2 resultados para Professional-academic degree
One of the most controversial inquiries in academic writing is whether it is admissible to use first person pronouns in a scientific paper or not. Many professors discourage their students from using them, rather favoring a more passive tone, and thus causing novices to avoid inserting themselves into their texts in an expert-like manner. Abundant research, however, has recently attested that negotiation of identity is plausible in academic prose, and there is no need for a paper to be void of an authorial identity. Because in the course of the English Studies Degree we have received opposing prompts in the use of I, the aim of this dissertation is to throw some light upon this vexed issue. To this end, I compiled a corpus of 16 Research Articles (RAs) that comprises two sub-corpora, one featuring Linguistics RAs and the other one Literature RAs, and each, in turn, consists of articles written by American and British authors. I then searched for real occurrences of I, me, my, mine, we, us, our and ours, and studied their frequency, rhetorical functions and distribution along each paper. The results obtained certainly show that academic writing is no longer the faceless prose that it used to be, for I is highly used in both disciplines and varieties of English. Concerning functions, the most typically used roles were the use of I to take credit for the writer’s research process, and also those involving plural forms. With respect to the spatial disposition, all sections welcomed first person pronouns, but the Method and the Results/Discussion sections seem to stimulate their appearance. On the basis of these findings, I suggest that an L2 writing pedagogy that is mindful not only of the language proficiency, but also of the students’ own identity may have a beneficial effect on the composition of their texts.
[EU]XX. mendearen azken bi hamarkadetatik hona jendartean gertatu diren aldaketek, Lanbide Heziketaren (lan merkatura bideratzeko langileen prestakuntza oinarri duen heziketaren epe gisara ulertuta) planteamendua birpentsatu beharra ekarri dute. Dinamikoa eta aldakorra den jendarte honetan, Lanbide Heziketari bere hezkuntza jardueraren gaineko gogoeta egin beharra suertatu zaio, eta baita zer eta nola irakatsi lanbidea garatzea helburu duten ikasleei bezalako galderei erantzuna eman ere. Ingurumari honetan konpetentzia kontzeptua eta haren inguruko esperientziak eta metodoak garatu dira hala nazioartean nola Euskal Herrian. Master Bukaerako lan honetan Lanbide Heziketan aurrera eraman den irakasleen etengabeko prestakuntza programa baten azterketa egin dugu. Horretarako, berrikuntza eta kalitatea sustatzeko zeregina duen Tknika zentroak zuzendu eta gidatutako Ikaskuntza Agertoki Berriak prestakuntza programan parte hartu duen Tolosaldeko Lanbide Institutua aukeratu dugu, kasu azterketaren ikuspegia erabiliz. Azken xedea, laburki, irakasleei konpetentzietan oinarritutako ikaskuntza aukera didaktikoak eskaini eta haiei buruzko gogoeta egitea da, gero praktikara eraman ditzaten. Gure ikerlanaren helburua, berriz, programa horren asmoak praktikan nola ebazten eta gauzatzen diren ikustea da, prozesuan engaiatuta dauden pertsonen bizipenetatik abiatuta. Hurbilketa kualitatibo eta interpretatibo honetatik lau irakasle elkarrizketatu ditugu eta haien igurikapen, kezka eta bestelakoak jasotzen saiatu gara. Ondorio nagusienak, honakoak: (i) konpetentzien bidezko irakaskuntza-ikaskuntzaren potentziala oso nabarmena dela ikusten dutela elkarrizketatuek, (ii) gogo eta motibazio handia dutela, (iii), ikastetxean, euren egunerokoan, zailtasun eta oztopo andana topatzen dutela, (iv) zailtasunak kasu batzuetan metodologia berari dagozkion arren beste askotan ikasleak eurek ez dutela aldaketarako borondate handirik atzematen da.