2 resultados para inclusão social e escolar
Se recogen las ponencias y comunicaciones presentadas en las VII Jornadas Científicas de la SEPHE (Sociedad Española para el Estudio del Patrimonio Histórico–Educativo) y el V Simposium de la Rede Iberoamericano para a Investigação e a Difusão do Patrimônio Histórico Educativo – RIDPHE-L, celebradas en Donostia-San Sebastián del 29 de junio a 1 de julio de 2016.
[EN] This correlational study aims to analyse the relationship of the social dimension of the selfconcept with age, educational level, sex and with the academic performance, understood as qualification and as artistic understanding of a group of primary and secondary students. The results show, generally, negative relationship between social self-concept and demographic variables, while statistically significant, although of opposite sign, of the social self-concept with the qualification in the field and with the artistic understanding respectively.