9 resultados para XY Company.
[ES]El Trabajo de Fin de Grado que se presenta tiene por objeto la contribución a un proyecto de investigación mediante el análisis y diseño de una mesa de posicionamiento basada en flexión para un mecanismo de nanoposicionamiento XY. Dicho proyecto se integra dentro de una línea de investigación promovida por la Universidad del País Vasco y el grupo empresarial EGILE CORPORATION XXI, especializado en la fabricación de componentes y mecanizados de alta precisión. Consiste en rediseñar la mesa de un mecanismo de nanoposicionamiento. Para ello se parte de un diseño actual y mediante la modificación de su geometría, se pretende obtener unas mejores prestaciones en cuanto a precisión, facilidad de predicción del comportamiento y amplitud del movimiento. Las tareas a llevar a cabo serán las siguientes: obtención de un modelo simplificado de la mesa, convirtiendo las juntas flexibles reales en juntas tradicionales con una cierta rigidez torsional; definición de la geometría en base a los requisitos fijados, tanto de amplitud como de precisión; y verificación del diseño elegido, mediante el cálculo por MEF del rango de movimiento y precisión del mismo, frecuencias naturales y relación entre la fuerza aplicada y el movimiento obtenido.
The focus of this project is going to be, as the title indicates, on the comparison of marketing policies applied by the same company in different countries and analysis of the reasons for the differences. In order to do that, I have selected the company Nestlé to analyze the marketing decisions it makes across national boundaries to market the brand of Kit Kat and keep it as a leader snack worldwide. After having analyzed the brand in all continents, I can say the execution of the strategy used by Nestlé with Kit Kat really matches the planning of the strategy which is to think globally and act locally. Nestlé uses global brand identity but, from the internal point of view, it uses local ingredients and gives autonomy to its local branches based in different countries to make pricing and distributions decisions and therefore satisfy different consumers’ needs and preferences in local environments where changes happen very rapidly. The “glocal” approach to marketing is an effective way for Nestlé Kit Kat to stay focused on the consumer in worldwide markets.
[EN] In today s economy, innovation is considered to be one of the main driving forces behind business competitiveness, if not the most relevant one. Traditionally, the study of innovation has been addressed from different perspectives. Recently, literature on knowledge management and intellectual capital has provided new insights. Considering this, the aim of this paper is to analyze the impact of different organizational conditions i.e. structural capital on innovation capability and innovation performance, from an intellectual capital (IC) perspective. As regards innovation capability, two dimensions are considered: new idea generation and innovation project management. The population subject to study is made up of technology-based Colombian firms. In order to gather information about the relevant variables involved in the research, a questionnaire was designed and addressed to the CEOs of the companies making up the target population. The sample analyzed is made up of 69 companies and is large enough to carry out a statistical study based on structural equation modelling (partial least squares approach) using PLS-Graph software (Chin and Frye, 2003). The results obtained show that structural capital explains to a great extent both the effectiveness of the new idea generation process and of innovation project management. However, the influence of each specific organizational component making up structural capital (organizational design, organizational culture, hiring and professional development policies, innovation strategy, technological capital, and external structure) varies. Moreover, successful innovation project management is the only innovation capability dimension that exerts a significant impact on company performance.
[EN] This study analyzes the relationship between board size and economic-financial performance in a sample of European firms that constitute the EUROSTOXX50 Index. Based on previous literature, resource dependency and agency theories, and considering regulation developed by the OECD and European Union on the normative of corporate governance for each country in the sample, the authors propose the hypotheses of both positive linear and quadratic relationships between the researched parameters. Using ROA as a benchmark of financial performance and the number of members of the board as measurement of the board size, two OLS estimations are performed. To confirm the robustness of the results the empirical study is tested with two other similar financial ratios, ROE and Tobin s Q. Due to the absence of significant results, an additional factor, firm size, is employed in order to check if it affects firm performance. Delving further into the nature of this relationship, it is revealed that there exists a strong and negative relation between firm size and financial performance. Consequently, it can be asseverated that the generic recommendation one size fits all cannot be applied in this case; which conforms to the Recommendations of the European Union that dissuade using generic models for all countries.
[ES]El objetivo de este proyecto es diseñar un mecanismo que proporcione desplazamientos XY en una plataforma empleando barras flexibles. Para ello se partirá de la teoría de vigas de Euler-Bernoulli con el objeto de conocer la relación entra las cargas y momentos actuantes en los extremos y la deformada de las barras. Se utilizarán integrales elípticas y métodos numéricos que se implementarán en un programa Matlab para resolver las ecuaciones que facilitan el cálculo de la elástica. Por último, se diseñará el mecanismo y se construirá un prototipo para comparar resultados analíticos y experimentales.
[ES]El proyecto consiste en el desarrollo mecánico de un manipulador paralelo basado en un mecanismo de cadena cerrada y 5 pares de rotación moviéndose en un mismo plano, de modo que cubra un espacio de manipulación previamente definido. Para ello se realizan los diseños en programas de CAD y se realizan los planos de diseño y montaje con el objetivo de posteriormente llevar el diseño a la realidad.
[ES]Se trata de diseñar, programar, fabricar y montar un manipulador paralelo de 5 pares de revolución, que sirva para el atrape y posterior desplazamiento de objetos pequeños en un área de trabajo determinado. Este proyecto se centra exclusivamente en el análisis cinemático, resistente y posterior optimización del diseño del mecanismo de barras del manipulador.
This paper presents a business plan to create a new company Bomboy & Friends regarding the Exclusive Distribution of a fully Eco Friendly Water-Soluble Anti- Corrosive Prime named Life Guard Active Rust Primer Paint abbreviated as “L.G.A.R.P Paint” in Douala Cameroon and the C.E.M.A.C Region. The lack of quality paint in Cameroon has given the opportunity for a company like Bomboy & Friends to nurture its existence and be part of a fast growing economy, providing a high quality paint competition, very economical, easy to prepare, environmentally friendly, compatible with other brands and accessible to medium and small size companies.