6 resultados para Financial support FAPERJ and CNPq


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This project analyses the influence of the futures market on middle and low income countries. In it, I attempt to show that investments made by large investment funds in this market, as well as by certain pension plans, bring major consequences whose effects are more evident in less developed countries. The cornerstones of the work are as follows; to attempt to see the existing relationship between the commodity futures market and its underlying assets; analysing products such as wheat, rice and corn in-depth, because these are the most basic foodstuffs at a global level; to determine how an increase in trading in these markets can affect the lives of people in the poorest countries; to analyse investor concern regarding the consequences that their investments may have. Throughout the project we will see how large speculators use production forecasting models to determine the shortage of a commodity in order to take a position in the futures market to profit from it. In addition we will see how an increase in trading in this market causes an increase in the price of the underlying asset in the spot market. As for investor concern, I can say it is negligible, but the idea of running pension plans or investment funds that follow some social criteria has been welcomed by those interviewed, which makes me think that different legislation is possible. This legislation will only come into existence if it is demanded by the people. A fact that now becomes complicated because without a minimum financial basis, they cannot even know how the large investment funds trade with hunger in the world. The day when most people understand how large speculators profit from famine will be the day to put pressure on governments to begin to put limits on speculation. This makes financial awareness necessary in order to achieve a curb in excessive speculation.


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World Conference on Psychology and Sociology 2012


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Although blogs exist from the beginning of the Internet, their use has considerablybeen increased in the last decade. Nowadays, they are ready for being used bya broad range of people. From teenagers to multinationals, everyone can have aglobal communication space.Companies know blogs are a valuable publicity tool to share information withthe participants, and the importance of creating consumer communities aroundthem: participants come together to exchange ideas, review and recommend newproducts, and even support each other. Also, companies can use blogs for differentpurposes, such as a content management system to manage the content of websites,a bulletin board to support communication and document sharing in teams,an instrument in marketing to communicate with Internet users, or a KnowledgeManagement Tool. However, an increasing number of blog content do not findtheir source in the personal experiences of the writer. Thus, the information cancurrently be kept in the user¿s desktop documents, in the companies¿ catalogues,or in another blogs. Although the gap between blog and data source can be manuallytraversed in a manual coding, this is a cumbersome task that defeats the blog¿seasiness principle. Moreover, depending on the quantity of information and itscharacterisation (i.e., structured content, unstructured content, etc.), an automaticapproach can be more effective.Based on these observations, the aim of this dissertation is to assist blog publicationthrough annotation, model transformation and crossblogging techniques.These techniques have been implemented to give rise to Blogouse, Catablog, andBlogUnion. These tools strive to improve the publication process considering theaforementioned data sources.


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Español: A finales del 2007 muchas entidades financieras comenzaron a mostrar cifras negativas en sus balances y tras la quiebra de entidades de gran peso económico como el banco Lehman Brothers en Estados Unidos en septiembre del 2008, el mundo se ha visto envuelto en una crisis económica de la que parece no verse el final. Las entidades financieras tradicionales han centrado sus esfuerzos en obtener las mayores rentabilidades posibles, invirtiendo sus recursos en activos muy arriesgados, que si bien en un principio generaban beneficios muy elevados, a día de hoy han hecho quebrar muchas entidades a nivel mundial y han provocado la pérdida de los ahorros de muchos ciudadanos. Ajenas a esto se encuentran las entidades microfinancieras, que con un enfoque muy diferente al de la banca tradicional, se han centrado en proporcionar financiación a aquellos que dada su situación económica y falta de garantías no podían acudir al sector financiero tradicional. Tras realizar un análisis de los resultados de ambos modelos financieros desde 2006 hasta 2012, se ha podido comprobar como el sector microfinanciero presenta resultados más favorables y muestra una mayor prosperidad de cara al futuro. Por lo general, estas entidades mantienen niveles de solvencia más elevados y emplean todos sus recursos en proporcionar financiación a sus clientes. Finalmente, la solución a los problemas del sistema financiero tradicional se basa en un aumento de los niveles de capital de sus entidades, volviendo a un modelo de banca tradicional centrado en ofrecer financiación al público, con provisiones más liquidas y mayores garantías ante necesidades de liquidez como las retiradas masivas de depósitos recientemente sufridas.