24 resultados para cheap talk
We consider a job contest in which candidates go through interviews (cheap talk) and are subject to reference checks. We show how competitive pressure - increasing the ratio of "good" to "bad" type candi- dates - can lead to a vast increase in lying and in some cases make bad hires more likely. As the number of candidates increases, it becomes harder to in- duce truth-telling. The interview stage becomes redundant if the candidates, a priori, know each others' type or the result of their own reference check. Finally, we show that the employer can bene t from committing not to reject all the applicants.
V.II: 397 p. y V.II: 273 p.
903 páginas, bibliografía en páginas 854-895, glosario en páginas 896-903
On the analysis of Varian’s textbook on Microeconomics, which I take to be a representative of the standard view, I argue that Varian provides two contrary notions of profit, namely, profit as surplus over cost and profit as cost. Varian starts by defining profit as the surplus of revenues over cost and, thus, as the part of the value of commodities that is not any cost; however, he provides a second definition of profit as a cost, namely, as the opportunity cost of capital. I also argue that the definition of competitive profit as the opportunity cost of capital involves a self-contradictory notion of opportunity cost.
[ES] En el presente artículo se aborda el problema de la causalidad en las Ciencias Económicas. Partiendo de la diferenciación entre ciencias duras y blandas, y de la supuesta clasificicación de la economía en este segundo grupo, se realiza un análisis de los diferentes paradigmas ontológicos que soportan la investigación científica, para a continuación trasladar la causalidad desde el ámbito ontológico al gnoseológico. Posteriormente se profundiza en la conjunción de la metodología hipotético-deductiva con el método correlacional, generando una causalidad probabilística. Dicha causalidad, contextualizada de forma científica, permite la realización y contrastación de inferencias predictivas, a través de las cuales las Ciencias Ecnómicas pueden encontrar su ubicación en los niveles mas extrictos de la investigación científica.
499 p. (Bibliogr. 443-474)
209 p. : il., gráf.
Gaur egun, konpetentzia zientifikoen garapena Lehen Hezkuntzako eskolan gutxi garatuta eta eztabaidagarria den gaia da. Ikasleek kultura zientifikoan murgiltzeko forma aurkitu eta, bereziki, argumentazio gaitasuna garatzen laguntzea, zientziak hitz egiteko aukerak emanez, ez da batere arrunta gure eskoletan. Esku-hartze berritzaile hau egoera honi aurre egiteko eta arazoari irtenbide bat bilatzeko diseinatuta izan da. Honen bidez, Lehen Hezkuntzan zientzienganako interesa sustatzen saiatzen da, zientziako klaseetan datuen erabilerari eta argumentazioari lehentasuna emanez. Ekimena 2013-2014ko martxoan jarri da martxan.
4 p.
21 p.
A lo largo de este trabajo, realizaremos un diagnóstico de las relaciones con clientes y de las estrategias de marketing en mercados industriales. Para ello, dividimos el trabajo en dos grandes partes y lo cerramos con unas conclusiones globales. La primera parte, el marco teórico, se ha elaborado tras la revisión crítica de la bibliografía referenciada al final del trabajo y el conocimiento adquirido en las sesiones magistrales de la asignatura Marketing Industrial de 4º curso del Grado en Marketing, impartida por la profesora Mª Soledad Aguirre, a las que asistí como oyente puesto que yo no soy alumno de dicho grado. En la segunda parte, el estudio empírico, realizamos un análisis de nueve empresas y organizaciones vascas (a excepción de una de ellas) que mantienen relaciones comerciales esencialmente del tipo Business to Business, que es lo que en la bibliografía que hemos trabajado se entiende por relaciones comerciales propias de Mercados Industriales. No se habla tanto de productos industriales como de clientes industriales o empresariales (relaciones empresa-empresa). Para ello, hemos utilizado como método de análisis y contraste el Método del Caso. Por último, concluimos el trabajo con la enumeración de las principales conclusiones extraídas de nuestra investigación y con la relación de la Bibliografía y Webgrafía consultada.
[EU]Komunikabideetan hainbesteko oihartzuna izan zuen eta saldu edo alokatutako etxebizitzak energia eraginkortasunaren ziurtagiria izatera derrigortzen zituen dekretuak urtebete eskas bete du. Proiektu honetan aipatutako legea 2020. urterako ezarritako europar helburu energetikoak betetzeko bidean kokatu egiten da, ziurtapenerako jarraitu beharreko metodologian gehiago sakonduz eta aipaturiko helburuentzako duen garrantzia azpimarratuz. Proiektuak bi zati nagusi ditu. Lehenengo zatian, proiektuaren helburu nagusia den etxebizitza baten kalifikazio energetikoa burutzen da, G letrako kalifikaziorik baxuena lortuz. Ondoren, kalifikatutako etxebizitzaren energia eraginkortasuna hobetzeko neurri posible batzuek bideragarritasuna aztertzen da. E letra erraztasun nahikoz lor daiteke, inbertsioaren berreskuratze aldi oso onargarriekin. C letraraino igotzea ere posible da aztertutako neurriak bateratuz, baina berreskuratze aldiak handiagoak izango lirateke.
[EN] This paper reports an innovative technique for reagents storage in microfluidic devices by means of a one-step UV-photoprintable ionogel-based microarray on non-modified polymeric substrates. Although the ionogel and the ink-jet printing technology are well published, this is the first study where both are used for long-term reagent storage in lab-on-a-chip devices. This technology for reagent storage is perfectly compatible with mass production fabrication processes since pre-treatment of the device substrate is not necessary and inkjet printing allows for an efficient reagent deposition process. The functionality of this microarray is demonstrated by testing the release of biotin-647 after being stored for 1 month at room temperature. Analysis of the fluorescence of the ionogel-based microarray that contains biotin-647 demonstrated that 90% of the biotin-647 present was released from the ionogel-based microarray after pumping PBS 0.1% Tween at 37 °C. Moreover, the activity of biotin-647 after being released from the ionogel-based microarray was investigated trough the binding capability of this biotin to a microcontact printed chip surface with avidin. These findings pave the way for a novel, one-step, cheap and mass production on-chip reagents storage method applicable to other reagents such as antibodies and proteins and enzymes.
Background: Little is known about the types of 'sit less, move more' strategies that appeal to office employees, or what factors influence their use. This study assessed the uptake of strategies in Spanish university office employees engaged in an intervention, and those factors that enabled or limited strategy uptake. Methods: The study used a mixed method design. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with academics and administrators (n = 12; 44 +/- 12 mean SD age; 6 women) at three points across the five-month intervention, and data used to identify factors that influenced the uptake of strategies. Employees who finished the intervention then completed a survey rating (n = 88; 42 +/- 8 mean SD age; 51 women) the extent to which strategies were used [never (1) to usually (4)]; additional survey items (generated from interviewee data) rated the impact of factors that enabled or limited strategy uptake [no influence (1) to very strong influence (4)]. Survey score distributions and averages were calculated and findings triangulated with interview data. Results: Relative to baseline, 67% of the sample increased step counts post intervention (n = 59); 60% decreased occupational sitting (n = 53). 'Active work tasks' and 'increases in walking intensity' were the strategies most frequently used by employees (89% and 94% sometimes or usually utilised these strategies); 'walk-talk meetings' and ` lunchtime walking groups' were the least used (80% and 96% hardly ever or never utilised these strategies). 'Sitting time and step count logging' was the most important enabler of behaviour change (mean survey score of 3.1 +/- 0.8); interviewees highlighted the motivational value of being able to view logged data through visual graphics in a dedicated website, and gain feedback on progress against set goals. 'Screen based work' (mean survey score of 3.2 +/- 0.8) was the most significant barrier limiting the uptake of strategies. Inherent time pressures and cultural norms that dictated sedentary work practices limited the adoption of 'walk-talk meetings' and ` lunch time walking groups'. Conclusions: The findings provide practical insights into which strategies and influences practitioners need to target to maximise the impact of 'sit less, move more' occupational intervention strategies.
[EU]Ondorengo lanean ingeniaritzaren eremuan aurkitzen den eginkizunik garrantzitsuenetako bat egingo da: material berri bat karakterizatu. Hau da, errealitatean ikusten duguna era matematiko batean idatzi, edo beste era batean esanda, modelo matematiko bat lortu. Jorratuko den materiala kautxu birziklatua izango da, pneumatiko zaharretatik abiatuz egiten dena. Material honek, besteak beste, hurrengo abantailak ditu: produzitzeko erraza (beraz, prezio ekonomikoak, lehengaiak hondakin solidoak direla ikusita) eta inpakturako erantzun ona. Kautxu hau, beste erabileren artean, segurtasun-errailetan erabiltzen da, moto-gidariak ebaketetatik babesteko. Modelo matematikoa edo konstitutiboa lortzeko, lege hiperelastiko eta biskoelastikoetatik abiatuz, portaera bisko-hiperelastikorako lege bat proposatuko da. Lege hau deformazio handietarako eta deformazio abiadura handietarako aplikatu egingo da. Honen oinarria aurreko urteetan eskola honetako beste ikasleek eginiko gradu eta karrera amaierako lanak izango dira. Behin hau izanda, elementu finituetako software baten bidez simulatuko da, eta emaitza numerikoak esperimentalekin alderatuko dira. Honen bidez, modeloa hobetu ahal izango dugu, zehaztasun gehiago lortzeko asmoz.