9 resultados para social versus private value


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On the analysis of Varian’s textbook on Microeconomics, which I take to be a representative of the standard view, I argue that Varian provides two contrary notions of profit, namely, profit as surplus over cost and profit as cost. Varian starts by defining profit as the surplus of revenues over cost and, thus, as the part of the value of commodities that is not any cost; however, he provides a second definition of profit as a cost, namely, as the opportunity cost of capital. I also argue that the definition of competitive profit as the opportunity cost of capital involves a self-contradictory notion of opportunity cost.


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11 p.


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Lanak planteatzen duen galdera, hezitzaileek bere eginbeharraren inguruan hausnartzera bideratuta dago. Egungo sistema kapitalistaren barruan hezkuntzak duen erabilera desestali nahian, bizi dugun egoera aztertu egin da eta erabiltzen diren kontrol mekanismoak. Egoera honen aurrean, behar den hezkuntza erantzuna zabaldu nahi da, Paulo Freireren pedagogia eragilearen (problematizatzailearen) ildoan. Horretarako, aspektu teoriko nagusiak zehaztu dira eta ikuspegi kritikoa praktikan jartzeko esperientziak aurkeztu. Gure pedagogia erresistentziaren pedagogia izan behar du, egun kapitalismoak isiltasunera eta deshumanizaziora bultzatzen dituen pertsona horiek hitza berreskura dezaten. Lan hau beraz, ekarpen didaktikoa da hezitzailearen eginbehar konplexu eta arduratsuan laguntzeko, bere erantzukizun soziala gain har dezan.


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[ES] El trabajo trata sobre la comparación de la sanidad privada y pública española y mundial (centrándonos en las potencias mundiales) y también analiza los diferentes modelos organizativos desde su creación dando una visión de cómo han evolucionado los modelos organizativos en la sanidad hasta la actualidad


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[EN] This study defines and proposes a measurement scale for social entrepreneurship (SE) in its broadest sense. The broad definition of SE covers for-profit firms that use social aims as a core component of their strategy. By pursuing social aims, these firms can boost the value of their products or services for consumers or exploit new business areas. Under this broad definition of SE, profit-seeking and the pursuit of social aims converge, thereby revealing a form of SE that has received little attention in either theoretical or empirical research. To fill this research gap, the present study proposes a measurement scale to measure broad SE in firms. The process used to build the scale draws upon research by Churchill (1979) and DeVellis (1991) and combines the Delphi technique, a pre-test questionnaire and structural equation modelling. The main aim of this research is to develop a scale capable of measuring broad SE in firms. The theoretical basis for the scale is supported by an empirical study in the hotel sector. The scale provides a valid, reliable instrument for measuring broad SE in firms. The scale meets all sociometric properties required of measurement scales in the social sciences, namely dimensionality, reliability and validity.