2 resultados para nafta
The objective of this Final Project focuses on explaining how the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has affected the economy of Mexico. To achieve this, we have conducted a documentary research based on analysis of existing general and specific scientific literature on the subject from the objectives and hypotheses a priori. The framework is divided into several sections where the following issues are addressed: the processes of negotiation and adjustment plans that occurred before to signing the agreement; the aim and purpose of the agreement; the consequences of the covenant in the economy of Mexico, considering the decomposition of the status and importance of immigration; and finally, an analysis of the current situation of Mexico. This paper concludes with a set of final thoughts with hypothesis testing, and a theory about how different countries should cooperate in order to have a beneficial development in all parties.
Azken hamarkadan eredu liberalaren hedapenak eraginda nazioarteko akordioak, gehienbat eskualde mailakoak, ugaritu egin dira. Horrek, ekonomia arloan, merkataritza eta inbertsioak gai nagusi bihurtu ditu. Nazioarteko mailan harreman ekonomikoak zehaztasunez aztertzera bultzatzen gaitu. Nazioarteko harreman hauetan aipatzekoak dira potentzia ekonomiko maila ezberdinen arteko elkartrukeak. Hala nola periferia-zentro edota ipar-hegoaldeen arteko merkataritza erlazioa, AEB eta Mexikoren NAFTA merkataritza librerako ituna adibide dena.