30 resultados para Lucas Lopes
This paper analyzes the cyclical properties of a generalized version of Uzawa-Lucas endogenous growth model. We study the dynamic features of different cyclical components of this model characterized by a variety of decomposition methods. The decomposition methods considered can be classified in two groups. On the one hand, we consider three statistical filters: the Hodrick-Prescott filter, the Baxter-King filter and Gonzalo-Granger decomposition. On the other hand, we use four model-based decomposition methods. The latter decomposition procedures share the property that the cyclical components obtained by these methods preserve the log-linear approximation of the Euler-equation restrictions imposed by the agent’s intertemporal optimization problem. The paper shows that both model dynamics and model performance substantially vary across decomposition methods. A parallel exercise is carried out with a standard real business cycle model. The results should help researchers to better understand the performance of Uzawa-Lucas model in relation to standard business cycle models under alternative definitions of the business cycle.
Published as an article in: Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 2004, vol. 8, issue 1, pages 5.
Eterio Pajares, Raquel Merino y José Miguel Santamaría (eds.)
[Es]En este proyecto se analizan el diseño y la evaluación de dos métodos para la supresión de la interferencia generada por las compresiones torácicas proporcionadas por el dispositivo mecánico LUCAS, en el electrocardiograma (ECG) durante el masaje de resucitación cardiopulmonar. El objetivo es encontrar un método que elimine el artefacto generado en el ECG de una manera efectiva, que permita el diagnóstico fiable del ritmo cardiaco. Encontrar un método eficaz sería de gran ayuda para no tener que interrumpir el masaje de resucitación para el análisis correcto del ritmo cardiaco, lo que supondría un aumento en las probabilidades de resucitación. Para llevar a cabo el proyecto se ha generado una base de datos propia partiendo de registros de paradas cardiorrespiratorias extra-hospitalarias. Esta nueva base de datos contiene 410 cortes correspondientes a 86 pacientes, siendo todos los episodios de 30 segundos de duración y durante los cuales el paciente, recibe masaje cardiaco. Por otro lado, se ha desarrollado una interfaz gráfica para caracterizar los métodos de supresión del artefacto. Esta, muestra las señales del ECG, de impedancia torácica y del ECG tras eliminar el artefacto en tiempo. Mediante esta herramienta se han procesado los registros aplicando un filtro adaptativo y un filtro de coeficientes constantes. La evaluación de los métodos se ha realizado en base a la sensibilidad y especificidad del algoritmo de clasificación de ritmos con las señales ECG filtradas. La mayor aportación del proyecto, por tanto, es el desarrollo de una potente herramienta eficaz para evaluar métodos de supresión del artefacto causado en el ECG por las compresiones torácicas al realizar el masaje de resucitación cardiopulmonar, y su posterior diagnóstico. Un instrumento que puede ser implementado para analizar episodios de resucitación de cualquier tipo de procedencia y capaz de integrar nuevos métodos de supresión del artefacto.
Documento de trabajo
This paper analyzes the trend processes characterized by two standard growth models using simple econometrics. The first model is the basic neoclassical growth model that postulates a deterministic trend for output. The second model is the Uzawa-Lucas model that postulates a stochastic trend for output. The aim is to understand how the different trend processes for output assumed by these two standard growth models determine the ability of each model to explain the observed trend processes of other macroeconomic variables such as consumption and investment. The results show that the two models reproduce the output trend process. Moreover, the results show that the basic growth model captures properly the consumption trend process, but fails in characterizing the investment trend process. The reverse is true for the Uzawa-Lucas model.
9 p.
6 p. Paper of the 17th Conference on Sensors and Their Applications held in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Sep 16-18, 2013
Introduction: Acinetobacter baumannii is opportunistic in debilitated hospitalised patients. Because information from some South American countries was previously lacking, this study examined the emergence of multi-resistant A. baumannii in three hospitals in Cochabamba, Bolivia, from 2008 to 2009. Methodology: Multiplex PCR was used to identify the main resistance genes in 15 multi-resistant A. baumannii isolates. RT-PCR was used to measure gene expression. The genetic environment of these genes was also analysed by PCR amplification and sequencing. Minimum inhibitory concentrations were determined for key antibiotics and some were determined in the presence of an efflux pump inhibitor, 1-(1-napthylmethyl) piperazine. Results: Fourteen strains were found to be multi-resistant. Each strain was found to have the bla(OXA-58) gene with the ISAba3-like element upstream, responsible for over-expression of the latter and subsequent carbapenem resistance. Similarly, ISAba1, upstream of the bla(ADC) gene caused over-expression of the latter and cephalosporin resistance; mutations in the gyrA(Ser83 to Leu) and parC (Ser-80 to Phe) genes were commensurate with fluoroquinolone resistance. In addition, the adeA, adeB efflux genes were over-expressed. All 15 isolates were positive for at least two aminoglycoside resistance genes. Conclusion: This is one of the first reports analyzing the multi-drug resistance profile of A. baumannii strains isolated in Bolivia and shows that the over-expression of thebla(OXA-58), bla(ADC) and efflux genes together with aminoglycoside modifying enzymes and mutations in DNA topoisomerases are responsible for the multi-resistance of the bacteria and the subsequent difficulty in treating infections caused by them.
Over the last few decades, quantum chemistry has progressed through the development of computational methods based on modern digital computers. However, these methods can hardly fulfill the exponentially-growing resource requirements when applied to large quantum systems. As pointed out by Feynman, this restriction is intrinsic to all computational models based on classical physics. Recently, the rapid advancement of trapped-ion technologies has opened new possibilities for quantum control and quantum simulations. Here, we present an efficient toolkit that exploits both the internal and motional degrees of freedom of trapped ions for solving problems in quantum chemistry, including molecular electronic structure, molecular dynamics, and vibronic coupling. We focus on applications that go beyond the capacity of classical computers, but may be realizable on state-of-the-art trapped-ion systems. These results allow us to envision a new paradigm of quantum chemistry that shifts from the current transistor to a near-future trapped-ion-based technology.
4 p.
30 p.
En este artículo presentamos un juego de rol sobre negociación climática internacional que ha sido diseñado por los autores. El juego ha sido utilizado tanto en la universidad, con alumnos que están cursando los mismos estudios, como en cursos de verano con alumnos de diferentes niveles de formación (estudiantes de grado o master, estudiantes de doctorado e investigadores postdoctorales) y áreas de conocimiento (economía, derecho, ingeniería, arquitectura, biología,.. etc.). Se muestra, además, cómo encaja el juego en el proceso de aprendizaje por competencias, así como los beneficios que tiene el uso de juegos, y concretamente juegos de rol o “role-playing” en la docencia. A través del juego, los alumnos asumen el rol de representante institucional de un país y viven, en primera persona, los pormenores de una negociación internacional sobre Cambio Climático.
En este proyecto se va a diseñar un un sistema de trasmisión para un coche dotado de tracción trasera. En nuestro caso será un BMW 318 modelo E30. Para esto tendremos en cuenta todos los elementos que componen la transmisión.
We propose the analog-digital quantum simulation of the quantum Rabi and Dicke models using circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED). We find that all physical regimes, in particular those which are impossible to realize in typical cavity QED setups, can be simulated via unitary decomposition into digital steps. Furthermore, we show the emergence of the Dirac equation dynamics from the quantum Rabi model when the mode frequency vanishes. Finally, we analyze the feasibility of this proposal under realistic superconducting circuit scenarios.