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The location of a flame front is often taken as the point of maximum OH gradient. Planar laser-induced fluorescence of OH can be used to obtain the flame front by extracting the points of maximum gradient. This operation is typically performed using an edge detection algorithm. The choice of operating parameters a priori poses significant problems of robustness when handling images with a range of signal-to-noise ratios. A statistical method of parameter selection originating in the image processing literature is detailed, and its merit for this application is demonstrated. A reduced search space method is proposed to decrease computational cost and render the technique viable for large data sets. This gives nearly identical output to the full method. These methods demonstrate substantial decreases in data rejection compared to the use of a priori parameters. These methods are viable for any application where maximum gradient contours must be accurately extracted from images of species or temperature, even at very low signal-to-noise ratios.


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A direct comparison between time resolved PLIF measurements of OH and two dimensional slices from a full three dimensional DNS data set of turbulent premixed flame kernels in lean methane/air mixture was presented. The local flame structure and the degree of flame wrinkling were examined in response to differing turbulence intensities and turbulent Reynolds numbers. Simulations were performed using the SEGA DNS code, which is based on the solution of the compressible Navier Stokes, species, and energy equations for a lean hydrocarbon mixture. For the OH PLIF measurements, a cluster of four Nd:YAG laser was fired sequentially at high repetition rates and used to pump a dye laser. The frequency doubled laser beam was formed into a sheet of 40 mm height using a cylindrical telescope. The combination of PLIF and DNS has been demonstrated as a powerful tool for flame analysis. This research will form the basis for the development of sub-grid-scale (SGS) models for LES of lean-premixed combustion systems such as gas turbines. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the 30th International Symposium on Combustion (Chicago, IL 7/25-30/2004).


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Combustion oscillations in gas turbines can result in serious damage. One method used to predict such oscillations is to analyze the combustor acoustics using a simple linear model. Such a model requires a flame transfer function to describe the response of the heat release to flow perturbations inside the combustor. This paper reports on the application of Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) of OH radicals to analyze the response of a lean premixed flame to oncoming flow perturbations. Both self-excited oscillations and low amplitude forced oscillations at various frequencies are investigated in an atmospheric pressure model combustor rig. In order to visualize fluctuations of local fuel distribution, acetone-PLIF was also applied in non-reacting and acoustically forced flows at oscillation frequencies of 200 Hz and 510 Hz, respectively. OH-PLIF images were acquired over a range of operating parameters. The results presented in this paper originate from data sets acquired at fixed phase angles during the oscillation cycle. Comparative experiments in self excited and forced acoustic oscillations show that the flame and the combustion intensity develop similarly throughout the pressure cycle in both cases. Although the peak fluorescence intensities differ between self excited and the forced instabilities, there is a clear correspondence in the observed frequency and phase information from the two cases. This result encourages a comparison of the OH-PLIF and the acetone-PLIF results. Quantitative measurements of the equivalence ratio in specific areas of the measurement plane offer insight on the complex phenomena coupling acoustic perturbations, i.e. flow velocity fluctuations, to fluctuations in fuel distribution and combustion intensity, ultimately resulting in self excited combustion oscillations.


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We present a method to experimentally characterize the gain filter and calculate a corresponding parabolic gain bandwidth of lasers that are described by "class A" dynamics by solving the master equation of spectral condensation for Gaussian spectra. We experimentally determine the gain filter, with an equivalent parabolic gain bandwidth of up to 51 nm, for broad-band InGaAs/GaAs quantum well gain surface-emitting semiconductor laser structures capable of producing pulses down to 60 fs width when mode-locked with an optical Stark saturable absorber mirror. © 2010 Optical Society of America.


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The importance of metal coating technologies drives the continuous improvement of metal deposition techniques for application in a wide range of industrial sectors. This work presents the foundations of a new process technology for the deposition of Ti and Ti64 coatings on various substrates using supersonic powder streams and impact site laser heating. Full density metallic deposits are obtained under appropriate impact conditions without the need for transiting the melting point of the deposited material or substrate leading to large energy savings. Details of the experimental approach will be presented along with the general characteristics of the titanium coatings produced using this novel coatings method.


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The importance of metal coating technologies drives the continuous improvement of metal deposition techniques for application in a wide range of industrial sectors. This work presents the foundations of a new process technology for the deposition of titanium coatings on steel tube substrates using supersonic powder streams and impact site laser heating, known as Supersonic Laser Deposition (SLD). Metallic deposits are obtained under appropriate impact conditions without the need for exceeding the melting point of the deposited material or substrate leading to improved coating quality. Details of the experimental approach are presented along with the general characteristics of the titanium coating produced using this novel coatings method. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A simple laser refractometer based on the detection of the critical angle for liquids is presented. The calibrated refractometer presents up to 0.000 11 of uncertainty when the refractive index is in the range between 1.300 00 and 1.340 00. The experimental setup is easy to construct and the material needed is available at most optics laboratories. The calibration method is simple and can be used in other devices. The refractive index measurements in aqueous solutions of sodium chloride were carried out to test the device and a linear dependence between the refractive index and the salt concentration was found. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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A method for interpreting elastic-lidar return signals in heavily-polluted atmospheres is presented. It is based on an equation derived directly from the classic lidar equation, which highlights gradients of the atmospheric backscattering properties along the laser optical path. The method is evaluated by comparing its results with those obtained with the differential absorption technique. The results were obtained from locating and ranging measurements in pollutant plumes and contaminated environments around central México. © World Scientific Publishing Company.


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A theoretical model for Dicke superradiance (SR) in diode lasers is proposed using the travelling wave method with a spatially resolved absorber and spectrally resolved gain. The role of electrode configuration and optical bandwidth are compared and contrasted as a route to enhance femtosecond pulse power. While pulse duration can be significantly reduced through careful absorber length specification, stability is degraded. However an increased spectral gain bandwidth of up to 150 nm is predicted to allow pulsewidth reductions of down to 10 fs and over 500-W peak power without further degradation in pulse stability. © 2011 IEEE.


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The movement of the circular piston in an oscillating piston positive displacement flowmeter is important in understanding the operation of the flowmeter, and the leakage of liquid past the piston plays a key role in the performance of the meter. The clearances between the piston and the chamber are small, typically less than 60 νm. In order to measure this film thickness a fluorescent dye was added to the water passing through the meter, which was illuminated with UV light. Visible light images were captured with a digital camera and analysed to give a measure of the film thickness with an uncertainty of less than 7%. It is known that this method lacks precision unless careful calibration is undertaken. Methods to achieve this are discussed in the paper. The grey level values for a range of film thicknesses were calibrated in situ with six dye concentrations to select the most appropriate one for the range of liquid film thickness. Data obtained for the oscillating piston flowmeter demonstrate the value of the fluorescence technique. The method is useful, inexpensive and straightforward and can be extended to other applications where measurement of liquid film thickness is required. © 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The capability of manufacturing coatings is of central importance in engineering design. Many components require nowadays the application of additional layers, to enhance mechanical properties and protect against hostile environments. Supersonic Laser Deposition (SLD) is a novel coating method, based upon Cold Spray (CS) principles. In this technique the deposition velocities can be significantly lower than those required for effective bonding in CS applications. The addition of laser heat energy permits a change in the thermodynamic experience of impacting particles, thereby offering a greater opportunity for metallurgical bonding at lower velocities compared to the CS process technology. The work reported in this paper demonstrates the ability of the SLD process to deliver hard facing materials to engineering surfaces. Stellite-6 has been deposited on low carbon steel tubes over a range of process parameters, determining the appropriate target power and traverse speeds for coating deposition. Coating properties and parameters were examined to determine the main properties, micro-structure and processing cost. Their morphology was studied through optical microscopy, SEM and X-Ray Diffraction. The results have shown that SLD is capable of depositing Stellite-6, with enhanced properties compared to laser clad counterparts.


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Using a chiral nematic liquid crystal with a negative dielectric anisotropy, it is possible to switch between band-edge laser emission and random laser emission with an electric field. At low frequencies (1 kHz), random laser emission is observed as a result of scattering due to electro-hydrodynamic instabilities. However, band-edge laser emission is found to occur at higher frequencies (5 kHz), where the helix is stabilized due to dielectric coupling. These results demonstrate a method by which the linewidth of the laser source can be readily controlled externally (from 4 nm to 0.5 nm) using electric fields. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.