6 resultados para OPC DA and AE clients
Sex workers are traditionally considered important vectors of transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STI). The role of clients is commonly overlooked, partially due to the lack of evidence on clients' position in the sexual network created by commercial sex. Contrasting the diffusion importance of sex workers and their clients in the map of their sexual encounters in two Web-mediated communities, we find that from diffusion perspective, clients are as important as sex workers. Their diffusion importance is closely linked to the geography of the sexual encounters: as a result of different movement patterns, travelling clients shorten network distances between distant network neighborhoods and thus facilitate contagion among them more than sex workers, and find themselves more often in the core of the network by which they could contribute to the persistence of STIs in the community. These findings position clients into the set of the key actors and highlight the role of human mobility in the transmission of STIs in commercial sexual networks.
Este Proyecto Fin de Carrera ha realizado el diseño y la implementación de la aplicación social Faborez, para la petición de favores instantáneos. El desarrollo se ha realizado en un marco de integración y colaboración directa de los usuarios en el proyecto, partiendo de un Minimum Viable Product inicial e integrando su feedback en la progresiva ampliación de las características del servicio. En implementación se han utilizado tecnologías emergentes, todas de código abierto: MongoDB y Redis para el almacenamiento de datos, Sails.js como plataforma base para el backend y desarrollando como clientes una aplicación web y otra Android nativa.
[ES]Los sistemas Ciber-Físicos (Cyber-Physical Systems – CPS) son dispositivos que integran computación, control y comunicaciones. Actualmente se puede encontrar este tipo de sistemas en áreas tan diversas como la industria aeroespacial, automotriz, procesos químicos, infraestructura civil, etc. Entre las arquitecturas de comunicación empleadas en estos dispositivos, OPC UA se consolida como la más adecuada. OPC Unified Architecture es la nueva generación de tecnología propuesta por OPC Foundation para transmitir datos en bruto e información pre procesada entre los niveles de producción y los sistemas de planificación de producto de la empresa. Mediante OPC UA se puede disponer de toda la información deseada para cualquier aplicación y usuario autorizados, en cualquier instante y en cualquier lugar. En este proyecto se pretende desarrollar una arquitectura basada en OPC UA sobre CPSs para el acceso a datos de producción. Para ello se partirá de arquitecturas basadas en PC empotrados y redes de comunicación industriales.
Many social relationships are a locus of struggle and suffering, either at the individual or interactional level. In this paper we explore why this is the case and suggest a modeling approach for dyadic interactions and the well-being of the participants. To this end we bring together an enactive approach to self with dynamical systems theory. Our basic assumption is that the quality of any social interaction or relationship fundamentally depends on the nature and constitution of the individuals engaged in these interactions. From an enactive perspective the self is conceived as an embodied and socially enacted autonomous system striving to maintain an identity. This striving involves a basic two-fold goal: the ability to exist as an individual in one's own right, while also being open to and affected by others. In terms of dynamical systems theory one can thus consider the individual self as a self-other organized system represented by a phase space spanned by the dimensions of distinction and participation, where attractors can be defined. Based on two everyday examples of dyadic relationship we propose a simple model of relationship dynamics, in which struggle or well-being in the dyad is analyzed in terms of movements of dyadic states that are in tension or in harmony with individually developed attractors. Our model predicts that relationships can be sustained when the dyad develops a new joint attractor toward which dyadic states tend to move, and well-being when this attractor is in balance with the individuals' attractors. We outline how this can inspire research on psychotherapy. The psychotherapy process itself provides a setting that supports clients to become aware how they fare with regards to the two-fold norm of distinction and participation and develop, through active engagement between client (or couple) and therapist, strategies to co-negotiate their self-organization.
Un primer trabajo sobre estas inscripciones se presentó en la SFER, París, el 20 de junio de 1998.
Rio del Rio Hortega (1882-1945) discovered microglia and oligodendrocytes (OLGs), and after Ramon y Cajal, was the most prominent figure of the Spanish school of neurology. He began his scientific career with Nicolas Achucarro from whom he learned the use of metallic impregnation techniques suitable to study non-neuronal cells. Later on, he joined Cajal's laboratory. and Subsequently, he created his own group, where he continued to develop other innovative modifications of silver staining methods that revolutionized the study of glial cells a century ago. He was also interested in neuropathology and became a leading authority on Central Nervous System (CNS) tumors. In parallel to this clinical activity, del Rio Hortega rendered the first systematic description of a major polymorphism present in a subtype of macroglial cells that he named as oligodendroglia and later OLGs. He established their ectodermal origin and suggested that they built the myelin sheath of CNS axons, just as Schwann cells did in the periphery. Notably, he also suggested the trophic role of OLGs for neuronal functionality, an idea that has been substantiated in the last few years. Del Rio Hortega became internationally recognized and established an important neurohistological school with outstanding pupils from Spain and abroad, which nearly disappeared after his exile due to the Spanish civil war. Yet, the difficulty of metal impregnation methods and their variability in results, delayed for some decades the confirmation of his great insights into oligodendrocyte biology until the development of electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. This review aims at summarizing the pioneer and essential contributions of del Rio Hortega to the current knowledge of oligodendrocyte structure and function, and to provide a hint of the scientific personality of this extraordinary and insufficiently recognized man.