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JEMS 2012 - Joint European Magnetic Symposia edited by Tiberto, P; Affronte, M; Casoli, F; Fernandez, CD; Gubbiotti, G; Marquina, C; Pratt, F; Solzi, M; Tacchi, S; Vavassori, P. 6th Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS) Parma, ITALY SEP 09-14, 2012


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Presentado en las Jornadas sobre "El humor (y los humores) en el mundo antiguo", organizado por el Departamento de Estudios Clásicos y el Instituto de Ciencias de la Antigüedad de la UPV y celebrado en Vitoria-Gasteiz los días 16 y 17 de octubre de 2007.


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Pasai San Pedroko Herrikoplaza-ko inguruaren birplanteaketa erabilera berrien integrazioaren eta irisgarritasunaren hobekuntzaren bidez.


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An acoustic plasmon is predicted to occur, in addition to the conventional two-dimensional (2D) plasmon, as the collective motion of a system of two types of electronic carriers coexisting in the same 2D band of extrinsic (doped or gated) graphene. The origin of this novel mode stems from the anisotropy present in the graphene band structure near the Dirac points K and K'. This anisotropy allows for the coexistence of carriers moving with two distinct Fermi velocities along the Gamma K and Gamma K' directions, which leads to two modes of collective oscillation: one mode in which the two types of carriers oscillate in phase with one another (this is the conventional 2D graphene plasmon, which at long wavelengths (q -> 0) has the same dispersion, q(1/2), as the conventional 2D plasmon of a 2D free electron gas), and the other mode found here corresponds to a low-frequency acoustic oscillation (whose energy exhibits at long-wavelengths a linear dependence on the 2D wavenumber q) in which the two types of carriers oscillate out of phase. This prediction represents a realization of acoustic


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[ES]Este trabajo de fin de grado (TFG) consistirá en diseñar y construir una máquina para realizar ensayos de fatiga a piezas pequeñas. Para diseñar dicha maquina se partirá de un mecanismo de manivela y una pieza previamente diseñada a ensayar. Tras el dimensionamiento de los elementos se pasará a hacer el diseño de la máquina utilizando en la medida de lo posible piezas reutilizadas y simplificando lo máximo posible la cantidad y complejidad de las piezas que se encargue fabricar.


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Periodizazio taktikoa, futbol alorrean Victor Frade irakasle portugaldarraren eskutik orain dela 30 urte sortu zen entrenamendu metodologia bat da, gaur egun, gehien bat Jose Mourinhok, honen bidez lortu dituen garaipen eta lorpenak direla eta, mundu mailako futbolean, hedapen eta gorentasun bat izatera lortu duelarik. Jokatzeko erara bideratua dagoen entrenamendua honen oinarria izanik, jadanik zeuden beste metodologia entrenamenduak kolokan jartzera iristen da, besteak beste, jokoaren elementu ezberdinen banantze eta indibidualizazioan oinarritzen ziren metodologiak. Lan honen helburua, entrenatzeko eta futbola ikusteko ikuspegia aldatzen duen entrenamendu metodologia moderno honek, aspektu fisiko-taktikoan, beste metodologia baten aurrean, eredu integratuarekiko dituen ezberdintasunak, saioetan nahiz partiduetan duten emaitza alderatzea da. Horretarako, Espainiako Futbol Hirugarren Mailako, talde batekin eraman da ikerketa aurrera, jokalariek Pse-saio metodoaren bitartez emandako kargaren datuak erabiliz.


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Judoaren ezaguera teknikoa aldera batera utzita ikuspegi orokorrago bat garatzean oinarritzen da.


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Lan honen bitartez, pilotarien profil teknikoa hobetzeko proposamena egin dut, non denboraldia fase ezberdinetan banandurik, bakoitzean landu beharreko edukiak eta lortu beharreko helburuak ageri diren.


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This paper investigates the errors of the solutions as well as the shadowing property of a class of nonlinear differential equations which possess unique solutions on a certain interval for any admissible initial condition. The class of differential equations is assumed to be approximated by well-posed truncated Taylor series expansions up to a certain order obtained about certain, in general nonperiodic, sampling points t(i) is an element of [t(0), t(J)] for i = 0, 1, . . . , J of the solution. Two examples are provided.


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Through a combination of experimental techniques we show that the topmost layer of the topological insulator TlBiSe2 as prepared by cleavage is formed by irregularly shaped Tl islands at cryogenic temperatures and by mobile Tl atoms at room temperature. No trivial surface states are observed in photoemission at low temperatures, which suggests that these islands cannot be regarded as a clear surface termination. The topological surface state is, however, clearly resolved in photoemission experiments. This is interpreted as direct evidence of its topological self-protection and shows the robust nature of the Dirac cone-like surface state. Our results can also help explain the apparent mass acquisition in S-doped TlBiSe2.