4 resultados para Pre-Mesozoic basement of Iberia
The hydrological response of a catchment to rainfall on different timescales is result of a complex system involving a range of physical processes which may operate simultaneously and have different spatial and temporal influences. This paper presents the analysis of streamflow response of a small humid-temperate catchment (Aixola, 4.8 km(2)) in the Basque Country on different timescales and discusses the role of the controlling factors. Firstly, daily time series analysis was used to establish a hypothesis on the general functioning of the catchment through the relationship between precipitation and discharge on an annual and multiannual scale (2003-2008). Second, rainfall-runoff relationships and relationships among several hydrological variables, including catchment antecedent conditions, were explored at the event scale (222 events) to check and improve the hypothesis. Finally, the evolution of electrical conductivity (EC) during some of the monitored storm events (28 events) was examined to identify the time origin of waters. Quick response of the catchment to almost all the rainfall events as well as a considerable regulation capacity was deduced from the correlation and spectral analyses. These results agree with runoff event scale data analysis; however, the event analysis revealed the non-linearity of the system, as antecedent conditions play a significant role in this catchment. Further, analysis at the event scale made possible to clarify factors controlling (precipitation, precipitation intensity and initial discharge) the different aspects of the runoff response (runoff coefficient and discharge increase) for this catchment. Finally, the evolution of EC of the waters enabled the time origin (event or pre-event waters) of the quickflow to be established; specifically, the conductivity showed that pre-event waters usually represent a high percentage of the total discharge during runoff peaks. The importance of soil waters in the catchment is being studied more deeply.
When it comes to information sets in real life, often pieces of the whole set may not be available. This problem can find its origin in various reasons, describing therefore different patterns. In the literature, this problem is known as Missing Data. This issue can be fixed in various ways, from not taking into consideration incomplete observations, to guessing what those values originally were, or just ignoring the fact that some values are missing. The methods used to estimate missing data are called Imputation Methods. The work presented in this thesis has two main goals. The first one is to determine whether any kind of interactions exists between Missing Data, Imputation Methods and Supervised Classification algorithms, when they are applied together. For this first problem we consider a scenario in which the databases used are discrete, understanding discrete as that it is assumed that there is no relation between observations. These datasets underwent processes involving different combina- tions of the three components mentioned. The outcome showed that the missing data pattern strongly influences the outcome produced by a classifier. Also, in some of the cases, the complex imputation techniques investigated in the thesis were able to obtain better results than simple ones. The second goal of this work is to propose a new imputation strategy, but this time we constrain the specifications of the previous problem to a special kind of datasets, the multivariate Time Series. We designed new imputation techniques for this particular domain, and combined them with some of the contrasted strategies tested in the pre- vious chapter of this thesis. The time series also were subjected to processes involving missing data and imputation to finally propose an overall better imputation method. In the final chapter of this work, a real-world example is presented, describing a wa- ter quality prediction problem. The databases that characterized this problem had their own original latent values, which provides a real-world benchmark to test the algorithms developed in this thesis.
[eus] Azken urteetan euskararen ezagutza handiagotzen ari bada ere, erabilera gero eta murritzagoa da bai gizartean, bai eskolan. Lan honetan, D ereduko eskola bateko Haur Hezkuntzako 5 urteko gelako hizkuntza-erabilera ikertu da eta erabilera horretan eragin ditzaketen aldagaiak aztertu dira. Horretarako, ikasleei, irakasleari eta haurren familiei ARRUE proiektuan oinarrituriko zenbait galdetegi pasatu zaizkie. Horrez gain, haurren hizkuntza-erabilera neurtzeko behaketak ere egin dira egoera ezberdinetan (gela barruan eta gelatik kanpo irakasleekin, gela barruan ikaskideekin lanak burutzen, gela barruan ikaskideekin jolas librean eta jolastorduan ikaskideekin), informazio horiez baliatuz euskararen erabilera handitzeko neurriak hartu daitezen.
[ES] Las aguas residuales domésticas asociadas a los núcleos urbanos se encuentran entre los principales impactos antrópicos que amenazan la biodiversidad de los ecosistemas costeros. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo evaluar el impacto de aguas residuales provenientes de la población de Bermeo sobre las comunidades intermareales de la parte mas externa de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Urdaibai. Para ello se ha contrastado la estructura de la vegetación bajo la influencia del emisario con la existente en cuatro localidades control en los años 2013 y 2014. Los resultados reflejan diferencias en la composición de la flora intermareal entre la localidad impactada y las localidades no afectadas por la contaminación. La localidad impactada queda caracterizada por la proliferación de algas filamentosas (Bachelotia antillarum) y clorófitos (Ulva intestinalis), así como de rodofíceas cespitosas con corticación simple (Gellidium pusillum, Gellidium pulchellum y Caulacanthus ustulatus). Por el contrario, en las localidades control son abundantes las especies perennes de gran porte y morfología compleja (Bifurcaria bifurcata, Cystoseira tamariscifolia, Halopteris spp. y Gelidium corneum). La calcárea Coralina elongata, estaba presente tanto en las localidades control como en la localidad impactada. Por otra parte, los análisis de la varianza realizados detectaron una elevada variabilidad espacio-temporal en la composición multivariable de la vegetación intermareal de las estaciones control, lo cual restó poder estadístico para detectar las diferencias entre la localidad impactada y los controles. Este resultado pone de manifiesto la dificultad e importancia de elegir controles apropiados para detectar impactos ambientales. Este estudio ha proporcionado la información necesaria sobre el estado ecológico de las comunidades en la situación pre-operacional de la EDAR de Lamiaran (Bermeo), lo cual permitirá evaluar en un futuro la eficacia del tratamiento de las aguas en términos de recuperación biológica.