4 resultados para Ready-reckoners.
[EN] Data contained in this record come from the following accademic activity (from which it is possible to locate additional records related with the Monastery):
Although blogs exist from the beginning of the Internet, their use has considerablybeen increased in the last decade. Nowadays, they are ready for being used bya broad range of people. From teenagers to multinationals, everyone can have aglobal communication space.Companies know blogs are a valuable publicity tool to share information withthe participants, and the importance of creating consumer communities aroundthem: participants come together to exchange ideas, review and recommend newproducts, and even support each other. Also, companies can use blogs for differentpurposes, such as a content management system to manage the content of websites,a bulletin board to support communication and document sharing in teams,an instrument in marketing to communicate with Internet users, or a KnowledgeManagement Tool. However, an increasing number of blog content do not findtheir source in the personal experiences of the writer. Thus, the information cancurrently be kept in the user¿s desktop documents, in the companies¿ catalogues,or in another blogs. Although the gap between blog and data source can be manuallytraversed in a manual coding, this is a cumbersome task that defeats the blog¿seasiness principle. Moreover, depending on the quantity of information and itscharacterisation (i.e., structured content, unstructured content, etc.), an automaticapproach can be more effective.Based on these observations, the aim of this dissertation is to assist blog publicationthrough annotation, model transformation and crossblogging techniques.These techniques have been implemented to give rise to Blogouse, Catablog, andBlogUnion. These tools strive to improve the publication process considering theaforementioned data sources.
[eus] Bizkaiko ikastetxe batean proiektuak egin izan dira, ikasleriaren interesak kontuan hartu gabe. Interes horiek kontuan izateko, ikaskuntza komunitate birtuala sortzea erabaki zen. Birtuala izanik, teknologia berrien erabilera sustatzea espero zen. Ikaskuntza komunitate birtuala web orrialde batean sortu zen, non partaide ororen artean proiektu bat diseinatzeaz gain, ekintzetan erabiltzeko baliabideak eratzeko aukera ematen zen bertan. Webguneak hasierako zirriborrotik aldaketak izan zituen, aztertzen ziren gabeziak edota beharrak asetzeko. Ikaskuntza komunitate birtuala prest egonda ere, ez zen aurrera eraman denbora faltagatik. Horrela, web orrialdean proiektua diseinatzeko eta partaideek diseinatutako proiektua burutu ahal izateko, ikasturte hasieratik diseinatu beharko litzateke.
[ES]El objetivo del presente proyecto es la programación, mediante la herramienta Labview, de un software para la lectura y almacenamiento de los datos recogidos por un inclinómetro analógico de la marca STW Technic. Una vez el programa esté listo, se procederá a realizar una serie de pruebas mediante vibraciones a distintas frecuencias y con distinta amplitud de ángulo para determinar los límites de medida del sensor.