4 resultados para Supermarket Retailing
Employee-owned businesses have recently enjoyed a resurgence of interest as possible ‘alternatives’ to the somewhat tarnished image of conventional investor-owned capitalist firms. Within the context of global economic crisis, such alternatives seem newly attractive. This is somewhat ironic because, for more than a century, academic literature on employee-owned businesses has been dominated by the ‘degeneration thesis’. This suggested that these businesses tend towards failure – they either fail commercially, or they relinquish their democratic characters. Bucking this trend and offering a beacon - especially in the UK - has been the commercially successful, co-owned enterprise of the John Lewis Partnership (JLP) whose virtues have seemingly been rewarded with favourable and sustainable outcomes. This paper makes comparisons between JLP and its Spanish equivalent Eroski – the supermarket group which is part of the Mondragon cooperatives. The contribution of this paper is to examine in a comparative way how the managers in JLP and Eroski have constructed and accomplished their alternative scenarios. Using longitudinal data and detailed interviews with senior managers in both enterprises it explores the ways in which two large, employee-owned, enterprises reconcile apparently conflicting principles and objectives. The paper thus puts some new flesh on the ‘regeneration thesis’.
El presente trabajo expone el marco en el que cabe el desarrollo de las decisiones de Marketing en el comercio detallista actualmente, considerando los cambios en el comportamiento y hábitos de compra del cliente, condicionados por los avances tecnológicos y la crisis económica, entre otros. Se analizan algunos de los diferentes factores que deben ser gestionados para la creación de experiencias, y donde el marketing sensorial será protagonista, así como la necesidad de orientar las políticas hacia un comprador que aun siendo sensible al precio, cada vez valora más el factor emocional. Se profundiza en la gestión de la experiencia de compra, y en los factores que han de tenerse en cuenta para realizarla de forma eficiente. Finalmente, se estudia un caso exitoso de marketing experiencial donde puede observarse el uso de las variables analizadas previamente.
[EN] Store brands account for and important market share in the Spain and a further increase in expected in the next years due to the downturn. However, there is lack of research on store brand customer-based Brand Equity. This study attempts to propose an integrated model of Brand Equity in store or retailer brands, based on Aaker s well-known conceptual model. We propose a consumer-based model, including the main sources or dimensions of Brand Equity and considering the intention to purchase as a consequence. Based on a sample of 362 consumers and 5 store brands, structural equation modeling is used to test research hypotheses. The results obtained reveal that store brand awareness, loyalty along with store brand perceived quality have a significant influence on consumers intention to purchase store brands. Our study suggests that marketers and marketing managers from retailing companies should carefully consider the Brand Equity components when designing their brand strategies, and develop marketing activities in order to enhance their brands awareness.
Lan honetan, marketinean eman diren azkeneko aldaketak direla eta Omnikanalitatearen ingurune berrira egokitzeko enpresen beharra adierazten da, gai honen garapena burutzeko marko teoriko bat sortuz. Marko teoriko honetan, marka-esperientzia, kontsumitzaileen lotura eta kontsumitzaile berrien portaera aipatzen dira, bakoitzaren alderik garrantzitsuenen azalpena emanez eta aldagai hauek Omnikanalitatearekin duten lotura adieraziz. Gainera, lanaren azkeneko zatian, bi ikerketa praktiko garatu dira; bat kontsumitzaileen ikuspuntua zehaztuz bi enpresa garrantzitsuren kontsumitzaileei galdeketa eginez eta bigarrena, gaian aditua denarekin izandako elkarrizketaren ikuspuntua adieraziz. Azkenik, aztertu diren aldagaiak kontuan hartuta eta bateratuta, lanaren ondorioak atera dira.