20 resultados para Linear response


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This paper describes an experimental investigation into the interactions that occur between two lean turbulent premixed flames stabilised on conical bluff-bodies when they are moved closer together. Cinematographic OH-PLIF measurements were acquired to investigate adjacent flame front interactions as a function of flame separation distance (S). Flame surface density (FSD) and curvature were determined to characterise the unforced flames. Acoustic forcing was then applied to explore the amplitude dependent thermo-acoustic response. Phase-averaged FSD and global heat release measurements in the form of OH * chemiluminescence were obtained for a range of forcing frequencies (f) and amplitudes (A) as a function of S. As the flames were brought closer together the adjacent annular jets were found to merge into a single jet structure. This caused adjacent flame fronts to merge above the wake region between the two flames at a location determined by the jet efflux (flame angle) and S. This region of flame-flame interaction we refer to as 'interacting region'. In the unforced flames, a trend of increasingly negative curvature for decreasing S produced a small net increase in flame surface area via cusp formation. When subjected to acoustic forcing, S-dependent regimes were found in the global heat release response as a function A. The overall trend showed that the occurrence of jet/flame merging reduces the value of A at which non-linear response occurs. In support of previous findings for flames stabilised along shear layers, the phase-averaged FSD showed that the flame dynamics that drive the thermo-acoustic response result from the roll-up of vortices which generate large-scale vortex-flame interactions. Compared with axisymmetric flames, the occurrence of jet merging alters the vortex-flame interactions resulting in an asymmetric contribution to the heat release between the wall and interacting regions. The majority of the heat release was found to occur in the interacting region through the rapid production and destruction of flame surface area. The occurrence of jet merging and large-scale interactions between adjacent flames result in different physical mechanisms that drive the thermo-acoustic response compared with single axisymmetric flames. © 2011.


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ZnO thin film bulk acoustic resonators (FBARs) with resonant frequency of ∼1.5 GHz have been fabricated to function as an odorant biosensor. Physical adsorption of an odorant binding protein (AaegOBP22 from Aedes aegypti) resulted in frequency down shift. N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET) has been selected as a ligand to the odorant binding protein (OBP). Alternate exposure of the bare FBARs to nitrogen flow with and without DEET vapor did not cause any noticeable frequency change. However, frequency drop was detected when exposing the OBP loaded FBAR sensors to the nitrogen flow containing DEET vapor against nitrogen flow alone (control) and the extent of frequency shift was proportional to the amount of the protein immobilized on the FBAR surface, indicating a linear response to DEET binding. These findings demonstrate the potential of binding protein functionalized FBARs as odorant biosensors. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Food preferences are acquired through experience and can exert strong influence on choice behavior. In order to choose which food to consume, it is necessary to maintain a predictive representation of the subjective value of the associated food stimulus. Here, we explore the neural mechanisms by which such predictive representations are learned through classical conditioning. Human subjects were scanned using fMRI while learning associations between arbitrary visual stimuli and subsequent delivery of one of five different food flavors. Using a temporal difference algorithm to model learning, we found predictive responses in the ventral midbrain and a part of ventral striatum (ventral putamen) that were related directly to subjects' actual behavioral preferences. These brain structures demonstrated divergent response profiles, with the ventral midbrain showing a linear response profile with preference, and the ventral striatum a bivalent response. These results provide insight into the neural mechanisms underlying human preference behavior.


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This paper presents a novel platform for the formation of cost-effective PCB-integrated optical waveguide sensors. The sensor design relies on the use of multimode polymer waveguides that can be formed directly on standard PCBs and commercially-available chemical dyes, enabling the integration of all essential sensor components (electronic, photonic, chemical) on low-cost substrates. Moreover, it enables the detection of multiple analytes from a single device by employing waveguide arrays functionalised with different chemical dyes. The devices can be manufactured with conventional methods of the PCB industry, such as solder-reflow processes and pick-and-place assembly techniques. As a proof of principle, a PCB-integrated ammonia gas sensor is fabricated on a FR4 substrate. The sensor operation relies on the change of the optical transmission characteristics of chemically functionalised optical waveguides in the presence of ammonia molecules. The fabrication and assembly of the sensor unit, as well as fundamental simulation and characterisation studies, are presented. The device achieves a sensitivity of approximately 30 ppm and a linear response up to 600 ppm at room temperature. Finally, the potential to detect multiple analytes from a single device is demonstrated using principal-component analysis. © 1983-2012 IEEE.


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This paper reports a high-resolution frequency-output MEMS tilt sensor based on resonant sensing principles. The tilt sensor measures orientation by sensing the component of gravitational acceleration along a specified input axis. A combination of design enhancements enables significantly higher sensitivity for this device as compared to previously reported prototype sensors. The MEMS tilt sensor is calibrated on a manual tilt table over tilt angles ranging over 0-90 degrees with a relatively linear response measured in the range of ±20°(linearity error <2.3%) with a scale factor of approximately 50.06 Hz/degree. The noise-limited resolution of the sensor is found to be approximately 250 nano-radians for an integration time of 0.8 s, which is over an order of magnitude better than previously reported results [1]. © 2013 IEEE.


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Thermal barrier coatings with a columnar microstructure are prone to erosion damage by a mechanism of surface cracking upon impact by small foreign particles. In order to explore this erosion mechanism, the elastic indentation and the elastic-plastic indentation responses of a columnar thermal barrier coating to a spherical indenter were determined by the finite element method and by analytical models. It was shown that the indentation response is intermediate between that of a homogeneous half-space and that given by an elastic-plastic mattress model (with the columns behaving as independent non-linear springs). The sensitivity of the indentation behaviour to geometry and to the material parameters was explored: the diameter of the columns, the gap width between columns, the coefficient of Coulomb friction between columns and the layer height of the thermal barrier coating. The calculations revealed that the level of induced tensile stress is sufficient to lead to cracking of the columns at a depth of about the column radius. It was also demonstrated that the underlying soft bond coat can undergo plastic indentation when the coating comprises parallel columns, but this is less likely for the more realistic case of a random arrangement of tapered columns. © 2009 Elsevier B.V.


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The quasi-static and dynamic behaviour of Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE) and two LLDPE nanocomposites were studied. Nanocomposites consisting of LLDPE filled with 1% carbon black and 0.5% nanoclay fillers, by weight, were considered. Under quasi-static tensile loading, an improvement in the energy absorbing capability was achieved by adding 1% carbon black fillers. However, during quasi-static puncture and dynamic impact loading, the advantage provided by the fillers was lost. Thermal softening due to adiabatic heating under high strain rate deformation and difference s in the state of stress are considered as reasons for this reduction. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The Chinese Tam-Tam exhibits non-linear behavior in its vibro-acoustic response. The frequency content of the response during free, unforced vibration smoothly changes, with energy being progressively smeared out over a greater bandwidth with time. This is used as a motivating case for the general study of the phenomenon of energy cascading through weak nonlinearity. Numerical models based upon the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam system of non-linearly coupled oscillators, modified with the addition of damping, have been developed. These were used to study the response of ensembles of systems with randomized natural frequencies. Results from simulations will be presented here. For un-damped systems, individual ensemble members exhibit cyclical energy exchange between linear modes, but the ensemble average displays a steady state. For the ensemble response of damped systems, lightly damped modes can exhibit an effective damping which is higher than predicated by linear theory. The presence of a non-linearity provides a path for energy flow to other modes, increasing the apparent damping spectrum at some frequencies and reducing it at others. The target of this work is a model revealing the governing parameters of a generic system of this type and leading to predictions of the ensemble response.


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We present the results of a computational study of the post-processed Galerkin methods put forward by Garcia-Archilla et al. applied to the non-linear von Karman equations governing the dynamic response of a thin cylindrical panel periodically forced by a transverse point load. We spatially discretize the shell using finite differences to produce a large system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). By analogy with spectral non-linear Galerkin methods we split this large system into a 'slowly' contracting subsystem and a 'quickly' contracting subsystem. We then compare the accuracy and efficiency of (i) ignoring the dynamics of the 'quick' system (analogous to a traditional spectral Galerkin truncation and sometimes referred to as 'subspace dynamics' in the finite element community when applied to numerical eigenvectors), (ii) slaving the dynamics of the quick system to the slow system during numerical integration (analogous to a non-linear Galerkin method), and (iii) ignoring the influence of the dynamics of the quick system on the evolution of the slow system until we require some output, when we 'lift' the variables from the slow system to the quick using the same slaving rule as in (ii). This corresponds to the post-processing of Garcia-Archilla et al. We find that method (iii) produces essentially the same accuracy as method (ii) but requires only the computational power of method (i) and is thus more efficient than either. In contrast with spectral methods, this type of finite-difference technique can be applied to irregularly shaped domains. We feel that post-processing of this form is a valuable method that can be implemented in computational schemes for a wide variety of partial differential equations (PDEs) of practical importance.