18 resultados para TOXICIDAD POR INGESTION


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The use of boundary-layer-ingesting, embedded propulsion systems can result in inlet flow distortions where the interaction of the boundary layer vorticity and the inlet lip causes horseshoe vortex formation and the ingestion of streamwise vortices into the inlet. A previously-developed body-force-based fan modeling approach was used to assess the change in fan rotor shock noise generation and propagation in a boundary-layer-ingesting, serpentine inlet. This approach is employed here in a parametric study to assess the effects of inlet geometry parameters (offset-to-diameter ratio and downstream-to-upstream area ratio) on flow distortion and rotor shock noise. Mechanisms related to the vortical inlet structures were found to govern changes in the rotor shock noise generation and propagation. The vortex whose circulation is in the opposite direction to the fan rotation (counter-swirling vortex) increases incidence angles on the fan blades near the tip, enhancing noise generation. The vortex with circulation in the direction of fan rotation (co-swirling vortex) creates a region of subsonic relative flow near the blade tip radius which decreases the sound power propagated to the far-field. The parametric study revealed that the overall sound power level at the fan leading edge is set by the ingested streamwise circulation, and that for inlet designs in which the streamwise vortices are displaced away from the duct wall, the sound power at the upstream inlet plane increased by as much as 9 dB. By comparing the far-field noise results obtained to those for a conventional inlet, it is deduced that the changes in rotor shock noise are predominantly due to the ingestion of streamwise vorticity.


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The use of boundary-layer-ingesting, embedded propulsion systems can result in inlet flow distortions where the interaction of the boundary layer vorticity and the inlet lip causes horseshoe vortex formation and the ingestion of streamwise vortices into the inlet. A previously-developed body-force-based fan modeling approach was used to assess the change in fan rotor shock noise generation and propagation in a boundary-layer-ingesting, serpentine inlet. This approach is employed here in a parametric study to assess the effects of inlet geometry parameters (offset-to-diameter ratio and downstream-to-upstream area ratio) on flow distortion and rotor shock noise. Mechanisms related to the vortical inlet structures were found to govern changes in the rotor shock noise generation and propagation. The vortex whose circulation is in the opposite direction to the fan rotation (counter-swirling vortex) increases incidence angles on the fan blades near the tip, enhancing noise generation. The vortex with circulation in the direction of fan rotation (co-swirling vortex) creates a region of subsonic relative flow near the blade tip radius which decreases the sound power propagated to the far-field. The parametric study revealed that the overall sound power level at the fan leading edge is set by the ingested streamwise circulation, and that for inlet designs in which the streamwise vortices are displaced away from the duct wall, the sound power at the upstream inlet plane increased by as much as 9 dB. By comparing the far-field noise results obtained to those for a conventional inlet, it is deduced that the changes in rotor shock noise are predominantly due to the ingestion of streamwise vorticity.


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Turbulence, as naturally occurs in the atmosphere, is known to become highly anisotropic in the presence of the flow induced by a propeller. This turbulent distortion, caused by the streamtube contraction, significantly affects the tonal content of the radiated noise due to turbulence ingestion. We present here an analytic framework in which turbulent distortion may be assessed for any irrotational mean flow which approaches uniform axial flow far upstream. Sound spectra are presented for the case of two rotors in close proximity, for which the distortion is asymmetric. Quantities such as the turbulence spectrum at the rotor face and sound directivity then vary with azimuthal angle φ. © 2010 by Rosalyn A.V. Robison & N. Peake.


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The Silent Aircraft Initiative goal is to design an aircraft that is imperceptible above background noise outside the airport boundary. The aircraft that fulfils this objective must also be economically competitive with conventional aircraft of the future and therefore fuel consumption and mechanical reliability are key considerations for the design. To meet these ambitious targets, a multi-fan embedded turbofan engine with boundary layer ingestion has been proposed. This configuration includes several new technologies including a variable area nozzle, a complex high-power transmission system, a Low Pressure turbine designed for low-noise, an axial-radial HP compressor, advanced acoustic liners and a low-speed fan optimized for both cruise and off-design operation. These technologies, in combination, enable a low-noise and fuel efficient propulsion system but they also introduce significant challenges into the design. These challenges include difficulties in predicting the noise and performance of the new components but there are also challenges in reducing the design risks and proving that the new concepts are realizable. This paper presents the details of the engine configuration that has been developed for the Silent Aircraft application. It describes the design approach used for the critical components and discusses the benefits of the new technologies. The new technologies are expected to offer significant benefits in noise reduction without compromising fuel burn. However, more detailed design and further research are required to fully control the additional risks generated by the system complexity.


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This paper presents an assessment of the performance of an embedded propulsion system in the presence of distortion associated with boundary layer ingestion. For fan pressure ratios of interest for civil transports, the benefits of boundary layer ingestion are shown to be very sensitive to the magnitude of fan and duct losses. The distortion transfer across the fan, basically the comparison of the stagnation pressure non-uniformity downstream of the fan to that upstream of the fan, has a major role in determining the impact of boundary layer ingestion on overall fuel burn. This, in turn, puts requirements on the fidelity with which one needs to assess the distortion transfer, and thus the type of models that need to be used in such assessment. For the three-dimensional distortions associated with fuselage boundary layers ingested into a subsonic diffusing inlet, it is found that boundary layer ingestion can provide decreases in fuel burn of several per cent. It is also shown that a promising avenue for mitigating the risks (aerodynamic as well as aeromechanical) in boundary layer ingestion is to mix out the flow before it reaches the engine face.


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Optimisation of cooling systems within gas turbine engines is of great interest to engine manufacturers seeking gains in performance, efficiency and component life. The effectiveness of coolant delivery is governed by complex flows within the stator wells and the interaction of main annulus and cooling air in the vicinity of the rim seals. This paper reports the development of a test facility which allows the interaction of cooling air and main gas paths to be measured at conditions representative of those found in modern gas turbine engines. The test facility features a two stage turbine with an overall pressure ratio of approximately 2.6:1. Hot air is supplied to the main annulus using a Rolls-Royce Dart compressor driven by an aero-derivative engine plant. Cooling air can be delivered to the stator wells at multiple locations and at a range of flow rates which cover bulk ingestion through to bulk egress. The facility has been designed with adaptable geometry to enable rapid changes of cooling air path configuration. The coolant delivery system allows swift and accurate changes to the flow settings such that thermal transients may be performed. Particular attention has been focused on obtaining high accuracy data, using a radio telemetry system, as well as thorough through-calibration practices. Temperature measurements can now be made on both rotating and stationary discs with a long term uncertainty in the region of 0.3 K. A gas concentration measurement system has also been developed to obtain direct measurement of re-ingestion and rim seal exchange flows. High resolution displacement sensors have been installed in order to measure hot running geometry. This paper documents the commissioning of a test facility which is unique in terms of rapid configuration changes, non-dimensional engine matching and the instrumentation density and resolution. Example data for each of the measurement systems is presented. This includes the effect of coolant flow rate on the metal temperatures within the upstream cavity of the turbine stator well, the axial displacement of the rotor assembly during a commissioning test, and the effect of coolant flow rate on mixing in the downstream cavity of the stator well. Copyright © 2010 by ASME.


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New experimental work is reported on the effects of water ingestion on the performance of an axial flow compressor. The background to the work is the effect that heavy rain has on an aeroengine compressor when operating in a "descent idle" mode, i.e., when the compressor is operating at part speed and when the aeromechanical effects of water ingestion are more important than the thermodynamic effects. Most of our existing knowledge in this field comes from whole engine tests. The current work provides the first known results from direct measurements on a stand-alone compressor. The influence of droplet size on path trajectory is considered both computationally and experimentally to show that most rain droplets will collide with the first row of rotor blades. The water on the blades is then centrifuged toward the casing where the normal airflow patterns in the vicinity of the rotor tips are disrupted. The result of this disruption is a reduction in compressor delivery pressure and an increase in the torque required to keep the compressor speed constant. Both effects reduce the efficiency of the machine. The behavior of the water in the blade rows is examined in detail, and simple models are proposed to explain the loss of pressure rise and the increase in torque. The measurements were obtained in a low speed compressor, making it possible to study the mechanical (increase in torque) and aerodynamic (reduction in pressure rise) effects of water ingestion without the added complication of thermodynamic effects. Copyright © 2008 by ASME.