4 resultados para Take-home naloxone


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Nuestro proyecto trata de obtener un sistema centralizado para el manejo y monitorización de un conjunto de aparatos eléctricos del hogar, tales como luces, cámaras, sensores, y otros aparatos mediante una aplicación para dispositivos móviles Android. También se facilita una herramienta web para administrar dichos aparatos. Nuestro sistema da soporte al manejo individual y manual de estos aparatos, por ejemplo encender una lámpara, así como la posibilidad de incluir programas que se ejecuten a una determinada hora, y con una determinada recurrencia. Por ejemplo, se puede programar el encendido de una luz todos los días a las 20:00. Además, también se pueden crear reglas que, dado una determinada situación, realicen una serie de acciones. Por ejemplo, si se detecta que la luminosidad baja de cierto valor (detectado mediante un sensor de luz), se encienda una lámpara. Para conseguir esto se ha realizado una aplicación centralizada, a modo de servidor, que se comunica con los aparatos eléctricos mediante diferentes protocolos de comunicación, así como con el dispositivo móvil Android, y una aplicación web administrativa, a través de un portal de servicios web.


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This paper presents the construction, mathematical modeling and testing of a scaled universal hydraulic Power Take-Off (PTO) device for Wave Energy Converters (WECs). A specific prototype and test bench were designed and built to carry out the tests. The results obtained from these tests were used to adjust an in-house mathematical model. The PTO was initially designed to be coupled to a scaled wave energy capture device with a low speed and high torque oscillating motion and high power fluctuations. Any Energy Capture Device (ECD) that fulfils these requirements can be coupled to this PTO, provided that its scale is adequately defined depending on the rated power of the full scale prototype. The initial calibration included estimation of the pressure drops in the different components, the pressurization time of the oil inside the hydraulic cylinders and the volumetric efficiency of the complete circuit. Since the overall efficiency measured during the tests ranged from 0.69 to 0.8 and the dynamic performance of the PTO was satisfactory, the results are really promising and it is believed that this solution might prove effective in real devices.


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EUSKARA LABURPENA: Irakurketa bizitza osoan zehar gizakiak jorratu beharko duen prozesu konplexua da. Irakurketarekiko lehen harremanak txikitatik eta familia giroan hasten direla kontuan izanik, hizkuntza idatziaren sustatze egitasmoan familiak duen ezinbesteko papera gailendu nahi izan dugu lan honetan. Horrenbestez, Lekeitioko 3-5 urte bitarteko haurren familiek etxetik irakurzaletasuna sustatzeko egiten duten ahalegina aztertzeko, galdetegi bidezko ikerketa bat egin dugu. Burututako ikerlanetik ondorio interesgarriak ateratzea lortu dugu; besteak beste, etxean gurasoek haurrekin irakurtzeko ohitura erakutsi arren, liburutegira edota ekimenetara joateko ez dutela esfortzu handiegirik egiten; edota familiek ez dutela oparien rankingeko gorengo mailan kokatzen liburua.


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One of the key systems of a Wave Energy Converter for extraction of wave energy is the Power Take-Off (PTO) device. This device transforms the mechanical energy of a moving body into electrical energy. This paper describes the model of an innovative PTO based on independently activated double-acting hydraulic cylinders array. The model has been developed using a simulation tool, based on a port-based approach to model hydraulics systems. The components and subsystems used in the model have been parameterized as real components and their values experimentally obtained from an existing prototype. In fact, the model takes into account most of the hydraulic losses of each component. The simulations show the flexibility to apply different restraining torques to the input movement depending on the geometrical configuration and the hydraulic cylinders on duty, easily modified by a control law. The combination of these two actions allows suitable flexibility to adapt the device to different sea states whilst optimizing the energy extraction. The model has been validated using a real test bench showing good correlations between simulation and experimental tests.