3 resultados para Question-Answering System


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[EN]Measuring semantic similarity and relatedness between textual items (words, sentences, paragraphs or even documents) is a very important research area in Natural Language Processing (NLP). In fact, it has many practical applications in other NLP tasks. For instance, Word Sense Disambiguation, Textual Entailment, Paraphrase detection, Machine Translation, Summarization and other related tasks such as Information Retrieval or Question Answering. In this masther thesis we study di erent approaches to compute the semantic similarity between textual items. In the framework of the european PATHS project1, we also evaluate a knowledge-base method on a dataset of cultural item descriptions. Additionaly, we describe the work carried out for the Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) shared task of SemEval-2012. This work has involved supporting the creation of datasets for similarity tasks, as well as the organization of the task itself.


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[EU]Hizkuntzaren prozesamenduan testu koherenteetan kausa taldeko erlazioak (KAUSA, ONDORIOA eta HELBURUA) automatikoki hautematea eta bereiztea erabilgarria da galdera-erantzun automatikoko sistemak eraikitzerako orduan. Horretarako Egitura Erretorikoaren Teoria (Rhetorical Structure Theory, aurrerantzean RST) eta bere erlazioak erabiliko ditugu, corpus bezala RST Treebank -a (Iruskieta et al., 2013) hartuta, zientziako laburpen-testuz osatutako corpusa, hain zuzen ere. Corpus hori XML formatuan deskargatu eta hortik XPATH tresnaren bidez informazio garrantzitsuena eskuratzen dugu. Lan honek 3 helburu nagusi ditu: lehendabizi, kausa taldeko erlazioak elkarren artean bereiztea, bigarrenez, kausa taldeko erlazio hauek beste erlazio guztiekin bereiztea, eta azkenik, EBALUAZIOA eta INTERPRETAZIOA erlazioak bereiztea sentimendu analisian aplikatu ahal izateko. Ataza horiek egiteko, RhetDB tresnarekin eskuratu diren patroi ensaguratsuenak erabili eta bi aplikazio garatu ditugu. Alde batetik, bilatu nahi ditugun patroiak adierazi eta erlazio-egitura duen edonolako testuetan bilaketak egiten dituen bilatzailea, eta bestetik, patroi esanguratsuenak emanda erlazioak etiketatzen dituen etiketatzailea. Bi aplikazio hauek gainera, ahalik eta modu parametrizagarrienean erabiltzeko garatu ditugu, kodea aldatu gabe edonork erabili ahal izateko antzeko atazak egiteko. Etiketatzaileak ebaluatu ondoren, identifikatzeko erlaziorik errazena HELBURUA erlazioa dela ikusi dugu eta KAUSA eta ONDORIOA bereizteko arazo gehiago dauzkagula ere ondorioztatu dugu. Modu berean, EBALUAZIOA eta INTERPRETAZIOA ere elkarren artean bereiz dezakegula ikusi dugu.


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The article analyses the construction process, the evolution and the disturbing future of the facade enclosure of the collective housing constructions built during the developmental period in the province of Gipuzkoa. 128 residential complexes were checked, and 17 people who directly took part in the construction of many of these buildings were interviewed. After examining the material and elements that make up the conventional facade solution used in Gipuzkoa and in much of Spain not only during those years but also up to the present time, the effects and causes of its main damages and flaws were studied. Its complex and costly adaptation to current demands is going to require a strong effort from society at large, and this raises the question of whether the life cycle of this construction system should be terminated once and for all.