28 resultados para Post-Keynesian economics
[ES] Este trabajo aporta un análisis econométrico sencillo de la equivalencia ricardiana para los Estados Unidos de América durante el periodo 1929-2013. Se estima una función de consumo para los individuos del país para a continuación contrastar tres diferentes especificaciones del consumo basadas en la teoría keynesiana y en la equivalencia ricardiana. Se obtiene que todas las especificaciones se rechazan, lo que lleva a sugerir que es un término medio entre las dos teorías lo que mejor refleja el efecto que tiene la deuda pública sobre el consumo en los Estados Unidos. Este trabajo también pretende hacer una exposición sencilla de las bases de la equivalencia ricardiana.
27 p.
This paper uses a new method for describing dynamic comovement and persistence in economic time series which builds on the contemporaneous forecast error method developed in den Haan (2000). This data description method is then used to address issues in New Keynesian model performance in two ways. First, well known data patterns, such as output and inflation leads and lags and inflation persistence, are decomposed into forecast horizon components to give a more complete description of the data patterns. These results show that the well known lead and lag patterns between output and inflation arise mostly in the medium term forecasts horizons. Second, the data summary method is used to investigate a rich New Keynesian model with many modeling features to see which of these features can reproduce lead, lag and persistence patterns seen in the data. Many studies have suggested that a backward looking component in the Phillips curve is needed to match the data, but our simulations show this is not necessary. We show that a simple general equilibrium model with persistent IS curve shocks and persistent supply shocks can reproduce the lead, lag and persistence patterns seen in the data.
In this paper, I examine the treatment of competitive profit of professor Varian in his textbook on Microeconomics, as a representative of the “modern” post-Marxian view on competitive profit. I show how, on the one hand, Varian defines profit as the surplus of revenues over cost and, thus, as a part of the value of commodities that is not any cost. On the other hand, however, Varian defines profit as a cost, namely, as the opportunity cost of capital, so that, in competitive conditions, the profit or income of capital is determined by the opportunity cost of capital. I argue that this second definition contradicts the first and that it is based on an incoherent conception of opportunity cost.
Published as article in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (2008), 32(May), pp. 1466-1488.
This paper estimates a standard version of the New Keynesian monetary (NKM) model under alternative specifications of the monetary policy rule using U.S. and Eurozone data. The estimation procedure implemented is a classical method based on the indirect inference principle. An unrestricted VAR is considered as the auxiliary model. On the one hand, the estimation method proposed overcomes some of the shortcomings of using a structural VAR as the auxiliary model in order to identify the impulse response that defines the minimum distance estimator implemented in the literature. On the other hand, by following a classical approach we can further assess the estimation results found in recent papers that follow a maximum-likelihood Bayesian approach. The estimation results show that some structural parameter estimates are quite sensitive to the specification of monetary policy. Moreover, the estimation results in the U.S. show that the fit of the NKM under an optimal monetary plan is much worse than the fit of the NKM model assuming a forward-looking Taylor rule. In contrast to the U.S. case, in the Eurozone the best fit is obtained assuming a backward-looking Taylor rule, but the improvement is rather small with respect to assuming either a forward-looking Taylor rule or an optimal plan.
The Comovement between Monetary and Fiscal Policy Instruments during the Post-War Period in the U.S.
This paper empirically studies the dynamic relationship between monetary and fiscal policies by analyzing the comovements between the Fed funds rate and the primary deficit/output ratio. Simple economic thinking establishes that a negative correlation between Fed rate and deficit arises whenever the two policy authorities share a common stabilization objective. However, when budget balancing concerns lead to a drastic deficit reduction the Fed may reduce the Fed rate in order to smooth the impact of fiscal policy, which results in a positive correlation between these two policy instruments. The empirical results show (i) a significant negative comovement between Fed rate and deficit and (ii) that deficit and output gap Granger-cause the Fed funds rate during the post-Volcker era, but the opposite is not true.
This paper considers the basic present value model of interest rates under rational expectations with two additional features. First, following McCallum (1994), the model assumes a policy reaction function where changes in the short-term interest rate are determined by the long-short spread. Second, the short-term interest rate and the risk premium processes are characterized by a Markov regime-switching model. Using US post-war interest rate data, this paper finds evidence that a two-regime switching model fits the data better than the basic model. The estimation results also show the presence of two alternative states displaying quite different features.
Using U.S. interest rate data covering the period 1950:1-1992:7, this paper tests the rational expectations model of the term structure of interest rates. We show evidence that the rational expectations model of the term structure is supported by the data during the seventies and a period lasting from the mid-eighties to the end of the sample. However, during the …fties, sixties and a period that covers most of the Volcker’s office term (from September 1979 to April 1986) the term structure model is rejected by the data. Moreover, wefind evidence of regime changes in the short-term rate process and the term structure of interest rates. These regime switches roughly coincide with changes in the Federal Reserve chairman. The switches in monetary policy taking place when the chairmanship of the Federal Reserve changes therefore seem to play an important role in characterizing the term structure of interest rates.
Published as an article in: Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 2004, vol. 8, issue 1, pages 5.
This paper proposes an extended version of the basic New Keynesian monetary (NKM) model which contemplates revision processes of output and inflation data in order to assess the importance of data revisions on the estimated monetary policy rule parameters and the transmission of policy shocks. Our empirical evidence based on a structural econometric approach suggests that although the initial announcements of output and inflation are not rational forecasts of revised output and inflation data, ignoring the presence of non well-behaved revision processes may not be a serious drawback in the analysis of monetary policy in this framework. However, the transmission of inflation-push shocks is largely affected by considering data revisions. The latter being especially true when the nominal stickiness parameter is estimated taking into account data revision processes.
Wage stickiness is incorporated to a New-Keynesian model with variable capital to drive endogenous unemployment uctuations de ned as the log di¤erence between aggregate labor supply and aggregate labor demand. We estimated such model using Bayesian econometric techniques and quarterly U.S. data. The second-moment statistics of the unemployment rate in the model give a good t to those observed in U.S. data. Our results also show that wage-push shocks, demand shifts and monetary policy shocks are the three major determinants of unemployment fl uctuations. Compared to an estimated New-Keynesian model without unemployment (Smets and Wouters, 2007): wage stickiness is higher, labor supply elasticity is lower, the slope of the New-Keynesian Phillips curve is flatter, and the importance of technology innovations on output variability increases.
[ES]Este trabajo se centra en el análisis de la relación entre las políticas crediticias de las entidades de crédito y el comportamiento de las mismas ex post. Se hace una revisión de la teoría que justifica que los mercados crediticios pueden estar sujetos, en determinadas circunstancias, a un componente endógeno más elevado de lo que, en general, se atribuye. Se plantea como hipótesis de trabajo la existencia de una relación entre la intensidad en el crecimiento de la cartera crediticia de los bancos en las fases de expansión crediticia y su comportamiento ex post. Los resultados preliminares presentados confirman la hipótesis de que las entidades que más desvían su crecimiento crediticio respecto del crecimiento del PIB nominal, están sujetas a un peor comportamiento en cuanto a la evolución posterior de sus beneficios, rentabilidades e insolvencias.
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Itzulpen automatikorako tresnen egokitzapena euskararako: post-edizioa, ebaluazioa eta aurre-edizioa
Proiektu honetan zehar Itzulpen Automatikoa eta horren inguruko tresnen inguruan jorratu da. Lengoaia Naturalaren Prozesamendua eta itzulpen automatikoa ikasi eta aztertu egin dira ikuspuntu zabal batetik. Itzulpen automatiko orokorraz eta horren aplikazio mota desberdinetatik gain, bestelako kontzeptuak ere tratatu dira, hala nola, itzulpenean laguntzeko tresnak, itzulpen automatikoaren ebaluazioa eta itzulpen automatikorako testuen aurre-edizioa eta post-edizioa. Ikasketa- eta aztertze-prozesu horretaz gain, erlazionatuta dauden tresnak erabili edota moldatu egin dira euskararako itzulpen automatikoan barne. Hiru atal nagusi nabarmendu daitezke: Lehenengo, OmegaT, itzulpenean laguntzeko softwarea, moldatu da Matxin euskararako itzultzaile automatikoa gehituz. Gainera, IXA Taldearen eta Euskal Wikipediaren arteko kolaborazio-lanean, Wikipediako artikuluak eskuratu, itzuli eta igotzeko aukera egokitu zaio OmegaT-ri eta horren erabilera sustatu da Euskal Wikipediako komunitatean eta UPV/EHUko Informatikako ikasle eta irakaslegoaren artean. Bestalde, lan honetaz baliatuz, OmegaT-k sortzen dituen itzulpen-memoriak, Matxin-en itzulpenen gaineko post-edizioan oinarrituak, eskuratzeko modu bat egin da, horiekin Matxin-en funtzionamendua hobetu ahal izateko. Ondoren, Asiya programan integratu egin da euskara. Asiya-k itzulpen automatikoaren ebaluazio eta meta-ebaluazioak egin ditzakeen aplikazioa da. Hainbat metrika aztertu dira euskara aztertzeko balio ote duten begiratzeko. Besteen artean, lau metrikari euskara gehitzeko saiakera egin nahi izan da IXA Taldeko euskarazko testuen analizatzaile batek eskainitako informazio sintaktikoa gehituz, baina bi metrika soilik egokitu ahal izan dira. Azkenik, DiSeg esaldi-segmentatzailea erabili egin da gaztelerazko corpus baten gainean esaldi luzeak banatzeko. Aurre-edizio hori eta gero itzuli egin dira eta Asiya erabiliz emaitzen ebaluazioa eta konparazioa egin dira, esaldi laburragoekin itzulpen automatiko eraginkorragoa lortzen oten den aztertzeko.