2 resultados para Marriage customs and rites


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[eus] Haurra kapitalismoaren subjektu antagoniko gisa definituz, kapitalismoa eta eskolaren arteko lotura du abiapuntu gisa lan honek. Kapitalismoaren birprodukzio eta metaketarako beharrezkoa den eskola bi ikuspegitik aztertzen da. Alde batetik, kapitalismoaren osaketa arkitektonikotik. Bestetik, kapitalismoaren balore, ohitura eta erlazionatzeko forma hegemonikoen transmisiotik. Bi ildo teoriko horietan oinarrituta, ikerketa lan honen objektu nagusia zera da, jendarte post-kapitalista eraikitzen ari den Bizi Toki proiektua. Horretarako metodologia kualitatiboa erabili dugu; elkarrizketa erdi egituratua, behaketa eta dokumentuen analisia hain zuzen ere.


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The aim of this paper is to find an empirical connection between the impressive increase in the use of temporary contracts in Spain and the observed increase in age at marriage and maternity. Using a pool of the six available waves of individual information from the European Household Panel for Spain, we find that holding temporary contracts rather than permanent ones delays marriage for males, but not for females. Concerning maternity, the labor market situation of both members of the household affects entry into motherhood. In particular, if woman has a temporary contract rather than a permanent one, motherhoods is delayed independently of the husband's contract. As expected, postponement of maternity is not found for non-working women. These results give strong support to the career planning, motive to delay maternity in Spain, given that an unstable labor market situation of female workers is found to be the main deterrent to entry into motherhood.