13 resultados para Huntington, Samuel, 1927-2008
617 p.: il.col., graf.
[EN] By analysing the novel Lärchenau and its -to a certain point- gothic features, this article interprets the elaboration of body in this novel as a site of the expression of power, but also as an alternative language. The grotesque dimension and the representation of the bodily numbness and pain as projections of historical awareness are key elements for the interpretation of Lärchenau in the context of Post-Unification Germany.
Jada sei urte igaro dira azkeneko hamarkadetan pairatu dugun krisialdi ekonomiko gogorrena iritsi zela eta, kimuak kimu, oraindik ere egundoko sarraskiak sorrarazten dihardu. Urakan bat bailitzan agertu zen gure artean eta guztiongan aparteko eragina izan du: gure kontzientzia ekonomikoa astintzeaz gain orain arte normaltzat ematen genituen hainbat portaera kolokan jarri ditu. Kaltetuen zerrenda luze horretan herritarrengandik gertuen dauden erakunde publikoak agertzen dira: udalak. Artikulu honetan krisiak Gipuzkoako udalen finantza-egoeretan izan duen eragina aztertuko da, eragin negatiboa pairatu zuten lehendabiziko urtetik abiatu (2008) eta aurrekontu likidatuak dauzkagun azkeneko urtera (2012) iritsi arte. Udalen egoera ekonomiko-finantzarioa zein den jakiteko baliagarriak diren, transferentzia arruntekiko menpekotasuna, funtzionamendu gastuak, aurrezki gordina, aurrezki garbia, legezko zorpetze maila, zor bizia eta gastu orokorretarako diruzaintza-gerakina adierazleen egoera eta bilakaerak aurkeztuko dira.
Desarrollo rural en Espacios Naturales Protegidos: el caso del Parque Natural de Gorbeia (1994-2008)
Una de las funciones encomendadas a los Espacios Naturales Protegidos es la promoción del desarrollo rural. Se ha tomado como caso de estudio el Parque Natural de Gorbeia para analizar la dinámica socioeconómica de su área de influencia y contrastarla con los objetivos planteados por su marco normativo. Con ello se ha puesto de manifiesto que, por una parte, el incremento poblacional y mayor dinamismo económico en su entorno probablemente responda a razones ajenas al potencial endógeno del Parque; y por otra, que la reestructuración agraria así como la búsqueda de objetivos diferentes al explícito de desarrollo rural podrían dificultar en un futuro próximo la gestión territorial y conservación medioambiental de este enclave.
La arquitectura racionalista en Bilbao (1927-1950). Tradición y modernidad en la época de la máquina
1031 p.
506 p.
[EUS] Landa-garapeneko politikek, eremu horietako ohiko jardueren sustapena eta berregituratze sozioekonomikoa bultzatzeaz gain, lurralde-antolaketa zein ingurumen-esparru gero eta garrantzitsuagoak barneratu dituzte beren proposamenetan. Artikulu honek horixe aztertzen du, zein izan den landa-garapen politikaren ingurumentze prozesua Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan, alegia. Basogintza eta nekazaritza-ingurumen neurriez gain, prozesu honetan arreta berezia merezi du Natura Eremu Babestuen politikak, zeina neurri handian landa-garapenekoarekin uztartu egiten den funtzionalki zein kronologikoki.
35 p.
Espainiako autonomia erkidegoen finantza egoeraren analisia 2008-2013 denboraldian. Hizkuntza: Euskera
Age of onset (AO) of Huntington disease (HD) is mainly determined by the length of the CAG repeat expansion (CAGexp) in exon 1 of the HTT gene. Additional genetic variation has been suggested to contribute to AO, although the mechanism by which it could affect AO is presently unknown. The aim of this study is to explore the contribution of candidate genetic factors to HD AO in order to gain insight into the pathogenic mechanisms underlying this disorder. For that purpose, two AO definitions were used: the earliest age with unequivocal signs of HD (earliest AO or eAO), and the first motor symptoms age (motor AO or mAO). Multiple linear regression analyses were performed between genetic variation within 20 candidate genes and eAO or mAO, using DNA and clinical information of 253 HD patients from REGISTRY project. Gene expression analyses were carried out by RT-qPCR with an independent sample of 35 HD patients from Basque Country Hospitals. We found suggestive association signals between HD eAO and/or mAO and genetic variation within the E2F2, ATF7IP, GRIN2A, GRIN2B, LINC01559, HIP1 and GRIK2 genes. Among them, the most significant was the association between eAO and rs2742976, mapping to the promoter region of E2F2 transcription factor. Furthermore, rs2742976 T allele patient carriers exhibited significantly lower lymphocyte E2F2 gene expression, suggesting a possible implication of E2F2-dependent transcriptional activity in HD pathogenesis. Thus, E2F2 emerges as a new potential HD AO modifier factor.