14 resultados para Miguel VIII Paleólogo, Emperador de Bizancio, 1234-1282
Fecha: 10-10-1936/31-1-1939 / Unidad de instalación: Carpeta 25 - Expediente 21 / Nº de pág.: 33 (28 mecanografiadas, 5 manuscritas)
Fecha: 1971-1972 / Unidad de instalación: Carpeta 48 - Expediente 7-17 / Nº de pág.: 8 (mecanografiadas)
Command and control regulation programs, particularly input constraints, typically fail to achieve stated objectives, because fishermen may substitute unregulated for regulated inputs. It is, thus, essential to have an understanding of the internal structure of production technology. A primal formulation is used to estimate a translog production function at the vessels level that includes fishing effort and fisherman’s skill. The flexibility of the selected functional permits the analysis of the substitution possibilities among inputs by estimating the elasticity of substitution with no prior constraints. Particular attention is paid to the empirical validation of fishing effort as an aggregate input, which implies either, the acceptation of the joint hypothesis that inputs making up effort are weakly separable from the inputs out of the subgroup or considering that effort is an intermediate input produced by a non-separable two stage technology. Cross sectional data from the Spanish purse seine fleet operating in the VIII Division European anchovy fishery provide evidence of limited input substitution possibilities among the inputs making up the empirically validated fishing effort translog micro-production function.
This paper sets out to assess the workability of the regulation currently in force in the European anchovy fishery of the VIII division. Particular attention is paid to the importance of the institutional regime in the allocation of natural resources. The study uses a bio-economic approach and takes into account the fact that, not only the European Union and the individual countries involved, but also some of the resource users or appropriators intervene in its management. In order to compare the effectiveness of the rules which, at the various levels, have been set up to restrict exploitation of the resource, the anchovy fishery is simulated in two extreme situations: open access and sole ownership. The results obtained by effective management will then be contrasted with those obtained from the maximum and zero profit objectives related with the two above-mentioned scenarios. Thus, if the real data come close to those derived from the sole ownership model it will have to be acknowledged that the rules at present in force are optimal. If, on the other hand, the situation more closely approach the results obtained from the open access model, we will endeavour in our conclusions to provide suggestions for economic policy measures that might improve the situation in the fishery.
Paper presented at 12th Annual Conference of EAERE 2003 Bilbao (Spain)
[ES] El cerro de San Miguel de Arnedo alberga un importante asentamiento plenamente adscrito a la cultura celtibérica. Los restos documentados corresponden a dos conjuntos de viviendas y una estructura defensiva compuesta por un foso y restos de muralla.
[ES] El cerro de San Miguel de Arnedo alberga un importante asentamiento plenamente adscrito a la cultura celtibérica. Los restos documentados corresponden a dos conjuntos de viviendas y una estructura defensiva compuesta por un foso y restos de muralla.
[ES] En la iglesia de San Miguel Arcángel, en Irura, encontramos uno de los retablos más interesantes de finales del Renacimiento en Gipuzkoa. El altar posee relieves y tallas de estilo romanista de gran calidad, junto con una mazonería manierista. La obra fue realizada en las postrimerías del siglo XVI por los artistas Pedro de Goicoechea y Jerónimo de Larrea, miembros del taller de Tolosa, siguiendo las trazas dadas por escultor Juan de Goicoechea.
1 carta (mecanografiada) ; 137x214mm. Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 68
3 cartas, 1 Tarjeta de Navidad y 1 Tarjeta de Visita (mecanografiadas y manuscritas) ; entre 215x275mm y 160x108mm. Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 80
10 cartas y 1 tarjeta postal (mecanografiadas y manuscritas) ; entre 135x90mm y 260x185mm
11 cartas (mecanografiadas y manuscritas) ; entre 150x215mm y 220x260mm
10 cartas (mecanografiadas y manuscritas) ; entre 160x85mm y 220x165mm
[ES] El retablo mayor de la localidad guipuzcoana de Lazkao fue realizado por Juan de Ursularre en 1683, siguiendo los parámetros de la retablística barroca. Queriendo engrandecer su aspecto, fue paulatinamente transformado durante el siglo XVIII. Por ello se concibió un nuevo cascarón con pinturas enviadas desde Madrid y más tarde se adecuó a los nuevos gustos neoclásicos mediante una radical reforma realizada en 1791 que consistió en eliminar todo atisbo de decoración barroca.