124 resultados para Asymptotic Mean Squared Errors


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Particle tracking techniques are often used to assess the local mechanical properties of cells and biological fluids. The extracted trajectories are exploited to compute the mean-squared displacement that characterizes the dynamics of the probe particles. Limited spatial resolution and statistical uncertainty are the limiting factors that alter the accuracy of the mean-squared displacement estimation. We precisely quantified the effect of localization errors in the determination of the mean-squared displacement by separating the sources of these errors into two separate contributions. A "static error" arises in the position measurements of immobilized particles. A "dynamic error" comes from the particle motion during the finite exposure time that is required for visualization. We calculated the propagation of these errors on the mean-squared displacement. We examined the impact of our error analysis on theoretical model fluids used in biorheology. These theoretical predictions were verified for purely viscous fluids using simulations and a multiple-particle tracking technique performed with video microscopy. We showed that the static contribution can be confidently corrected in dynamics studies by using static experiments performed at a similar noise-to-signal ratio. This groundwork allowed us to achieve higher resolution in the mean-squared displacement, and thus to increase the accuracy of microrheology studies.


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An expression for the probability density function of the second order response of a general FPSO in spreading seas is derived by using the Kac-Siegert approach. Various approximations of the second order force transfer functions are investigated for a ship-shaped FPSO. It is found that, when expressed in non-dimensional form, the probability density function of the response is not particularly sensitive to wave spreading, although the mean squared response and the resulting dimensional extreme values can be sensitive. The analysis is then applied to a Sevan FPSO, which is a large cylindrical buoy-like structure. The second order force transfer functions are derived by using an efficient semi-analytical hydrodynamic approach, and these are then employed to yield the extreme response. However, a significant effect of wave spreading on the statistics for a Sevan FPSO is found even in non-dimensional form. It implies that the exact statistics of a general ship-shaped FPSO may be sensitive to the wave direction, which needs to be verified in future work. It is also pointed out that the Newman's approximation regarding the frequency dependency of force transfer function is acceptable even for the spreading seas. An improvement on the results may be attained when considering the angular dependency exactly. Copyright © 2009 by ASME.


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The vibro-acoustic response of built-up structures, consisting of stiff components with low modal density and flexible components with high modal density, is sensitive to small imperfections in the flexible components. In this paper, the uncertainty of the response is considered by modeling the low modal density master system as deterministic and the high modal density subsystems in a nonparametric stochastic way, i.e., carrying a diffuse wave field, and by subsequently computing the response probability density function. The master system's mean squared response amplitude follows a singular noncentral complex Wishart distribution conditional on the subsystem energies. For a single degree of freedom, this is equivalent to a chi-square or an exponential distribution, depending on the loading conditions. The subsystem energies follow approximately a chi-square distribution when their relative variance is smaller than unity. The results are validated by application to plate structures, and good agreement with Monte Carlo simulations is found. © 2012 Acoustical Society of America.


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This paper proposes a hierarchical probabilistic model for ordinal matrix factorization. Unlike previous approaches, we model the ordinal nature of the data and take a principled approach to incorporating priors for the hidden variables. Two algorithms are presented for inference, one based on Gibbs sampling and one based on variational Bayes. Importantly, these algorithms may be implemented in the factorization of very large matrices with missing entries. The model is evaluated on a collaborative filtering task, where users have rated a collection of movies and the system is asked to predict their ratings for other movies. The Netflix data set is used for evaluation, which consists of around 100 million ratings. Using root mean-squared error (RMSE) as an evaluation metric, results show that the suggested model outperforms alternative factorization techniques. Results also show how Gibbs sampling outperforms variational Bayes on this task, despite the large number of ratings and model parameters. Matlab implementations of the proposed algorithms are available from cogsys.imm.dtu.dk/ordinalmatrixfactorization.


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This paper presents a statistical approach to the electromagnetic analysis of a system that lies within a reverberant cavity that has random or uncertain properties. The need to solve Maxwell's equations within the cavity is avoided by employing a relation known as the diffuse field reciprocity principle, which leads directly to the ensemble mean squared response of the system; all that is required is the impedance matrix of the system associated with radiation into infinite space. The general theoretical approach is presented, and the analysis is then applied to a five-cable bundle in a reverberation room © 2013 EMC Europe Foundation.


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A method for modelling and predicting the noise generated by the interaction between the unsteady wake shed from the rotor and a downstream row of stators in a modern ultra-high bypass ducted turbofan engine is described. An analytically-based model is developed to account for three main features of the problem. First, the way in which a typical unsteady wake disturbance from the rotor interacts and is distorted by the mean swirling flow as it propagates downstream. The analysis allows for the inclusion of mean entropy gradients and entropy perturbations. Second, the effects of real stator-blade geometry and proper representation of the genuinely three-dimensional nature of the problem. Third, to model the propagation of the resulting noise back upstream in mean swirling flow. The analytical nature of the problem allows for the inclusion of all wake harmonics and enables the response at all blade passing frequencies to be determined. Example results are presented for an initial wake distribution corresponding to a genuine rotor configuration. Comparisons between numerical data and the asymptotic model for the wake evolution are made. Copyright © 2004 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.


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The distribution of cortical bone in the proximal femur is believed to be a critical component in determining fracture resistance. Current CT technology is limited in its ability to measure cortical thickness, especially in the sub-millimetre range which lies within the point spread function of today's clinical scanners. In this paper, we present a novel technique that is capable of producing unbiased thickness estimates down to 0.3mm. The technique relies on a mathematical model of the anatomy and the imaging system, which is fitted to the data at a large number of sites around the proximal femur, producing around 17,000 independent thickness estimates per specimen. In a series of experiments on 16 cadaveric femurs, estimation errors were measured as -0.01+/-0.58mm (mean+/-1std.dev.) for cortical thicknesses in the range 0.3-4mm. This compares with 0.25+/-0.69mm for simple thresholding and 0.90+/-0.92mm for a variant of the 50% relative threshold method. In the clinically relevant sub-millimetre range, thresholding increasingly fails to detect the cortex at all, whereas the new technique continues to perform well. The many cortical thickness estimates can be displayed as a colour map painted onto the femoral surface. Computation of the surfaces and colour maps is largely automatic, requiring around 15min on a modest laptop computer.


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The aim of this paper is to survey a range of applications of high-frequency asymptotic methods in aeroacoustics. Specifically, we are concerned with problems associated with noise generation, propagation and scattering as found in large modern aeroengines. With regard to noise generation, we consider the interaction between high-frequency vortical waves and thin aerofoils, with particular emphasis being placed on the way in which the vortical waves act on the non-uniform mean flow around the aerofoil. A ray-theoretic description of the resulting sound as it propagates along the engine intake is then presented, followed by consideration of the diffraction of these rays by the (possibly asymmetric) intake lip to produce sound in the far field. A range of more detailed possible extensions is also presented.


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