by considering them as users with special needs. This article presents a simulator that can reflect problems faced by elderly and disabled users while they use computer, television, and similar electronic devices. The simulator embodies both the internal state of an application and the perceptual, cognitive, and motor processes of its user. It can help interface designers to understand, visualize, and measure the effect of impairment on interaction with an interface. Initially a brief survey of different user modeling techniques is presented, and then the existing models are classified into different categories. In the context of existing modeling approaches the work on user modeling is presented for people with a wide range of abilities. A few applications of the simulator, which shows the predictions are accurate enough to make design choices and point out the implication and limitations of the work, are also discussed. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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This book contains the proceedings of the first Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology (CWUAAT), incorporating the fourth Cambridge Workshop on Rehabilitation Robotics, held in Cambridge, England in March 2002.


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The key to this is maintaining a healthy population that is able and willing to work longer before retirement and can remain independent for as long as possible afterwards as well as bringing disabled people into mainstream life and ...


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The Cambridge Workshops on Universal Access and Assistive Technology (CWUAAT) are a series of workshops held at a Cambridge University College every two years.


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Chapter 6 A Population Perspective on Mobile Phone Related Tasks M. Bradley, S. Waller, J. Goodman-Deane, l. Hosking, R. Tenneti, PM Langdon and PJ Clarkson 6.1 Introduction For design to be truly inclusive, it needs to take into ...


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Chapter 11 Intrinsic Motivation and Design of ICT for ... Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems provide an increasingly promising platform with which to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare, ...


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Chapter 12 A Framework for Studying Cognitive Impairment to Inform Inclusive Design E. Jokisuu, PM Langdon and PJ Clarkson 12.1 Introduction Cognitive impairment is an exceptionally complicated phenomenon, for which no simple solutions ...


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Chapter 14 Understandable by Design: How Can Products be Designed to Align with User Experience? A. Mieczakowski, PM Langdon, RH Bracewell, JJ Patmore and PJ Clarkson 14.1 Introduction Understanding users increases the likelihood that ...