9 resultados para network protection systems


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[EU]Lan honen helburu nagusia eraikuntzan gehituko diren argi-babeski sistema mota desberdinak aurkeztea da, bertan ematen den energia kontsumoa murrizteko asmoz. Izan ere, argi naturalaren erabilpen egoki batek eraikinaren efizientzia hobetzera eramango gaitu. Horretarako, ezinbestekoa izango da baliabide hau behar bezala ezagutzea, argitasuna eta beharrezko babesa eskaintzeko, eta ondorioz, energia aurreztea lortzeko. Babes sistema egokiena aukeratu baino lehen, aldez aurretik sortu izan diren argi-babeski mota desberdinak aztertu izan dira. Horrez gain, eguzki erradiazioa neurtzeko metodo grafiko eta analitikoak ere aztertu dira. Ondoren, Ecotect programak eskaintzen dituen simulazioei esker, eguzki erradiazioaren datu zehatzagoak lortzeko asmoz, ikasketa horretan erabiliko den eraikinaren kokapena, orientazioa eta ezaugarriak erabaki dira. Behin prototipoa definituta, programa bidez lau babes sistema mota desberdinak aztertu dira, horrela babesik gabeko eraikinean lortutako datuak alderatzeko. Azterketa Bilbo eta Sevillan egitea erabaki izan da. Izan ere, bi hiriburu hauek klimatologian duten desberdintasuna argi-babeskien aukeraketan duen eragina aztertzeko aukeratu dira, gainera, orientazioak eta argi babeskien dimentsioek ere izan dute zer esana aukeraketa garaian. Horrez gain, argi-babeskiek sortutako itzala ere aztertu izan da. Horrela, sistema hauen jarrera orokorra ikusi daiteke, eta beraz, uda garaian babesteko eta negu garaian eguzki izpiak sartzen uzteko duten ahalmena ikusi da. Bukatzeko, aurretik lortutako datu guztiei esker, eta bai kokapena zein orientazioa kontutan hartuz, babes sistema egokiena aukeratu da, jakinik ezinbestekoa dela argitasuna, babesa eta aurrezte energetikoaren arteko oreka egoki bat lortzea.


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One of the major concerns in an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) scenario, such as that which may be found on a long-distance train service, is the provision of efficient communication services, satisfying users' expectations, and fulfilling even highly demanding application requirements, such as safety-oriented services. In an ITS scenario, it is common to have a significant amount of onboard devices that comprise a cluster of nodes (a mobile network) that demand connectivity to the outside networks. This demand has to be satisfied without service disruption. Consequently, the mobility of the mobile network has to be managed. Due to the nature of mobile networks, efficient and lightweight protocols are desired in the ITS context to ensure adequate service performance. However, the security is also a key factor in this scenario. Since the management of the mobility is essential for providing communications, the protocol for managing this mobility has to be protected. Furthermore, there are safety-oriented services in this scenario, so user application data should also be protected. Nevertheless, providing security is expensive in terms of efficiency. Based on this considerations, we have developed a solution for managing the network mobility for ITS scenarios: the NeMHIP protocol. This approach provides a secure management of network mobility in an efficient manner. In this article, we present this protocol and the strategy developed to maintain its security and efficiency in satisfactory levels. We also present the developed analytical models to analyze quantitatively the efficiency of the protocol. More specifically, we have developed models for assessing it in terms of signaling cost, which demonstrates that NeMHIP generates up to 73.47% less signaling compared to other relevant approaches. Therefore, the results obtained demonstrate that NeMHIP is the most efficient and secure solution for providing communications in mobile network scenarios such as in an ITS context.


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Low Voltage (LV) electricity distribution grid operations can be improved through a combination of new smart metering systems' capabilities based on real time Power Line Communications (PLC) and LV grid topology mapping. This paper presents two novel contributions. The first one is a new methodology developed for smart metering PLC network monitoring and analysis. It can be used to obtain relevant information from the grid, thus adding value to existing smart metering deployments and facilitating utility operational activities. A second contribution describes grid conditioning used to obtain LV feeder and phase identification of all connected smart electric meters. Real time availability of such information may help utilities with grid planning, fault location and a more accurate point of supply management.


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Managing protected areas implies dealing with complex social-ecological systems where multiple dimensions (social, institutional, economic and ecological) interact over time for the delivery of ecosystem services. Uni-dimensional and top-down management approaches have been unable to capture this complexity. Instead, new integrated approaches that acknowledge the diversity of social actors in the decision making process are required. In this paper we put forward a novel participatory assessment approach which integrates multiple methodologies to reflect different value articulating institutions in the case of a Natura 2000 network site in the Basque Country. It integrates within a social multi-criteria evaluation framework, both the economic values of ecosystem services through a choice experiment model and ecological values by means of a spatial bio-geographic assessment. By capturing confronting social and institutional conflicts in protected areas the participatory integrated assessment approach presented here can help decision makers for better planning and managing Natura 2000 sites.


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[ES]Este proyecto, fruto de mi Trabajo Fin de Grado, pretende describir los aspectos más relevantes de los Wireless Intrusion Detection System (WIDS), tales como su historia, funcionamiento, arquitecturas, implementación o futuro. Tras esto, se expondrá el objetivo principal del proyecto. Proponer una arquitectura genérica para los WIDS y crear Antikörper, un WIDS basado en Network IDS completamente funcional, que cubra totalmente las necesidades de seguridad actuales en las redes Wireless LAN y sea adaptable a futuras revisiones.


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Poster presentado en el congreso: Third International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials (3-7 March 2013, Sorrento, Italy)


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The evolution of the railway sector depends, to a great extent, on the deployment of advanced railway signalling systems. These signalling systems are based on communication architectures that must cope with complex electromagnetical environments. This paper is outlined in the context of developing the necessary tools to allow the quick deployment of these signalling systems by contributing to an easier analysis of their behaviour under the effect of electromagnetical interferences. Specifically, this paper presents the modelling of the Eurobalise-train communication flow in a general purpose simulation tool. It is critical to guarantee this communication link since any lack of communication may lead to a stop of the train and availability problems. In order to model precisely this communication link we used real measurements done in a laboratory equipped with elements defined in the suitable subsets. Through the simulation study carried out, we obtained performance indicators of the physical layer such as the received power, SNR and BER. The modelling presented in this paper is a required step to be able to provide quality of service indicators related to perturbed scenarios.