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The Valsalva maneuver (VM) produces large and abrupt changes in mean arterial pressure (MAP) that challenge cerebral blood flow and oxygenation. We examined the effect of VM intensity on middle cerebral artery blood velocity (MCAv) and cortical oxygenation responses during (phases I-III) and following (phase IV) a VM. Healthy participants (n = 20 mean +/- SD: 27 +/- 7 years) completed 30 and 90% of their maximal VM mouth pressure for 10 s (order randomized) whilst standing. Beat-to-beat MCAv, cerebral oxygenation (NIRS) and MAP across the different phases of the VM are reported as the difference from standing baseline. There were significant interaction (phase * intensity) effects for MCAv, total oxygenation index (TOI) and MAP (all P < 0.01). MCAv decreased during phases II and III (P < 0.01), with the greatest decrease during phase III (-5 +/- 8 and -19 +/- 15 cm.s(-1) for 30 and 90% VM, respectively). This pattern was also evident in TOI (phase III: -1 +/- 1 and -5 +/- 4%, both P < 0.05). Phase IV increased MCAv (22 +/- 15 and 34 +/- 23 cm.s(-1)), MAP (15 +/- 14 and 24 +/- 17 mm Hg) and TOI (5 +/- 6 and 7 +/- 5%) relative to baseline (all P < 0.05). Cerebral autoregulation, indexed, as the % MCAv/%MAP ratio, showed a phase effect only (P < 0.001), with the least regulation during phase IV (2.4 +/- 3.0 and 3.2 +/- 2.9). These data illustrate that an intense VM profoundly affects cerebral hemodynamics, with a reactive hyperemia occurring during phase IV following modest ischemia during phases II and III.


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Background: Fentanyl is widely used off-label in NICU. Our aim was to investigate its cerebral, cardiovascular and pulmonary effects as well as pharmacokinetics in an experimental model for neonates. Methods: Fentanyl (5 mu g/kg bolus immediately followed by a 90 minute infusion of 3 mu g/kg/h) was administered to six mechanically ventilated newborn piglets. Cardiovascular, ventilation, pulmonary and oxygenation indexes as well as brain activity were monitored from T = 0 up to the end of experiments (T = 225-300 min). Also plasma samples for quantification of fentanyl were drawn. Results: A "reliable degree of sedation" was observed up to T = 210-240 min, consistent with the selected dosing regimen and the observed fentanyl plasma levels. Unlike cardiovascular parameters, which were unmodified except for an increasing trend in heart rate, some of the ventilation and oxygenation indexes as well as brain activity were significantly altered. The pulmonary and brain effects of fentanyl were mostly recovered from T = 210 min to the end of experiment. Conclusion: The newborn piglet was shown to be a suitable experimental model for studying fentanyl disposition as well as respiratory and cardiovascular effects in human neonates. Therefore, it could be extremely useful for further investigating the drug behaviour under pathophysiological conditions.


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Lan honen helburua, burmuineko oxigeno maila neurtzeko NIRS (Near Infrarred Spectroscopy) teknika ez-inbaditzaileaz baliatzen den sistema baten eraginkortasuna neurtzea da, pazientearen parametro fisiologikoak diren bihotz eta arnasketa maiztasunak neurtzerako orduan. Orain arte, pazientearen oxigenazioaren monitorizazioa gauzatzea beharrezkoa den egoeratan, atzamarreko oxigenazio maila neurtzea ahalbidetzen duen PPG (Photoplethysmogram) teknika erabili da. Emergentzia egoeratan, ordea, sistema kardiobaskularrak bizi irauteko nahitaezkoak diren organoei ematen die lehentasuna, garuna eta bihotzari, alegia. Bi organo hauek oxigeno jario jarraituaz hornituak direla egiaztatzeko, ezinbestekoa izango da burmuineko oxigenazio maila neurtzea eta berriki frogatu da NIRS teknikak esparru honetan etorkizun handiko emaitzak eskaini ditzakeela. Hau dela eta, azken urteotan, NIRS teknikak lekua hartu dio orain arte agertoki mediku gehienetan erabilitako PPG teknikari, gaur egun teknika hau aplikazio ugaritan erabiltzen hasia delarik, adibidez kirurgia kardiobaskularraren monitorizazioa edo anestesia orokorraren bitarteko monitorizazioa. NIRS teknikak, garuneko oxigenazio mailaz aparte, pazientearen beste hainbat parametro fisiologikoren neurketa ahalbidetuko balu (arnasketa eta bihotz maiztasuna), agertoki mediku asko erraztuko lituzke, gailu bakar batekin pazientearen bizi-konstante anitzen monitorizazio eramango baitzen aurrera. Tresna hau egingarria dela egiaztatzeko, lehenik eta behin, NIRS seinalea bizi-konstante hauen berri emateko gai dela balioetsi behar da eta hauxe da, hain zuzen, proiektu honen xede nagusia. Azken helburu hau lortzeko, hainbat azpi-helburu proposatzen dira hemen aurkeztuko den proiektuan: lehenik eta behin, NIRS seinaleak eta bizi konstante hauek era fidagarrian lortzea ahalbidetzen duten seinaleak biltegiratzen dituen datu base bat sortuko da. Datu base hau osatzeko, aurreko seinale guztiak aldi berean eskuratuko dituen neurketa sistema sinkrono bat sortzea ezinbestekoa izango da eta azkenik, NIRS seinaleen eraginkortasuna ebaluatzeko, seinaleen prozesaketan oinarritutako hainbat algoritmo garatuko dira.