4 resultados para Weights and measures.
We conduct experiments to investigate the effects of different majority requirements on bargaining outcomes in small and large groups. In particular, we use a Baron-Ferejohn protocol and investigate the effects of decision rules on delay (number of bargaining rounds needed to reach agreement) and measures of "fairness" (inclusiveness of coalitions, equality of the distribution within a coalition). We find that larger groups and unanimity rule are associated with significantly larger decision making costs in the sense that first round proposals more often fail, leading to more costly delay. The higher rate of failure under unanimity rule and in large groups is a combination of three facts: (1) in these conditions, a larger number of individuals must agree, (2) an important fraction of individuals reject offers below the equal share, and (3) proposers demand more (relative to the equal share) in large groups.
As a result of the natural evolution of the economy, ever-changing, unpredictable and cyclical, companies must adapt as far as possible to the changes that have taken place in order to continue with their normal operating activities. Likewise, they should also try to maintain a structure for long-term growth, trying at all times to generate the maximum value. The main objective of this project is to provide financial advisory services to a business group, trying to forward solutions and measures that according to the author can be effective. For this end, the situation of the group in question is analysed from early 2008 to the present day, examining its evolution, what steps have been taken together with their corresponding results and the economic-financial situation of the company at the end of last year. Contact with the company was kept throughout the process of analysis and assessment trying to take advantage of the feedback generated so that the appropriate measures can be adopted if the management considers it to be adequate.
[ES]Este es un Trabajo Fin de Grado interdisciplinar que aúna la Innovación y el Emprendimiento con la Econometría. En la parte teórica, se sintetiza la literatura relacionada con la innovación y el emprendimiento, los tipos y medidas de innovación, los factores que influyen tanto positiva como negativamente en la innovación, y se explica la importancia de innovar en las empresas. Se analizan también las bases de datos sobre innovación disponibles en Internet. Mientras que en la parte empírica, se analiza el impacto del Producto Interior Bruto sobre la actividad emprendedora total y por motivos de necesidad u oportunidad de 67 países a nivel mundial. Los países están divididos en tres tipos, dependiendo de cual es el motor impulsor de su economía: los factores tradicionales de producción, los factores que mejoran su eficiencia y las economías basadas en la sofisticación de sus empresas y la innovación. Así mismo, se analiza la influencia del PIB y otras variables macroeconómicas como el nivel de educación superior, la inversión pública y privada en I+D+i y el número de patentes PCT con el emprendimiento innovador. Para ello, se han teniendo en cuenta los datos aportados en los Informes Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) y Innovation Union Scoreboard (IUS) para el año 2012.
The ADAPTECC Climate Change Adaptation Game is a role-play game designed to enable players to experience the difficulties that arise at local and regional levels when authorities have to implement adaptation measures. Adaptation means anticipating the advert effects of climate change (CC) and taking measures to prevent and minimise the damage caused by its impacts. Each player takes the role of the mayor or a councillor of a town affected by CC who must decide what adaptation strategies and measures to take, or of a member of the Regional Environment Department which must distribute funding for adaptation among the various towns. At the end of the game, players should have a greater understanding of the challenges posed by adaptation to CC