26 resultados para Cosmogonías Antiguas
em Biblioteca Digital de la Universidad Católica Argentina
Abstract: The relationship between Barbarians and the Roman Empire has never been a neutral subject, and much less it could be today, when the debate on ‘Europe's Christian roots’ focuses on the meaning of its identity. This paper sets out the views prevailing in the historiography of recent decades but also it turns to the context of the events that afflicted the Roman Empire through the fifth century. There is in fact a different approch to the subject, between the catastrophic paradigm and the view of scholars who attempted to circumvent the role of the Barbarians, as if they were mere onlookers and not real actors of history. The great complexity of the period invites for deepening the analysis of regional peculiarities, studying those multiple and repeated collapses of the Empire, which during the fifth century still survived elsewhere, while people thought it was already fallen
Resumen: Hasta 1993 no se llevaron a cabo por primera vez las excavaciones en lo que prometía ser el emplazamiento de una de las construcciones más importantes de Petra, la impresionante capital del reino nabateo. Su edificación, cuya iniciación data del siglo I a.C., sufrió numerosas modificaciones, reconstrucciones y derrumbamientos a lo largo de sus más de quinientos años de funcionamiento. Pero a pesar de ello aun hoy se desconocen con certeza las funciones para las cuales fue diseñado ya que, al margen de los elementos constructivos, apenas se han localizado materiales y aun menos inscripciones que arrojen algo de luz a un problema sobre el que intentaremos aquí exponer diversas teorías que posibiliten un mayor acercamiento a su resolución.
Sumario -- The pottery of Edom: A Correction / Israel Finkelstein & Lily Singer-Avitz -- The Jezirah Burnished Ware / Stefano Valentini -- The Cordage from Berenike (1994-2000): The Statics / André J. Veldmeijer -- A Reevaluation of the Use of !bz and bhy in Elephantine / Alejandro F. Botta -- Four Ur III Administrative Tablets in the Possesion of Professor Francis Carroll, University of Manitoba / John Nielsen -- Una actualización de la Cronología Baja: arqueología, historia y Biblia / Israel Finkelstein -- The Alleged “Anchor Point” of 732 BC for the Destrction of Hazor V / Peter James -- The “Wicked Priest” in Egyptology and Amarna Studies: A Reconsideration / Samuel Jackson -- Violencia fenicia en el Mediterráneo Oriental / Jordi Vidal -- Reportes de Excavación -- The Leatherwork from Deir el-Bachit: Preliminary Report / André J. Veldmeijer -- Reseñas bibliográficas -- Política editorial e instrucciones para los colaboradores -- Direcciones para envío de artículos y reseñas bibliográficas -- Colaboraciones en numeros anteriores
Abstract: Research on the Telepinu Myth (CTH 324) has shown that it is an inexhaustibly rich document and that therefore the different, and sometimes conflicting, lines of analysis need to be pursued further. In the light of the symbolic evidence presented by this mythological tradition, we propose to focus on the privileged position granted to spatial symbols and to hypothesize the function this Myth served in specific contexts of the Hittite history, characterized by the increase and reduction of lands under Hittite jurisdiction. In this regard, we propose to evaluate the symbolic function that the Telepinu Myth displayed in order to rebuild the sacred space of the territories governed by the Hittites, when they were undergoing changes brought about by increased political and military contact with neighboring societies.
The first evangelization of the Mesopotamian regions in the Syriac tradition: the Acta Maris as a continuation of the Doctrina Addai / Ilaria Ramelli -- El culto a las tumbas de los ancestros en el Levante Mediterráneo / Jordi Vidal -- Identifiable and associated cordage. Examples from Berenike (Egyptian Red Sea Coast) / André Veldmeijer -- “Ordalías”, parentesco y estado en La contienda entre Horus y Seth / Marcelo Campagno -- Lamentos neosumerios por ciudades destruidas. Continuidad de un rito y un género del período protodinástico hasta el período seléucida / Santiago Rostom Maderna -- Reseñas bibliográficas