7 resultados para Payment


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Este Proyecto Fin de Carrera (PFC) de la Ingeniería Informática (II) se enmarca en otro proyecto de mayor envergadura, cuyo objetivo final es estudiar y desarrollar aplicaciones móviles basadas en Android, que permitan agilizar los pagos de importes bajos, haciendo uso de la tecnología de comunicación inalámbrica, de corto alcance y alta frecuencia (NFC). El proyecto surge de la oportunidad de desarrollar un prototipo de aplicación haciendo uso de una tecnología que apenas se ha empezado a utilizar, que sin embargo las grandes empresas de telecomunicaciones tienen previsto explotar en los próximos años.


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This work has been presented in: V Conference AERNA, Faro (Portugal), 30 May 2012-1 June 2012 and IV Workshop on Valuation Methods in Agro-food and Environmental Economics, Castelldefels (Barcelona, Spain), 12 July 2012-13 July 2012.


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The use of a contractive fiscal policy in times of crisis and austerity can lead to so many different opinion streams which can be, at the same time, very opposite with each other. The high budget deficit in some economies has forced the eurozone to implement austerity policies, meaning that the debate is now more alive than ever. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyze the effects of the implementation of a contractive policy during a crisis considering the case of Spain. The positive effects in financial markets were noticed due to the decrease of the risk premium and the payment of interests, and also thanks to the increase of trust towards Spain. This way, the reduction of the Spanish deficit was remarkable but in any case there is still a long path until reaching the limit of 3% of the GDP. Also, in the short run it is possible to see that the consolidation had contractive effects in the economic activity but, in the long run, the debate is among the defenders of the fact that austerity is followed by a growing period and the ones opposing to it due to the drowning effect produced by it.


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Migrating to cloud computing is one of the current enterprise challenges. This technology provides a new paradigm based on "on-demand payment" for information and communication technologies. In this sense, the small and medium enterprise is supposed to be the most interested, since initial investments are avoided and the technology allows gradual implementation. However, even if the characteristics and capacities have been widely discussed, entry into the cloud is still lacking in terms of practical, real frameworks. This paper aims at filling this gap, presenting a real tool already implemented and tested, which can be used as a cloud computing adoption decision tool. This tool uses diagnosis based on specific questions to gather the required information and subsequently provide the user with valuable information to deploy the business within the cloud, specifically in the form of Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions. This information allows the decision makers to generate their particular Cloud Road. A pilot study has been carried out with enterprises at a local level with a two-fold objective: To ascertain the degree of knowledge on cloud computing and to identify the most interesting business areas and their related tools for this technology. As expected, the results show high interest and low knowledge on this subject and the tool presented aims to readdress this mismatch, insofar as possible. Copyright: © 2015 Bildosola et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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[ES]El trabajo es un análisis de la incidencia de la política fiscal llevada a cabo en la República Dominicana a lo largo del periodo 2000-2014, orientado a evaluar la progresividad o regresividad del sistema tributario y el gasto público así como sus efectos en la distribución del ingreso de la población dominicana. Con objeto de evaluar la acción fiscal se compara la distribución del ingreso antes y después del pago de impuestos y de las actuaciones de gasto, utilizando los indicadores de medidas de desigualdad y concentración tales como el índice de Gini, Kakwani, Concentración y Reybolds-Smolensky. El estudio considera algunas propuestas de política fiscal para lograr una mejora en la distribución del ingreso disponible a partir de las actuaciones de gasto público y un sistema tributario más progresivo.


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[EU] “Fusioa enpresa-proiektu baten emaitza da, baita aliantza kooperatiboa eta aukera estrategikoa ere. Horri esker, bi entitateek Euskadin eta Nafarroan finantza- operadore gisa duten lehiatzeko kokapena indartu egingo dute. Era berean, bi entitateek eutsi egingo diete izaera kooperatiboari, tokiko sustraiei eta garapen ekonomikoarekiko konpromisari” (Euskadiko Kutxa/Caja Laboral, 2012ko Urteko Kontu Indibidualak). Baieztapen horretatik abiatuz, Gradu Amaierako Lan honen helburu nagusia Laboral Kutxa kreditu kooperatibaren sorrera eragin zuen Euskadiko Kutxa eta Ipar Kutxaren fusioa aztertzea da, Euskadiko Kutxaren ikuspegitik eta enpresa estrategia moduan. Kasu batean oinarritutako metodologia erabiliz egin da ikerketa, etorkizunean fusioa beste hainbat ikuspuntutatik analisatzeko bidea erraztuz. Lanak lau atal nagusi ditu: hasteko, sarrera, non gaiaren justifikazioa, erabilitako metodologiaren aurkezpena eta helburuak planteatzen diren. Bigarren atala ikerketa bibliografikoari dagokio, estrategia eta hazkunde bideen inguruko hurbilketa kontzeptuala egin da. Horren ondoren, kasu praktikoa landu da, fusioaren abantailak, desabantailak, ordaintzeko modua eta kooperatiba bien integrazio kulturalari buruzko ikerketa eginez. Azkenik, laugarren atalak ondorioak eta etorkizuneko ikerketa lerroak biltzen ditu.