9 resultados para Technological improvements


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Euskal enpresen hazkunde estrategiaren azterketa da aztergai orokorra, hau da, globalizazio eta mundu teknologikoari aurre egiteko enpresek lortutako irtenbide desberdinak aztertzea. Lanaren helburua, jatorria 50. hamarkadan duen eta gaur arte euskal ekonomian eragin garrantzitsua izan duen euskal-enpresa baten hazkunde estrategiaren azterketa da, Kaiku Corporación Alimentariaren kasua hain zuzen. Kasuaren metodologian oinarrituz, hazkunde eredutzat nazioartekotze eta berrikuntza estrategiaren aldeko apustua egin duen enpresaren analisia egin da, jatorri amankomuna izan duten Iparlat eta Kaikuren desberdintasun estrategikoaren azterketak, honakoa ondorioztatzea ahalbidetuz: egoera berdinaren aurrean, bi estrategia desberdinen arrakasta.


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Euskal makina erreminta enpresen nazioartekotze estrategien azterketa da ikergai nagusia, arloaren alderdi orokorrak eta etorkizunerako aurreikuspenak gauzatzen badira ere. Globalizazio eta mundu interkonektatu honetan enpresa hazteko irtenbide desberdinak aztertu dira, merkatuaren eskakizunetara egokituz. Kasu praktiko gisa hazkunde eredutzat nazioartekotzearen aldeko apustua egin duen DanobatGroup enpresa talde kooperatiboa ikertu da. Enpresa eredugarria da garai zail hauetan, egindako lanaren erakusgarri eta atzerrirako urrats sendoekin, pertsonen trebetasunari eta konpromisoei esker, erronkak gainditu dituelako. Ikerketa burututa, sektorearen barne eskaria urria denez, Euskal enpresek nazioartekotu beharra dutela ikusi da.


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2nd International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies


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This work investigates the relationship between unemployment and technological progress. We analyze briefly the historical context in which the problem of unemployment begins: the emergence of a new economic system, the capitalism. In our research we consider the contributions of two different economists: John Stuart Mill and Karl Marx. They offer two different perspectives to this subject. We also consider the contribution David Ricardo, the first author that realized the conflictive relationship between technical progress and the interest of the workers. We also include an analysis of the problem by using different data collected from Global Wage Report, that is annually offered by the International Labor Organization (ILO). Finally, we also analyze the phenomenon called planned obsolescence. The idea of producing goods with low quality in order to guarantee a future demand (replacing the obsolete goods) has been considered a good option to avoid unemployment. This work ends with some final comments and open questions.


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In this work we study the gender segregation in technological undergraduate studies in the University of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU). For this study we use the data of new admissions at the UPV/EHU. They are from the time period of the years 2003-2013. We focus on the first and last year to check if the segregation has changed over these ten years. We build segregation curves within the Lorenz approach. Our results show that the gender segregation in technological undergraduate studies in the University of the Basque Country has increased over the last ten years. We also show that the distribution between men and women has changed.  


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