18 resultados para fishing line
Command and control regulation programs, particularly input constraints, typically fail to achieve stated objectives, because fishermen may substitute unregulated for regulated inputs. It is, thus, essential to have an understanding of the internal structure of production technology. A primal formulation is used to estimate a translog production function at the vessels level that includes fishing effort and fisherman’s skill. The flexibility of the selected functional permits the analysis of the substitution possibilities among inputs by estimating the elasticity of substitution with no prior constraints. Particular attention is paid to the empirical validation of fishing effort as an aggregate input, which implies either, the acceptation of the joint hypothesis that inputs making up effort are weakly separable from the inputs out of the subgroup or considering that effort is an intermediate input produced by a non-separable two stage technology. Cross sectional data from the Spanish purse seine fleet operating in the VIII Division European anchovy fishery provide evidence of limited input substitution possibilities among the inputs making up the empirically validated fishing effort translog micro-production function.
Several insectivorous bats have included fish in their diet, yet little is known about the processes underlying this trophic shift. We performed three field experiments with wild fishing bats to address how they manage to discern fish from insects and adapt their hunting technique to capture fish. We show that bats react only to targets protruding above the water and discern fish from insects based on prey disappearance patterns. Stationary fish trigger short and shallow dips and a terminal echolocation pattern with an important component of the narrowband and low frequency calls. When the fish disappears during the attack process, bats regulate their attack increasing the number of broadband and high frequency calls in the last phase of the echolocation as well as by lengthening and deepening their dips. These adjustments may allow bats to obtain more valuable sensorial information and to perform dips adjusted to the level of uncertainty on the location of the submerged prey. The observed ultrafast regulation may be essential for enabling fishing to become cost-effective in bats, and demonstrates the ability of bats to rapidly modify and synchronise their sensorial and motor features as a response to last minute stimulus variations.
Pulse fishing may be a global optimal strategy in multicohort fisheries. In this article we compare the pulse fishing solutions obtained by using global numerical methods with the analytical stationary optimal solution. This allows us to quantify the potential benefits associated with the use of periodic fishing in the Northern Stock of hake. Results show that: first, management plans based exclusively on traditional reference targets as Fmsy may drive fishery economic results far from the optimal; second, global optimal solutions would imply, in a cyclical manner, the closure of the fishery for some periods and third, second best stationary policies with stable employment only reduce optimal present value of discounted profit in a 2%.
1 PDF document (8 pp., English).-- Contributed to: VSMM'08: 14th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (Limassol, Cyprus, Oct 20-25, 2008)
MELECON 2012 - 2012 16th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 25 Mar - 28 Mar 2012, Túnez
[ES] El objetivo del presente trabajo se ha centrado en medir la eficacia publicitaria de dos formatos de anuncios on-line, concretamente el robapáginas frente al contextual, así como los factores que sobre la base de la literatura revisada influyen en dicha eficacia publicitaria. Su contexto de aplicación son las páginas web de tipo blog o bitácora que, a pesar del auge que han experimentado en su utilización, no han recibido atención en el ámbito de la investigación publicitaria.
Reuse is at the heart of major improvements in productivity and quality in Software Engineering. Both Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) are software development paradigms that promote reuse. Specifically, they promote systematic reuse and a departure from craftsmanship towards an industrialization of the software development process. MDE and SPLE have established their benefits separately. Their combination, here called Model Driven Product Line Engineering (MDPLE), gathers together the advantages of both. Nevertheless, this blending requires MDE to be recasted in SPLE terms. This has implications on both the core assets and the software development process. The challenges are twofold: (i) models become central core assets from which products are obtained and (ii) the software development process needs to cater for the changes that SPLE and MDE introduce. This dissertation proposes a solution to the first challenge following a feature oriented approach, with an emphasis on reuse and early detection of inconsistencies. The second part is dedicated to assembly processes, a clear example of the complexity MDPLE introduces in software development processes. This work advocates for a new discipline inside the general software development process, i.e., the Assembly Plan Management, which raises the abstraction level and increases reuse in such processes. Different case studies illustrate the presented ideas.
Optimal management in a multi-cohort Beverton-Holt model with any number of age classes and imperfect selectivity is equivalent to finding the optimal fish lifespan by chosen fallow cycles. Optimal policy differs in two main ways from the optimal lifespan rule with perfect selectivity. First, weight gain is valued in terms of the whole population structure. Second, the cost of waiting is the interest rate adjusted for the increase in the pulse length. This point is especially relevant for assessing the role of selectivity. Imperfect selectivity reduces the optimal lifespan and the optimal pulse length. We illustrate our theoretical findings with a numerical example. Results obtained using global numerical methods select the optimal pulse length predicted by the optimal lifespan rule.
7 p.
12 p.
XXIV, 508 p.
Panel de Administración que ofrece una solución completa a la hora de realizar visores para mapas y que permite al cliente configurar un visor en base a sus necesidades, mediante diferentes módulos. Dicho panel, se ha realizado utilizando un desarrollo basado en el prototipado. En el caso de este proyecto, se especifica el desarrollo de los dos primeros prototipos. Los módulos desarrollados son los siguientes: Panel de login: Este panel permite el acceso a la aplicación. Módulo de usuarios/grupos: Este componente permite gestionar grupos y usuarios, tanto la creación, edición de los mismos como la visualización de estos. Módulo de datos: Este componente permite gestionar las fuentes de datos del cliente. Crear plantillas a partir de datos procedentes de BBDD propias, así como la edición de dichas plantillas. Módulo GeoAsset: Este componente permite configurar aplicaciones web o visores. Un visor tendrá asociado un mapa, una lista de control de accesos, etc. Siguiendo la estructura de módulos, también es objeto del proyecto la realización de un segundo prototipo que contiene la mejora de uno de los módulos ya creados: Mejora de módulo de datos: Este componente implementa además de las funcionalidades creadas en la anterior versión, una funcionalidad para permitir la subida de datos a la aplicación.
Máster en Dirección Empresarial desde la Innovación y la Internacionalización. Curso 2013/2014
Hurrengo ikerketan errugbiko line out baten jaurtiketaren abiaduraren analisia eta jaukitzaileen baloia abiadura altuan jaurtitzeko ahalmena, zehaztasunarekin ikertuko da. Hamazortzi eta hogeita bi urte tarteko errugbi jokalariak egin zituzten frogak, partaideak froga bakarra egin zuten denboraldiaren hasieran, aurre-denboraldiaren amaieran. Jokalarien arteko konparaketa egin zen. Ikertuko diren aldagarriak, eta jaurtitzaileen ahalmena neurtzen dutenak hurrengoak dira: abiadura eta zehaztasuna. bi abiadura ezberdin kalkulatu egin dira, bata helburu zehatz batekin eta bestea helburu zehatzik gabe, horrela potentzia guztia ikusi ahal izateko. Bi abiadurak konparatuz beste aldagarri bat atera da, %galera izenekoa, aldagarri onek bi abiaduraren arteko ezberdintasuna adierazten du.
La identidad digital y la reputación online como elementos claves a la hora de relacionarse con el consumidor y generar valor