17 resultados para Active carbon spheres


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Nanocomposite thin film transistors (TFTs) based on nonpercolating networks of single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and polythiophene semiconductor [poly [5, 5′ -bis(3-dodecyl-2-thienyl)- 2, 2′ -bithiophene] (PQT-12)] thin film hosts are demonstrated by ink-jet printing. A systematic study on the effect of CNT loading on the transistor performance and channel morphology is conducted. With an appropriate loading of CNTs into the active channel, ink-jet printed composite transistors show an effective hole mobility of 0.23 cm 2 V-1 s-1, which is an enhancement of more than a factor of 7 over ink-jet printed pristine PQT-12 TFTs. In addition, these devices display reasonable on/off current ratio of 105-10 6, low off currents of the order of 10 pA, and a sharp subthreshold slope (<0.8 V dec-1). The work presented here furthers our understanding of the interaction between polythiophene polymers and nonpercolating CNTs, where the CNT density in the bilayer structure substantially influences the morphology and transistor performance of polythiophene. Therefore, optimized loading of ink-jet printed CNTs is crucial to achieve device performance enhancement. High performance ink-jet printed nanocomposite TFTs can present a promising alternative to organic TFTs in printed electronic applications, including displays, sensors, radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags, and disposable electronics. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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We review the current state of the polymer-carbon nanotube composites field. The article first covers key points in dispersion and stabilization of nanotubes in a polymer matrix, with particular attention paid to ultrasonic cavitation and shear mixing. We then focus on the emerging trends in nanocomposite actuators, in particular, photo-stimulated mechanical response. The magnitude and even the direction of this actuation critically depend on the degree of tube alignment in the matrix; in this context, we discuss the affine model predicting the upper bound of orientational order of nanotubes, induced by an imposed strain. We review how photo-actuation in nanocomposites depend on nanotube concentration, alignment and entanglement, and examine possible mechanisms that could lead to this effect. Finally, we discuss properties of pure carbon nanotube networks, in form of mats or fibers. These systems have no polymer matrix, yet demonstrate pronounced viscoelasticity and also the same photomechanical actuation as seen in polymer-based composites. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We develop two new amphiphilic molecules that are shown to act as efficient surfactants for carbon nanotubes in nonpolar organic solvents. The active conjugated groups, which are highly attracted to the graphene nanotube surface, are based on pyrene and porphyrin. We show that relatively short (C18) carbon tails are insufficient to provide stabilization. As our ultimate aim is to disperse and stabilize nanotubes in siloxane matrix (polymer and cross-linked elastomer), both surfactant molecules were made with long siloxane tails to facilitate solubility and steric stabilization. We show that the pyrene-siloxane surfactant is very effective in dispersing multiwall nanotubes, while the porphyrin-siloxane makes single-wall nanotubes soluble, both in petroleum ether and in siloxane matrix.


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Ink-jet printing is an important process for placing active electronics on plastic substrates. We demonstrate ink-jet printing as a viable method for large area fabrication of carbon nanotube (CNT) thin film transistors (TFTs). We investigate different routes for producing stable CNT solutions ("inks"). These consist of dispersion methods for CNT debundling and the use of different solvents, such as N -methyl-2-pyrrolidone. The resulting printable inks are dispensed by ink-jet onto electrode bearing silicon substrates. The source to drain electrode gap is bridged by percolating networks of CNTs. Despite the presence of metallic CNTs, our devices exhibit field effect behavior, with effective mobility of ∼0.07 cm2 /V s and ON/OFF current ratio of up to 100. This result demonstrates the feasibility of ink-jet printing of nanostructured materials for TFT manufacture. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Tetrahedrally bonded amorphous carbon (ta-C) is a new type of semiconducting thin film material. It can be produced at room temperature using the Filtered Cathodic Vacuum Arc technique. The as-grown undoped ta-C is p-type in nature but it can be n-doped by the addition of nitrogen during deposition. This paper will describe thin film transistor design and fabrication using ta-C as the active channel layer.


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This paper describes the fabrication and characterization of a carbon based, bottom gate, thin film transistor (TFT). The active layer is formed from highly sp2 bonded nitrogenated amorphous carbon (a-C:N) which is deposited at room temperature using a filtered cathodic vacuum arc technique. The TFT shows p-channel operation. The device exhibits a threshold voltage of 15 V and a field effect mobility of 10-4 cm2 V-1 s-1 . The valence band tail of a-C:N is observed to be much shallower than that of a-Si:H, but does not appear to severely impede the shift of the Fermi level. This may indicate that a significant proportion of the a-C tail states can still contribute to conduction.


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We have for the first time developed a self-aligned metal catalyst formation process using fully CMOS (complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) compatible materials and techniques, for the synthesis of aligned carbon nanotubes (CNTs). By employing an electrically conductive cobalt disilicide (CoSi 2) layer as the starting material, a reactive ion etch (RIE) treatment and a hydrogen reduction step are used to transform the CoSi 2 surface into cobalt (Co) nanoparticles that are active to catalyze aligned CNT growth. Ohmic contacts between the conductive substrate and the CNTs are obtained. The process developed in this study can be applied to form metal nanoparticles in regions that cannot be patterned using conventional catalyst deposition methods, for example at the bottom of deep holes or on vertical surfaces. This catalyst formation method is crucially important for the fabrication of vertical and horizontal interconnect devices based on CNTs. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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This paper reports the modeling and characterization of interdigitated rows of carbon nanotube electrodes used to address a liquid crystal media. Finite Element Method modeling of the nanotube arrays was performed to analyze the static electric Fields produced to Find suitable electrode geometry. A device was fabricated based on the simulation results and electro optics characteristics of the device are presented. This Finding has applications in the development of micron and submicron pixels, precise beem steering and nanotube based active back planes.


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Non-covalent functionalization of CoMoCAT single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) by bovine serum albumin (BSA) was achieved. Photoluminescence spectra for the functionalized nanotubes showed good dispersion by BSA functionalization. Raman spectra were taken for the sonicated SWNT-BSA solution to establish the signal versus concentration correlation. Cellular uptake of functionalized carbon nanotubes by mouse macrophage (RAW264.7) was then investigated using Raman spectroscopy. For a seeding density of 50% confluence in a culture solution containing 10 μg/ml of BSA-SWNTs, uptake of 200 μg/ml by the macrophages was recorded after 23hr incubation, indicating an active uptake of SWNTs. © 2012 IEEE.


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We study the Fe-catalyzed chemical vapor deposition of carbon nanotubes by complementary in situ grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction, in situ X-ray reflectivity, and environmental transmission electron microscopy. We find that typical oxide supported Fe catalyst films form widely varying mixtures of bcc and fcc phased Fe nanoparticles upon reduction, which we ascribe to variations in minor commonly present carbon contamination levels. Depending on the as-formed phase composition, different growth modes occur upon hydrocarbon exposure: For γ-rich Fe nanoparticle distributions, metallic Fe is the active catalyst phase, implying that carbide formation is not a prerequisite for nanotube growth. For α-rich catalyst mixtures, Fe3C formation more readily occurs and constitutes part of the nanotube growth process. We propose that this behavior can be rationalized in terms of kinetically accessible pathways, which we discuss in the context of the bulk iron-carbon phase diagram with the inclusion of phase equilibrium lines for metastable Fe3C. Our results indicate that kinetic effects dominate the complex catalyst phase evolution during realistic CNT growth recipes. © 2012 American Chemical Society.


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Tantalum-oxide thin films are shown to catalyse single- and multi-walled carbon nanotube growth by chemical vapour deposition. A low film thickness, the nature of the support material (best results with SiO2) and an atmospheric process gas pressure are of key importance for successful nanotube nucleation. Strong material interactions, such as silicide formation, inhibit nanotube growth. In situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy indicates that no catalyst reduction to Ta-metal or Ta-carbide occurs during our nanotube growth conditions and that the catalytically active phase is the Ta-oxide phase. Such a reduction-free oxide catalyst can be technologically advantageous. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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We demonstrate the fabrication and integration of active microstructures based on composites of 3D carbon nanotube (CNT) frameworks and hydrogels. The alignment of the CNTs within the microstructures converts the isotropic expansion of the gel into a directed anisotropic motion. Actuation by a moisture-responsive gel is observed by changing the ambient humidity, and is predicted by a finite element model of the composite system. These shape changes are rapid and can be transduced electrically within a microfluidic channel, by measuring the resistance change across a CNT microstructure during expansion of the gel. Our results suggest that combinations of gels with aligned CNTs can be a platform for directing the actuation of gels and measuring their response to stimuli. © 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry.