9 resultados para Habilitation du personnel


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Duración (en horas): De 11 a 20 horas. Nivel educativo: Grado


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Astarloa's Discursos filosóficos is the most extensive and detailed apology of the Basque language as the first language of mankind. The text was finished in 1805 but the first edition was published in 1883. In this paper I attempt to sketch the main linguistic and philosophic ideas that could have an influence in Astarloa's thought. Then I deal with Astarloa's characterization of the first language, and the three principles he used to verify that Basque was that first language of human beings.


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Forma parte del dossier "Penser les banquets grec et romain, Entre représentations et pratiques". Actes de la table ronde Le banquet dans l'Antiquité 6 janvier 2007, Institut national d'histoire de l'art - Paris. Coordinado por Robin Nadeau


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Modernitatearen asmakuntza bat besterik ez da guk "lanak" bezala ezagutzen duguna. Lan hau ezagutzeko,burutzeko eta bakoitzaren bizitzaren muinean kokatzeko erabiltzen dugun modua asmatu izan zen; eta gero, industrialismoaren bidez orokortu egin zen


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En une génération, entre 1975 et 1995, le paysage du marché du travail auquel les jeunes font face a radicalement changé.


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2008ko abenduaren 13-14ean, Baionan Aldaketak, aldaerak, bariazioak euskaran eta euskal testugintzan Nazioarteko Mintegia-ren barruan aurkeztua.


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[EUS] Artikulu honek egun indar betean dagoen kezka eta diskurtsoa dakar orrialde hauetara. Kapituluak bi alde nabarmen ezberdin izango ditu. Hasteko, genero indarkeriaren inguruan eraikitako marko kontzeptuala landuko da. Etxeko indarkeria, genero indarkeria, familiako indarkeria, emakumearen kontrako indarkeria. Kontzeptu horietan generoaren erabilpena edo parte hartzea ikusiko da.Bigarren partean, alderdi literarioa landuko da, eta horrek bi atal izango ditu. Batetik, biolentzia nolabait modu mikroskopikoan ikusi ahal izateko, edota eszenifikatu ahal izateko, narratologiaz baliatuko gara. Pertsonaia protagonista femeninoak aztertuko dira. Horretarako, ahotsen kudeaketa ikusiko da, eta koadro aktantzialean indarkeria nola kudeatzen den irudikatuko da. Indarkeriaren kudeaketa pertsonaiengan, ez ezik, espazioetan ere nola kokatzen den ikusiko da. Bestetik, indarkeriaren alderdi semantikoa neurtu nahi izan da eta horretarako indarkeria sinbolikoaren sorrera neurtu da, hizkuntza sexista aztertuz


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Homenaje a Georges Laplace, realizado en Vitoria-Gasteiz el 13,14 y 15 de noviembre de 2012. Edición a cargo de Aitor Calvo, Aitor Sánchez, Maite García-Rojas y Mónica Alonso-Eguíluz.


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[EN]This paper presents a project within that research field. The project consists on the development of an experimental environment comprised by a sensorized practice manikin and a management software system. Manikin model allows the simulation of cardiac arrest episodes on laboratory settings. The management software system adds the capacity to compute and analyze the characteristics of the artifact induced on the electrocardiogram and the thoracic impedance signals by chest compressions during cardiopulmonary resuscitation due to variations of the electrode-skin interface. The main reason for choosing this kind of model is the impossibility to use real people because of the risk of thoracic injuries during chest compression. Moreover, this platform could be used for training in reanimation techniques for real situations. Even laypeople with minimal training can perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. This can reduce the response time to an emergency while the healthcare personnel arrives, which is key to improve outcomes, since with every minute the chances of survival decrease approximately 10%. It is not necessary to have medical knowledge to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which could increase chances of survival for a patient with an early reanimation since In this context, this paper details the technique solution for the manikin sensorisation to acquire the electrocardiogram, the impedance signal measured between the defibrillation pads placed on the patient’s chest, the compression depth, the compression force and the acceleration experienced by the chest in the three orthogonal axes. Moreover, it is possible to inject a previously recorded electrocardiogram signal.