8 resultados para Quercus ilex forests
Homenaje a Ignacio Barandiarán Maestu / coord. por Javier Fernández Eraso, Juan Santos Yanguas
In this paper, reanalysis fields from the ECMWF have been statistically downscaled to predict from large-scale atmospheric fields, surface moisture flux and daily precipitation at two observatories (Zaragoza and Tortosa, Ebro Valley, Spain) during the 1961-2001 period. Three types of downscaling models have been built: (i) analogues, (ii) analogues followed by random forests and (iii) analogues followed by multiple linear regression. The inputs consist of data (predictor fields) taken from the ERA-40 reanalysis. The predicted fields are precipitation and surface moisture flux as measured at the two observatories. With the aim to reduce the dimensionality of the problem, the ERA-40 fields have been decomposed using empirical orthogonal functions. Available daily data has been divided into two parts: a training period used to find a group of about 300 analogues to build the downscaling model (1961-1996) and a test period (19972001), where models' performance has been assessed using independent data. In the case of surface moisture flux, the models based on analogues followed by random forests do not clearly outperform those built on analogues plus multiple linear regression, while simple averages calculated from the nearest analogues found in the training period, yielded only slightly worse results. In the case of precipitation, the three types of model performed equally. These results suggest that most of the models' downscaling capabilities can be attributed to the analogues-calculation stage.
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Zuhaitz adaburuaren interzepzioak oihanpera prezipitazio osoaren frakzio bat soilik pasatzea eragiten du, gainerakoa lurrunketaz galtzen baita. Oihanpera pasatzen den ur horren parte bat ere lurzoruko orbelak interzeptatzen du. Espezie arteko konparaketa bat egiteko asmoz, adaburuaren eta orbelaren euri interzepzioa neurtu zen haritzean (Quercus robur) eta pinuan (Pinus radiata), sei euriteetako datuak aintzat hartuz (hiru neguan eta beste hiru udaberrian, haritzak hostoak zituenean). Horrez gain, laborategian bi orbel moten ur-erretentzio ahalmen maximoa (S) neurtu zen. Adaburuaren interzepzioa % 37koa izan zen haritzean eta % 24koa pinuan. Haritzean interzepzioa handiagoa izan zen udaberrian neguan baino, pinuan berdina izan zen bitartean. Azken honetan Hosto Azalera Indizearen (Leaf Area Index, LAI) balio altuago batek interzepzio altuagoa eragin zuen, haritzean erlazio hori behatu ez zelarik neurturiko LAI balioak homogeneoegiak zirelako seguruenik. Orbelaren interzepzioak prezipitazio osoaren % 2,1 eta % 1,5 suposatu zuen haritzean eta pinuan hurrenez hurren. Orbelaren gain eroritako ur kantitatea (throughfall) handitzean, interzepzioa handitu zen, maximo batera heldu arte (2,5 mm kg-1 m2-koa haritzean eta 1,8 mm kg-1 m2-koa pinuan). Adaburu motak, berriz, ez zuen eragin esangarririk izan, haritz azpian, pinu azpian eta klaroetan orbelak antzeko interzepzioa aurkeztu zuelarik. Ur-erretentzio ahalmen maximoa haritzean handiagoa izan zen, 4,7 eta 5,6 mm kg-1 m2 artekoa pinuaren 2,8 eta 3,1 mm kg-1 m2 arteko balioen aurrean. Pinuaren balio horiek antzekoak izan ziren orbel geruzaren sakonera edozein zela ere, baina haritzean, orbel sakonera handiagoarekin balio baxuagoak lortu ziren. Bi espezieen artean behaturiko ezberdintasunek iradokitzen dute harizti naturalak pinu landaketez ordezkatzeak ziklo hidrologikoa aldaraz dezakeela.
[es]La intercepción de la lluvia, tanto por el dosel como por la hojarasca, es un proceso importante que influye en las condiciones de humedad del suelo, ya que una parte vuelve mediante evaporación a la atmosfera. Por lo tanto el objetivo de este estudio es profundizar más en el conocimiento de la capacidad de almacenaje e intercepción de los robles (Quercus robur) y en especial analizar si el tamaño de los árboles influye la intercepción. El estudio se llevo a cabo en dos robledales diferenciados por su tamaño durante tres estaciones del año: otoño, invierno y primavera (2014-2015) en las que se obtuvieron medidas de intercepción del dosel de la precipitación. También se obtuvieron muestras de hoja verde y hojarasca con objeto de calcular su capacidad máxima de retención de agua. Los resultados mostraron que el tamaño de los árboles es una característica que influye en el Índice de área foliar (LAI), y por tanto en la intercepción, pero que su efecto parece ser menos importante que el efecto causado por la variabilidad del volumen de lluvia. Del mismo modo, la intercepción relativa (en relación al volumen de lluvia) dependió de la interacción entre la estacionalidad y el tamaño de los árboles. Finalmente, la cantidad máxima de almacenamiento de agua fue mayor en la hojarasca que en la hoja verde, siendo mayor en el robledal de mayor tamaño al presentar significativamente mayor cantidad de hojarasca acumulada.
Plant growth at extremely high elevations is constrained by high daily thermal amplitude, strong solar radiation and water scarcity. These conditions are particularly harsh in the tropics, where the highest elevation treelines occur. In this environment, the maintenance of a positive carbon balance involves protecting the photosynthetic apparatus and taking advantage of any climatically favourable periods. To characterize photoprotective mechanisms at such high elevations, and particularly to address the question of whether these mechanisms are the same as those previously described in woody plants along extratropical treelines, we have studied photosynthetic responses in Polylepis tarapacana Philippi in the central Andes (18 degrees S) along an elevational gradient from 4300 to 4900 m. For comparative purposes, this gradient has been complemented with a lower elevation site (3700 m) where another Polylepis species (P. rugulosa Bitter) occurs. During the daily cycle, two periods of photosynthetic activity were observed: one during the morning when, despite low temperatures, assimilation was high; and the second starting at noon when the stomata closed because of a rise in the vapour pressure deficit and thermal dissipation is prevalent over photosynthesis. From dawn to noon there was a decrease in the content of antenna pigments (chlorophyll b and neoxanthin), together with an increase in the content of xanthophyll cycle carotenoids. These results could be caused by a reduction in the antenna size along with an increase in photoprotection. Additionally, photoprotection was enhanced by a partial overnight retention of de-epoxized xanthophylls. The unique combination of all of these mechanisms made possible the efficient use of the favourable conditions during the morning while still providing enough protection for the rest of the day. This strategy differs completely from that of extratropical mountain trees, which uncouple light-harvesting and energy-use during long periods of unfavourable, winter conditions.