135 resultados para DISPLACEMENT PILE


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The seismic performance of waterfront cantilever sheet pile retaining walls is of continuing interest to geotechnical engineers as these structures suffer severe damage and even complete failure during earthquakes. This is often precipitated by liquefaction of the surrounding soil, either in the backfill or in front of the wall. This paper presents results from a series of small-scale plane strain models that were tested on a 1-g shaking table and recorded using a high-speed, high-resolution digital camera. The technique of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) was applied in order to allow the failure mechanisms to be visualised. It is shown that using PIV analyses it is possible to obtain failure mechanisms for a cantilever wall in liquefiable soil. These failure mechanisms are compared with those obtained for a cantilever wall in dry soil, previously carried out at a similar scale. It was observed that seismic liquefaction causes significant displacement in much larger zones of soil near the retaining wall compared to an equivalent dry case. The failure mechanism for a cantilever wall with liquefiable backfill, but with a remediated zone designed not to liquefy, is also presented and compared to the unremediated case.


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Piles passing through sloping liquefiable deposits are prone to lateral loading if these deposits liquefy and flow during earthquakes. These lateral loads caused by the relative soil-pile movement will induce bending in the piles and may result in failure of the piles or excessive pile-head displacement. Whilst the weak nature of the flowing liquefied soil would suggest that only small loads would be exerted on the piles, it is known from case histories that piles do fail owing to the influence of laterally spreading soils. It will be shown, based on dynamic centrifuge test data, that dilatant behaviour of soil close to the pile is the major cause of these considerable transient lateral loads which are transferred to the pile. This paper reports the results of geotechnical centrifuge tests in which models of gently sloping liquefiable sand with pile foundations passing through them were subjected to earthquake excitation. The soil close to the pile was instrumented with pore-pressure transducers and contact stress cells in order to monitor the interaction between soil and pile and to track the soil stress state both upslope and downslope of the pile. The presence of instrumentation measuring pore-pressure and lateral stress close to the pile in the research described in this paper gives the opportunity to better study the soil stress state close to the pile and to compare the loads measured as being applied to the piles by the laterally spreading soils with those suggested by the JRA design code. This test data shows that lateral stresses much greater than one might expect from calculations based on the residual strength of liquefied soil may be applied to piles in flowing liquefied slopes owing to the dilative behaviour of the liquefied soil. It is shown at least for the particular geometry studied that the current JRA design code can be un-conservative by a factor of three for these dilation-affected transient lateral loads.


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Numerous piles are often subjected to the combination of cyclic axial and cyclic lateral loads in service, such as piled foundations for offshore platforms which may suffer swaying and rocking motions owing to wind and wave actions. In this research, centrifuge tests were conducted to investigate the effect of previous cyclic axial loads on the performance of pile groups subjected to subsequent cyclic lateral loads. Different pile installation methods were also applied to study the different behaviour of bored and jacked pile groups subjected to cyclic loads. During lateral load cycling, it is seen that cyclic axial loads to which pile groups were previously subjected could reduce the pile cap permanent lateral displacement in the first lateral load cycle but do not influence the incremental rate of permanent displacement in the following lateral load cycles. Moreover, it is found that previous cyclic axial loads could improve the pile cap cyclic lateral secant stiffness, especially for the pre-jacked pile group. When rocking motions were induced by cyclic lateral loads, pile groups subjected to cyclic axial loads before have smaller permanent settlement than those without the cyclic axial loading effect. The designers of piles that are intended to resist significant lateral loads without excessive deformations in service may wish to deploy cyclic axial preloading, accordingly.


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This paper presents a novel, three-dimensional, single-pile model, formulated in the wavenumber domain and adapted to account for boundary conditions using the superposition of loading cases. The pile is modelled as a column in axial vibration, and a Euler-Bernoulli beam in lateral vibration. The surrounding soil is treated as a viscoelastic continuum. The response of the pile is presented in terms of the stiffness and damping coefficients, and also the magnitude and phase of the pile-head frequency-response function. Comparison with existing models shows that excellent agreement is observed between this model, a boundary-element formulation, and an elastic-continuum-type formulation. This three-dimensional model has an accuracy equivalent to a 3D boundary-element model, and a runtime similar to a 2D plane-strain analytical model. Analysis of the response of the single pile illustrates a difference in axial and lateral vibration behaviour; the displacement along the pile is relatively invariant under axial loads, but in lateral vibration the pile exhibits localised deformations. This implies that a plane-strain assumption is valid for axial loadings and only at higher frequencies for lateral loadings. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Displacement estimation is a key step in the evaluation of tissue elasticity by quasistatic strain imaging. An efficient approach may incorporate a tracking strategy whereby each estimate is initially obtained from its neighbours' displacements and then refined through a localized search. This increases the accuracy and reduces the computational expense compared with exhaustive search. However, simple tracking strategies fail when the target displacement map exhibits complex structure. For example, there may be discontinuities and regions of indeterminate displacement caused by decorrelation between the pre- and post-deformation radio frequency (RF) echo signals. This paper introduces a novel displacement tracking algorithm, with a search strategy guided by a data quality indicator. Comparisons with existing methods show that the proposed algorithm is more robust when the displacement distribution is challenging.


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In winter, natural ventilation can be achieved either through mixing ventilation or upward displacement ventilation (P.F. Linden, The fluid mechanics of natural ventilation, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 31 (1999) pp. 201-238). We show there is a significant energy saving possible by using mixing ventilation, in the case that the internal heat gains are significant, and illustrate these savings using an idealized model, which predicts that with internal heat gains of order 0.1 kW per person, mixing ventilation uses of a fraction of order 0.2-0.4 of the heat load of displacement ventilation assuming a well-insulated building. We then describe a strategy for such mixing natural ventilation in an atrium style building in which the rooms surrounding the atrium are able to vent directly to the exterior and also through the atrium to the exterior. The results are motivated by the desire to reduce the energy burden in large public buildings such as hospitals, schools or office buildings centred on atria. We illustrate a strategy for the natural mixing ventilation in order that the rooms surrounding the atrium receive both pre-heated but also sufficiently fresh air, while the central atrium zone remains warm. We test the principles with some laboratory experiments in which a model air chamber is ventilated using both mixing and displacement ventilation, and compare the energy loads in each case. We conclude with a discussion of the potential applications of the approach within the context of open plan atria type office buildings.


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We investigate the steady state natural ventilation of a room heated at the base and consisting of two vents at different levels. We explore how the air flow rate and internal temperature relative to the exterior vary as a function of the vent areas, position of the vents and heat load in order to establish appropriate ventilation strategies for a room. When the room is heated by a distributed source, the room becomes well mixed and the steady state ventilation rate depends on the heating rate, the area of the vents and the distance between the lower and upper level vents. However, when the room is heated by a localised source the room becomes stratified. If the effective ventilation area is sufficiently large, then the interface separating the two layers lies above the inlet vent and the lower layer is comprised of ambient fluid. In this case the upper layer is warmer than in the well mixed case and the ventilation rate is smaller. However, if the effective area for ventilation is sufficiently small, then the interface separating the two layers lies below the inlet vent and the lower layer is comprised of warm fluid which originates as the cold incoming fluid mixes during descent from the vent through the upper layer. In this case both the ventilation rate and the upper layer temperature are the same as in the case of a distributed heat load. As the vertical separation between lower and upper level vents decreases, then the temperature difference between the layers falls to zero and the room becomes approximately well mixed. These findings suggest how the appropriate ventilation strategy for a room can be varied depending on the exterior temperature, with mixing ventilation more suitable for winter conditions and displacement ventilation for warmer external temperatures.