25 resultados para Simulate


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The Financial Crisis has hit particularly hard countries like Ireland or Spain. Procyclical fiscal policy has contributed to a boom-bust cycle that undermined fiscal positions and deepened current account deficits during the boom. We set up an RBC model of a small open economy, following Mendoza (1991), and introduce the effect of fiscal policy decisions that change over the cycle. We calibrate the model on data for Ireland, and simulate the effect of different spending policies in response to supply shocks. Procyclical fiscal policy distorts intertemporal allocation decisions. Temporary spending boosts in booms spur investment, and hence the need for external finance, and so generates very volatile cycles in investment and the current account. This economic instability is also harmful for the steady state level of output. Our model is able to replicate the relation between the degree of cyclicality of fiscal policy, and the volatility of consumption, investment and the current account observed in OECD countries.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.


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Background: Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs) are the most common primary mesenchymal neoplasia in the gastrointestinal tract, although they represent only a small fraction of total gastrointestinal malignancies in adults (<2%). GISTs can be located at any level of the gastrointestinal tract; the stomach is the most common location (60-70%), in contrast to the rectum, which is most rare (4%). When a GIST invades into the adjacent prostate tissue, it can simulate prostate cancer. In this study, we report on a case comprising the unexpected collision between a rectal GIST tumour and a prostatic adenocarcinoma. Findings: We describe the complexity of the clinical, endoscopic and radiological diagnosis, of the differential diagnosis based on tumour biopsy, and of the role of neoadjuvant therapy using imatinib prior to surgical treatment. Conclusions: Although isolated cases of coexisting GISTs and prostatic adenocarcinomas have reviously been described, this is the first reported case in the medical literature of a collision tumour involving a rectal GIST and prostatic adenocarcinoma components.


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[EN]This work analyzes the problem of community structure in real-world networks based on the synchronization of nonidentical coupled chaotic Rössler oscillators each one characterized by a defined natural frequency, and coupled according to a predefined network topology. The interaction scheme contemplates an uniformly increasing coupling force to simulate a society in which the association between the agents grows in time. To enhance the stability of the correlated states that could emerge from the synchronization process, we propose a parameterless mechanism that adapts the characteristic frequencies of coupled oscillators according to a dynamic connectivity matrix deduced from correlated data. We show that the characteristic frequency vector that results from the adaptation mechanism reveals the underlying community structure present in the network.


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[EN] Background: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism of PCR products (PCR-RFLP) are extensively used molecular biology techniques. An exercise for the design and simulation of PCR and PCR-RFLP experiments will be a useful educational tool. Findings: An online PCR and PCR-RFLP exercise has been create that requires users to find the target genes,compare them, design primers, search for restriction endonucleases, and finally to simulate the experiment. Each user of the service is randomly assigned a gene from Escherichia coli; to complete the exercise, users must design an experiment capable of distinguishing among E. coli strains. By applying the experimental procedure to all completely sequenced E. coli, a basic understanding of strain comparison and clustering can also be acquired. Comparison of results obtained in different experiments is also very instructive. Conclusions: The exercise is freely available at http://insilico.ehu.es/edu.


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We present a scheme for simulating relativistic quantum physics in circuit quantum electrodynamics. By using three classical microwave drives, we show that a superconducting qubit strongly coupled to a resonator field mode can be used to simulate the dynamics of the Dirac equation and Klein paradox in all regimes. Using the same setup we also propose the implementation of the Foldy-Wouthuysen canonical transformation, after which the time derivative of the position operator becomes a constant of the motion.


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This paper studies the feasibility of calculating strains in aged F114 steel specimens with Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors and infrared thermography (IT) techniques. Two specimens have been conditioned under extreme temperature and relative humidity conditions making comparative tests of stress before and after aging using different adhesives. Moreover, a comparison has been made with IT tecniques and conventional methods for calculating stresses in F114 steel. Implementation of Structural Health Monitoring techniques on real aircraft during their life cycle requires a study of the behaviour of FBG sensors and their wiring under real conditions, before using them for a long time. To simulate aging, specimens were stored in a climate chamber at 70 degrees C and 90% RH for 60 days. This study is framed within the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) and Non Destructuve Evaluation (NDE) research lines, integrated into the avionics area maintained by the Aeronautical Technologies Centre (CTA) and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).


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2nd International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies


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(EuroPES 2009)


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[EU]Lan honen gaia SCARA errobot motaren mugimendu gaitasunen analisia egitea da, eta ibilbideen sorkuntzarako metodoekin batera software grafiko batean inplementatzea mugimenduaren simulazioa egin ahal izateko. Errobot serieen zinematikaren oinarrizko ezagutzatik hasita, mota konkretu batetara aplikatu egiten da eta honek aurkezten dituen berezitasunak garatu egiten dira, bi helburutara bideratuta: SCARA errobotaren mugimendu gaitasunak ezagutzea. Ibilbideen sorkuntzarako metodo baten inplementazioa. Hasteko, gaiaren egoera aztertu da, aplikazio nagusien eta ibilbide moten informazioa batzeko. Halaber ibilbideen sorkuntzarako metodoak arakatu dira, erabilera honetarako aproposena aurkitzeko. Jarraian, errobotaren analisia burutu da, ohizko erreminta matematikoak erabiliz, funtsezkoak diren lan eremua eta kokapen singularrak lortzeko. Ostean, software grafikoa garatu da mugimendu gaitasun hauek simulatzeko. Ohiko aplikazioetan oinarritutako ibilbideak sortzeko aukerak gehitu dira. Amaitzeko, oztopoak saihesten dituen ibilbideen sorkuntzarako metodoa inplementatu da, “pick and place” ibilbide motaren barruan.


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[EU]Lan honen helburua, sentsorizatutako panpina kontrolatzeko software bat garatzea da, bihotz biriketako berpiztearen inguruko ikerkuntza sustatzeko helburuarekin. Kontrol hau aurrera eramateko bihotz biriketako berpiztearen inguruko kalitate parametro garrantzitsuenak jasotzen dituzten sentsoreekin hornitutako panpina bat erabili da, softwarearen eta panpinaren sentsoreen arteko interfaze gisa NI-DAQ National Instruments-eko txartela erabili delarik. Eskema honi jarraituz, software honek eskaintzen dituen funtzionalitate garrantzitsuenak hurrengoak dira: panpinaren bihotza simulatuko duen elektrokardiograma seinale bat panpinara transferitzea, sentsoreetatik lortutako informazioa biltegiratzea eta denbora errealean bistaratzea eta aurretiaz grabatutako erregistroen erreprodukzioa. Software hau garatzearen arrazoi nagusiak, bihotz biriketako berpiztearen kalitatea hobetzea eta elektrodoen eta pazientearen azalaren arteko kontaktuak elektrokardiograman sortzen duen interferentzia ezaugarritzea dira, bihotz-geldiunea pairatzen duen pazientearen bizi-iraupena handituko duten tresnen garapena sustatuz. Izan ere, bihotz-heriotza da herrialde garatuenen lehen heriotza-arrazoia.


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[ES]El proyecto investigador tiene el objeto el estudio del comportamiento de un perfil aerodinámico frente a un flujo turbulento, en este caso el aire. Se trata de evaluar las presiones que se ejercen sobre dicho perfil, que será un alerón de monoplaza tipo Formula Student, para comprobar si aporta alguna mejora en el comportamiento del monoplaza la introducción de este paquete aerodinámico. Con la introducción de este perfil en el monoplaza se pretende ganar un mayor agarre en el paso por curva siendo la resistencia al avance en recta la mínima posible, ya que lo que se pretende es hacer el recorrido del circuito en el menor tiempo posible. Por tanto hay dos variables a tener en cuenta a la hora de diseñar el alerón, por un lado esta mejorar el agarre de los neumáticos sobre el asfalto al tomar una curva, lo que nos permitirá tomar la curva a mayor velocidad y por tanto en menos tiempo, y por otro lado, la oposición que el alerón ejerce en el avance en recta disminuyendo su velocidad máxima. En resumen, se trata de comparar la fuerza horizontal y la fuerza vertical que el aire ejerce sobre el perfil aerodinámico a introducir en el monoplaza y evaluar si es beneficioso para este, es decir, si añadiendo dicho perfil se realiza el trazado del circuito en menor tiempo que sin él. Para ello se realizarán simulaciones con un software de modelado físico de flujos y turbulencias sobre un diseño de un alerón dado, con diferentes tipos de flujo, de forma que se asemeje de mejor forma a las condiciones de la pista y se obtendrán los resultados de las presiones que el flujo de aire ejerce sobre las superficies del perfil. Después se obtendrán las fuerzas puntuales vertical y horizontal y se analizaran los datos obtenidos. Deberán tenerse en cuenta, además de los resultados obtenidos, los materiales a emplear a la hora de su fabricación, el proceso de dicha fabricación y el coste que supone tanto el proceso como los materiales empleados.


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[ES]En este proyecto se realizará un análisis del protocolo de nivel de transporte multi-path TCP en una maqueta de pruebas. Para poder llevar a cabo este análisis del protocolo, diseñaremos y construiremos un entorno de pruebas controlado en el que simularemos diferentes problemas y situaciones en la red y analizaremos las respuestas del protocolo ante estos fallos.


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65 p.